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Majas is a stylelanguage which equates one thing with another. Majas itself has many kinds, where one of them is all kinds of figure of speech it is a figure of speech symmetry. The figure of speech is a figure of speech that confirms a statement with a parable which has the same meaning as the statement. Symmetry figure of speech itself is included in various kinds of affirmation, other than alliteration figure of speech, anaclassic figure of speech, example of climax figure of speech, example of anticlimactic figure of speech, example of ellipsis figure of speech, example of exclamation figure of speech, and so forth.

To find out more about symmetrical figure of speech, here are some examples of symmetrical figure of speech in Indonesian!

  1. He ran so fast, as if being chased by the enemy.
  2. He just ignores me as if I was invisible in his eyes.
  3. His gaze was so sharp, like a freshly sharpened dagger.
  4. Doni eats so voraciously, as if he hadn't eaten for days.
  5. His eyes are so dark, like the atmosphere in the mountains.
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  7. Her smile is so bright, greedy lotus flower in the pond.
  8. His palms are so smooth, as smooth as a lump of cotton in one's hand.
  9. Her spirit is so fiery, as fire which is blazing.
  10. Her voice was so booming, like lightning striking in broad daylight.
  11. Her face is so gloomy, like the sky covered by black clouds.
  12. Her face is so cheerful, like the sun shining at the beginning of the day.
  13. The way is so slow, like a walking turtle.
  14. Her body is so tall, like a tall tree towering above.
  15. His insight is so broad, as wide as the world's oceans.
  16. His speech was so smooth, like a silk cloth.
  17. She dances so gracefully, as if his body was made from rubber.
  18. He so easily passes his opponents, as if his opponents were just statues to him.
  19. He was so seen playing football, as if football was a child's toy for him.
  20. It's so easy to do all the exam questions, as if the questions were a kindergartner in his eyes.
  21. She wept bitterly, like a child whose parents don't buy toys.
  22. He was so scared, as if he saw a supernatural being.
  23. He was in such a hurry to do his job, like someone being chased by something.
  24. He is so enthusiastic take part in the competition, as if a child was given a new toy.
  25. The queues were lined up neatly, like a troop of flag-raising marching.
  26. The child sleeps very soundly, like a very exhausted person.
  27. Her body is so skinny like a tree branch.
  28. He sings so sweetly, like a professional singer.
  29. The food is so delicious, as if the food was restaurant cooking.
  30. The sewing of the dress is very good. like the stitches of a professional seamstress.
  31. The child's painting is very good, like a painting by a professional painter.
  32. The children play ball very seriously, as if they were playing in a national championship.
  33. The child is so engrossed in the rain, as if he just saw like aa rain that.
  34. He ran so fast, like a tiger running.
  35. He laughed so loudly, as if there was no weight on his shoulders.
  36. Children running here and there, like a horse running wild.

Those are some examples of symmetrical figure of speech in Indonesian. Hopefully useful and able to add insight to all readers, both about figure of speech in particular, and language Indonesia in general. That is all and thank you.

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