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Fable is one of types of prose where the story uses animals as the players in it. There are many fable stories circulating in Indonesia. And usually fable stories always have wisdom and message good morals conveyed in it. Here is one of the fables you can tell your children:

Once upon a time, there lived a wolf family consisting of from mother wolf, father wolf, and their son, the Grey. Gray is a favorite child and always gets the full attention of his parents. But one day, the mother wolf gave birth to a female wolf named the White. At first Abu was happy to be a big brother, but over time he became annoyed.

He was upset because his new born sister got all the attention he had from his parents all this time. Gray feels unnoticed and loved by his parents. Until one day, Gray asked that his sister be removed from the stars in the sky.

In the morning, Abu wakes up late and immediately goes to the kitchen because he is hungry. He saw his parents sitting at the dining table and looked sad. He vaguely heard that they missed his brother and his sister was not home. Gray immediately remembered his request to the star last night. He was happy that his request was granted but also sad to see his parents sad because of his sister's absence at home.

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Gray returns to the room and cries regretting his request. He repeatedly prayed for his sister to be returned. Then suddenly mother came into the room and was surprised to see Abu crying. He asked why his son was crying. Gray told him everything.

Mother smiled and stroked Gray's head gently.

"White doesn't go away, kid. He's at grandma's house. Mom and Dad really miss your sister but this afternoon Putih will be home, really." Mother explained while pinching Grey's cheeks.

Gray was relieved and grateful. After his younger brother came home from his grandmother's house, Abu became more likely to spend his time playing with Putih, and his parents also became more fond of Abu.

That's story a short fable that has a moral message to love one another. There are many other articles related to inner essays languageIndonesia, among others are types of novels, new types of prose, the difference between tales and short stories, all kinds of fairy tales, examples of myths or myths, types of non-scientific essays, examples of short fables and their structures, short story example, example of forward plot, examples of short stories and novels in Indonesian, and stages in the storyline. May be useful. Thank you.

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