Correct Use of Question Marks and Exclamation Marks in Indonesian

Use of sentences in Bahasa Indonesia, it is common to use punctuation or conjunction. Among the various kinds of punctuation that exist, in this discussion we specifically explain the use of question marks and exclamation marks. The use of these two punctuation marks is closely related to everyday conversation and is associated in various forms of expression. The following is a discussion of the correct use of question marks and exclamation points in sentences.

Question mark

Question mark is one of the punctuation marks used in conversation or sentences as a marker of the end of a question. The question mark is used to complete the interrogative sentence with the symbol (?). Question marks are generally used for:

  • The end of a sentence ask.
  • The part of a sentence that is in doubt or has not been confirmed, where the question mark is used in brackets (?).

Sample Question Mark 

The following are examples of question marks used in sentences:

  1. What color was he wearing yesterday?
  2. What makes you always sad?
  3. instagram viewer
  4. What did you bring?
  5. What are the benefits of this dragon fruit, Doc?
  6. Are you going to work tomorrow at 6 am?
  7. What did Andika get after yesterday's congress meeting?
  8. Have you eaten?
  9. Where do you live now ?
  10. Where is this rose road located?
  11. Where did you put the glass?
  12. Where did Jihan get the syrup he brought earlier?
  13. Where did Sari make this shirt design?
  14. When will Borobudur Temple Tour reopen?
  15. When does the show start?
  16. When was Grandma hospitalized?
  17. When do you go to Malang?
  18. When did you open the bakery?
  19. When are you coming home from your music course?
  20. What are the names of your Uncle and Aunt?
  21. Who is sitting in front of you?
  22. What is the name of your new born sister?
  23. Who were you waiting for at the park yesterday?
  24. What is your mother's name ?
  25. Why are you late for class today?
  26. Why is Nandia's house on fire?
  27. Why was he holding his stomach earlier?
  28. Why does Hesti make a lot of pastries?
  29. Why does Sis Arin always wake up late?
  30. How was the meeting last night, Ziska?
  31. How did you get through that crossroads?
  32. How are your feet after the surgery?
  33. How to make a butterfly shape out of cardboard?
  34. How do we find our way home now?
  35. Andi donated 3 million rupiah (?)
  36. Cloudy sky means will rain (?)
  37. He suffered from the disease for 10 years (?)
  38. He has a savings of 1 billion (?)
  39. Renovation of his house cost 5 billion (?)
  40. The taxi driver found a bag of money in the trunk of his car (?)
  41. The money that was just withdrawn at the ATM, disappeared (?)

Exclamation mark

An exclamation mark is a punctuation mark used in a conversation or sentence as an expression or statement in the form of a command. An exclamation mark completes the end of the command sentence with the symbol (!). This exclamation mark is shown in the form of feelings of sincerity, distrust, strong emotions and voiced in a high tone.

Exclamation Mark Example

The following are examples of exclamation marks used in sentences:

  1. What a terrible event that was!
  2. Clean that room right now!
  3. Independent!
  4. Don't park there!
  5. Raise these buckets!
  6. Do not litter !
  7. Get the flowers in the corner of the room!
  8. Close that door!
  9. Let's go to school!
  10. Come to Andi's house this afternoon!
  11. You should be more polite, Nanda!
  12. Don't make Mom angry!
  13. Stop Drugs!
  14. Stay away from liquor!
  15. Don't park!
  16. Get out of this room, now!
  17. Wash all the plates and glasses of this visitor!
  18. How beautiful this painting is!
  19. Don't leave the house before Daddy comes home!
  20. Please understand! I don't want to be disturbed!

Other language articles

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  • example of interrogative sentence
  • kinds of suffixes
  • kinds of prefixes
  • characteristics of standard and non-standard words

That's a discussion about the correct use of question marks and exclamation marks in language Indonesia. May be useful.