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Double words are words that are repeated. Based on types of double words, this category is further divided into full double words, partial double words, and pseudo double words. Full double words or can also be said to be pure double words are repetitions word where the form of the word does not change at all. Here are some examples of full double words:

  1. There are many books good for sale in the shop.
  2. Flowers it was blooming beautifully along the shores of the lake.
  3. Joko saves shoes his futsal in the shoe closet neatly.
  4. Hadi has many balls which he collects from various countries.
  5. clothes He will donate Anita to those in need.
  6. Gentlemen Guys, let's start the show right now.
  7. Sisters sweetie, please sit down neatly so we can start the training immediately.
  8. Products Domestic quality is also able to compete with foreign branded products.
  9. Siti tidying up goods selling it so it doesn't look messy.
  10. Septian compose dolls sister scattered on the floor.
  11. Aunt Inur helped me finish questions math practice.
  12. Renita composes spoons on the invitation table.
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  14. hats he will sell his sister's collection at a low price because he is in need of money.
  15. Stones were scattered due to landslides that occurred yesterday afternoon.
  16. We help mom tidy up the threads that crumpled.
  17. Due to the storms that have occurred these past few days, many the trees which fell and fell on the house.
  18. Brother collects bottles plastic is to be recycled.
  19. People scattered as the earthquake shook the skyscraper.
  20. Every time he comes home from school, Amir helps his mother sell pastries it's around the village.
  21. Almost the entire population in village we harvest rice which has turned yellow in the fields.

This is an example of a full double word in sentence in languageIndonesia. Other articles related to types of words, among them examples of nouns in sentences, examples of words that contain consonants, examples of abstract nouns in Indonesian, example of derived adjective, types of pronouns, examples of concrete nouns in Indonesian, Example sentences using the word partially repeated and the characteristics of standard and non-standard words. May be useful. Thank you.

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