Classical Malay literature is old literature that was born from the old or traditional society. What is meant by old or traditional society is a society that is still simple and bound by customs and has not received influence from the Western world. Various types of works literature that were born in this era were mantras, rhymes, poetry, gurindam, and so on.

Characteristic features

Classical Malay literature has the following characteristics.

  • Anonymous. Most of the classical Malay literary works that developed in the community are not known by the name of the creator.
  • pralogical. The stories that are included in classical Malay literature are often colored by supernatural and nonsensical things.
  • Using classic Malay. Classical Malay literary works use a lot of classical Malay, such as: supposedly, once upon a time, sahibul saga, and so forth.
  • Palace centric. The events or events that are told in classical Malay literary works are mostly about palace life such as kings, princesses, princes, heroes, and other noble figures.
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  • Develop orally. Classical Malay literary works are widely disseminated oral or by word of mouth because there is no media the masses at the time.
  • Communal. The stories told in classical Malay literature are common property.
  • Less dynamic. Viewed from In contemporary society, changes that occur in classical Malay literature are very slow.
  • didactic. Of the various types of classical Malay literature, most of them are didactic or provide education to their readers, both moral and religious.
  • Symbolic. Events in various classical Malay literary works are presented in the form of symbols.
  • Traditional. Classical Malay literature is traditional or maintains local customs.
  • imitative. Classical Malay literature is imitative or imitates passed down from generation to generation.
  • Universal. In a sense, classical Malay literature applies anytime, anywhere, and for anyone. Usually this is related to the content message which is to be conveyed.


In addition to having special characteristics that distinguish it from literature, modern, classical Malay literary works are also formed by several intrinsic elements. These elements are generally found in literary works in the form of prose such as saga. As for intrinsic and extrinsic elements Classical Malay literature is as follows.

  • Theme This is the main story that forms the basis of storytelling.
  • Storyline or plot is a series of events or events arranged based on the law of cause and effect and logical. There are several types of flow, namely forward flow, backward flow, and mixed flow.
  • Characterizations is the characterization of the characters in the story.
  • Background refers to the time, place, and circumstances of the occurrence of an event.
  • Mandate refers to the messages to be conveyed to the reader.


Classical Malay literature consists of several types including mantras, hooked rhymes, talibuns, lightning rhymes, gurindams, poems, proverbs, riddles, fables, legends, and saga.

1. Spell

According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary, mantra is defined as an arrangement of words with elements of poetry (such as rhyme, rhythm) which considered to contain supernatural powers, usually spoken by a shaman or handler to compete with other supernatural powers.

2. Pantun

According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary, pantun is a form of poetry Indonesia (Malay), each stanza (couplet) usually consists of four lines that rhyme (a-b-a-b), each line usually consists of four words, the first line and the second line are usually for the pedestal (sampiran) only and the third and fourth lines are contents. There are types of poetry namely witty rhymes, friendship rhymes, romance, advice rhymes, and riddles. The following is example of a short poem quoted from the Ministry of Education and Culture's Home Learning page.

What is the use of people weaving
To make traditional clothes
What's the use of rhyming people
To give advice

3. Related rhymes or chain poem

According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary, hooked rhymes or chain rhymes are a series of rhymes that consecutively, for example the second and fourth lines of the first stanza appear again as the first and third lines of the stanza next. Related rhymes and examples in Indonesian quoted from the Ministry of Education and Culture's Home Learning page:

Mangosteen is called wood
The leaves fall apart
Malay King's Crown
Down from Seguntang Hill

The leaves fall apart
Ma'am's leaves are shredded
Down from Seguntang Hill
out of the sea

Pandan Island is far to the center
Three-branched Mount Daik
Destroyed body contained in the ground
Good buddies are remembered too

Three-branched Mount Daik
Looks far from the other side
Good buddies are remembered too
The solemn service is praised by people

4. Seloka

According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary, seloka is a type of poetry which contains teachings (satire and so on), usually consists of 4 lines that rhyme a-a-a-a, which contains sampiran and content. Examples of old poetry seloka four lines:

Have met love
Sitting cooped up night and day
Until the steps are not tenuous
The joints are shaking

5. Talibun

According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary, talibun is an old form of poetry in Indonesian (Malay) literature which has more than 4 lines, usually between 16-20, and have the same sound at the end of the line (there are also like pantun, with an even number of lines, such as 6, 8, or 12 line). An example of a talibun rhyme 6 lines :

If the child goes to Lepau
Yu buys mullet too buy
Buy long fish first
If the child goes abroad
Mother is looking for relatives too
Landlady look for it first

6. Karmina or lightning rhyme

According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary, karmina or lightning rhymes are two-strand rhymes, the first line being the sampiran. and the second line as a content in the form of satire with the formula rhyme a-a, for example, straight wood in the tares, many skinny buffalo bone. Karmina rhyme example :

Used to be sticky rice, now ketupat
Formerly a thug, now a teacher

7. Gurindam or rhyme proverb

According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary gurindam is a two-line rhyme that contains advice or advice (for example, choosing a friend is good, one or the other can be an opponent). The most famous example of Gurindam is Gurindam Twelve by Aja Aji Haji which consists of twelve chapters. The following is an excerpt from Gurindam Twelve Article 1:

Whoever does not hold religion
Never say the name
Whoever knows the four
So he is a ma'rifat person

8. Poetry

According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary, poetry is one of the types of old poetry which each stanza consists of four lines (lines) that end with the same sound. Characteristics of poetry the other is the number word per line is 4-6 words, each line consists of 8-12 tribe words, does not have a sampiran, and the content is in the form of a story. As for types of poetry Among them are religious poetry, figurative poetry, banner poetry, romantic poetry, and historical poetry. Examples of poetry for example Singapore Poem Eaten Firewhich is a historical poem.

9. Proverb

According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary, a proverb is a group of words or sentence which remains in order, usually symbolizes a certain meaning (in proverbs including thimbles, expressions, parables). Proverbs are also interpreted as expressions or concise sentences containing solid comparisons, parables, advice, principles of life or rules of behavior. One of collection of proverbs in Indonesian and their meanings are as follows:

  • There is sugar, there are ants. The meaning of the proverb is where there is much pleasure, there are many people who come.
  • Like the back of missing the moon. The meaning of the proverb is expecting something that is very difficult to realize.

10. Puzzles

According to Kosasih (2008: 16), puzzles are short stories that require answers as well as story questions. However, in puzzles the role of reason is often overlooked. What is important is the ability of the guesser to understand the figurative meaning or as stated in the story. Another characteristic is that in the preparation of puzzles one must pay attention to the beauty of the language. With characteristics like this, puzzles can be classified as a type of literature. Example of a puzzle:

From a young age in a green dress, he grew up in a red dress. Outside is heaven, inside is hell.

The answer to the puzzle above is chili.

11. Fable or story animal

According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary, fables are stories that describe the character and mind of humans whose actors are played by animals (containing moral education and character). Example of a short fable for example The deer.

12. Legend

According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary, legend is a folk tale in Indonesia era previously related to historical events. Broadly speaking, the origin story is divided into three types, namely the story of the origin of plants, the animal world, and the occurrence of a place. Example of a short legend for example Legend Swamp Dizziness.

13. Saga

Saga is one of the types of old prose in Indonesian literature. According to the Big Dictionary Language In Indonesia, saga is an old Malay literary work in the form of prose which contains fictional stories, laws, and genealogies. religious, historical, biographical, or a combination of these qualities, are read for solace, fighting spirit, or simply to liven up the party. Examples of Malay saga for example The saga of Hang Tuah, the saga of the Palembang war, and A Thousand and One Nights.

Thus a brief review of the characteristics and elements of classical Malay literature and examples. May be useful. Thank you.