20 Examples of Single and Compound Proposition Sentences in Indonesian

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Previously, we already knew a little bit about proposition, ranging from understanding, types, to forms. In this article, we will also discuss about propositions, where in this article we will find examples of sentences from types of single and compound propositions. According to the id.wikipedia.org page, a single proposition itself is a proposition consisting of one subject and one predicate. Meanwhile, a compound proposition is a proposition that consists of one subject and two predicates, or it can also consist of two single propositions. In order to better understand both of them, here are some examples of singular and compound propositional sentences in language Indonesia.

1. Single Proposition

  • All humans are living beings. (Subject: human, Predicate: living thing)
  • Humans are omnivores. Subject: human, Predicate: omnivore)
  • All living things will surely die. (Subject: living thing, Predicate: dead)
  • All living things need to eat. (Subject: living things, Predicate: eat)
  • Some girls like pink. (Subject: girl, Predicate: pink color)
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  • Some teenagers like Japanese comics. (Subject: teenager, Predicate: Japanese comic)
  • Some women do not like the color pink. (Subject: girl, Predicate: pink)
  • Every human being needs love. (Subject: human, Predicate: affection)
  • Jakarta is the capital city of the Republic of Indonesia. (Subject: Jakarta, Predicate: capital of the Republic of Indonesia)
  • Some plants cannot produce fruit. (Subject: plants, Predicate: fruits)

2. Compound Proposition

  • All humans are living beings and will inevitably die. (Subject: human, Predicate 1: living creature, Predicate 2: will surely die)
  • All humans need to eat and drink. (Subject: human, Predicate 1: eat, Predicate 2: drink)
  • Some teenagers like Japanese comics and cartoons. (Subjects: teenagers, Predicate 1: comics, Predicate 2: Japanese cartoons)
  • Jakarta is the capital of the Republic Indonesia and the provincial capital of DKI Jakarta. (Subject: Jakarta, Predicate 1: capital of the Republic of Indonesia, capital of the province of DKI Jakarta)
  • Every human being needs love and genuine care. (Subject: human, Predicate 1: affection, Predicate 2: sincere concern)
  • Jakarta is the capital of the Republic of Indonesia, while Paris is the capital of France. (Single Proposition 1: Jakarta is the capital of the Republic of Indonesia, Single Proposition 2: Paris is the capital of France)
  • Most of the girls like the color pink, while most of the guys like the color black. (Single Proposition 1: most women like pink, Single Proposition 2: most men like black)
  • Some animals cannot lay eggs, while some plants cannot produce fruit. (Single Proposition 1: some animals cannot lay eggs, Single Proposition 2: some plants cannot produce fruit)
  • Some students choose science majors, while others choose social studies majors. (Single Proposition 1: some students choose science majors, Single Proposition 2: others choose social studies majors)
  • Partially fresh graduate choose to work as office workers, while the rest choose to be entrepreneurs. (Single Proposition 1: part fresh graduate choose to work as an office worker, Single Proposition 2: the rest choose to be self-employed)

Here are some examples sentence singular and compound propositions in Indonesian. If the reader wants to add reference about sentences, readers can open articles sentence elements in Indonesian, the characteristics of sentences in Indonesian, basic sentence patterns and examples, types of sentences, types of sentences based on their structure, types of sentences based on their function, types of sentences based on the subject, and types of sentences based on their elements. Hopefully useful and able to add insight for all readers. That is all and thank you.

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