25 Types of Word Meanings and Examples in Indonesian

Types of Word Meanings and Examples in IndonesianThe use of language to communicate cannot be separated from everyday human life. The units of language include words, phrases, and sentences. Words often have different meanings, depending on the context in which they are used and the sentences that follow their use.

Understanding the Meaning of the Word (Semantics)

As we know, 'word' is the smallest unit in language that has meaning or meaning. The term 'word' in the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI) is a spoken or written language which is a manifestation of the unity of feelings and thoughts that can be used in language. Mansoer Pateda (2001) argues that the term meaning is confusing words and terms. To study the meaning of words, there is a special study in linguistics, namely the study of semantics. The study of word meaning according to semantic classification is a branch of linguistics that specifically examines and examine the meaning of the word, the origin of the word, the development of the use of the word, and the causes of change word meaning. Abdul Chaer (1994) and J.W.M Verhaar (1996) expressed a similar opinion about the notion of semantics, namely the branch of linguistic studies that discusses meaning or meaning.

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Types of Word Meaning

The use of various words in everyday life gives rise to various meanings of words seen from different perspectives. The types of word meanings that are generally well known in the community include: connotative meaning, denotative meaning, lexical meaning, grammatical meaning, contextual meaning, and so on. There is no definite classification about the types of meanings of words. Various experts in the world have expressed their opinions regarding the classification of the meaning of words, some of which are Abdul Chaer, Geoffrey Leech, and Dr. Muhammad Mukhtar Umar.

Types of Meaning of Words according to Abdul Chaer

Abdul Chaer classifies the meaning of words into 13 types, which include: lexical meaning, grammatical meaning, contextual meaning, referential meaning, non-referential meaning, denotative meaning, connotative meaning, conceptual meaning, associative meaning, word meaning, term meaning, idiom meaning, and meaning proverb.

  1. Lexical Meaning

Lexical meaning can also be called the real meaning. Lexical meaning is a meaning that is in accordance with the results observation senses that humans have, so that the meaning created is the true meaning, what? exists, and is contained in the dictionary (the meaning in the dictionary is often referred to as the basic meaning or meaning). concrete). This meaning is fixed and definite because it follows the existing dictionary. The dictionary that is used as a reference in Indonesian is the Big Indonesian Dictionary. For example, the lexeme 'horse' is a kind of four-legged animal that is used as a means of transportation or 'water' means a kind of liquid that is usually used for daily needs.

Another example of lexical meaning:

  • Eating: (in KBBI) – putting staple food into the mouth and chewing and swallowing it; other meanings – use, need, or spend (time, cost, etc.).
  • Running: (in KBBI) – walking at high speed; other meanings – lost or silent; other meanings – go (out) not in a good way (illegitimate), run away.
  • Sleep: (in KBBI) – in a state of stopping (relaxing) the body and consciousness (usually by closing the eyes).
  • Table: (in KBBI) – home utensil (furniture) that has a flat area as a table top and legs as a support (various shapes and uses).
  • Child: (in KBBI) – second descendant; another meaning – a small human being; small animals; another meaning – a person who comes from or was born in (a country, region and so on).
  • Teach: (in KBBI) – instructions given to people to be known (to be followed)
  • Fruit: (in KBBI) – the part of a plant that comes from a flower or pitik (usually with seeds).
  • Bathing: (in KBBI) – cleansing the body with water and soap (by sprinkling, immersing oneself in water and so on).
  • Drowning: (in KBBI) – sinking into the water; another meaning – shipwreck (of a boat or ship).
  1. Grammatical Meaning

As the name implies, grammatical meaning is the meaning that arises as a result of a grammatical process or grammatical process. The grammatical processes include: the composition process, the reduplication process, the affixation process, and the composition or sentenceization process. For example, the application process of the prefix (prefix) on the word 'clothes', becomes 'clothed', giving birth to the grammatical meaning of 'wearing or wearing clothes'. Then the word 'riding' has a grammatical meaning of riding a horse. Another example in the process of composition of the basic words 'sate' and 'lontong', into the word 'sate lontong,' gives rise to the grammatical meaning of 'sate mixed with lontong'.

  1. Contextual Meaning

Contextual meaning is the meaning of a word or lexeme that appears based on a certain context. For example, the context meaning of the word 'head' will be different between the phrase 'head grandmother' and 'head' letter', as well as 'principal', or 'head of the needle', and so on. Another example, for example in the sentence 'three times four how much?', when asked to school students basic, then the sentence has the meaning of asking the result of mathematical multiplication between the numbers three and four. Meanwhile, if the question is posed to the photographer, then the sentence has a contextual meaning of asking the price of a photo print measuring three by four centimeters.

  1. Referential Meaning

Referential meaning has meaning, that is, the one who has reference or reference in the real world. For example, the word 'I', in the sentence ("Earlier I met Ani", Anwar said to Budi) the meaning of the word 'I' refers to Ani, while in the sentence ("I want to meet her", said Budi) the meaning of the word 'I' refers to on Buddha.

  1. Non-referential Meaning

Non-referential meaning is the opposite of referential meaning. Non-referential meaning is the meaning of a word that has no reference in the real world. For example the words 'and', 'or', 'because', 'then', 'cause', 'if'. These words do not have a clear reference.

  1. Denotative Meaning

The denotative meaning as we know it is the original meaning, the original meaning, or the actual meaning that a word has and has no other hidden meaning in it. Similar to lexical meaning, denotative meaning refers to the meaning found in dictionaries or other language literature. For example, the word 'flower' has a denotative meaning of flower plants that grow in the garden.

Another example of denotative meaning:

(1) Brush: (in KBBI) – cleanser made from bristles (fijuk, fibers, etc.) with a base and hold (various shapes).

  • The brand X toothbrush is claimed by the manufacturer as the toothbrush recommended by four out of five dentists in the world.
  • The rendang stains on my clothes are difficult to remove even though I have soaked it overnight and I brushed it many times.

(2) Broom: (in KBBI) – household utensils made from fibers (sticks, coir, etc.) tied into bundles, given short or long stems to clean dust, garbage and etc.

  • Every morning and evening, he regularly sweeps his yard.
  • The broom that Dita bought at the market turned out to be of poor quality, the proof was that it had only been used for a few hours and the fibers had fallen off everywhere.
  • Broomsticks only exist in fairy tales, such as Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling.
  1. Connotative Meaning

The connotative meaning is the opposite from denotative meaning. Connotative meaning is another meaning added to a word that relates to the value of a person or group that uses the word. For example, the words 'thin', 'slender', and 'thin' are synonymous words. The word 'thin' refers to the state of a person's body that is smaller than normal. The word 'slim' which is synonymous with the word 'thin' has a positive connotation, namely a pleasant value, or in other words, people will be happy when it is said to be slim. While the word 'kerempeng' is a synonym for the word 'skinny' which has a negative connotative meaning, or people will feel unhappy or uncomfortable if they are said to be thin. Another example of the word 'flower' which means a beautiful plant will have the same meaning as the word 'flower' in the phrase 'flower of the village' which means the most beautiful girl or who is the target of youth in something village.

Another example of connotative meaning:

  • The song 'Fall of Flowers' was created to honor and remember the services of the nation flower who died in the field (Meaning: The song 'Fall Flowers' was created to honor and commemorate services heroes who died on the battlefield.)
  • She is right hand the leader of the organization, so that his ability does not need to be doubted. (Meaning: He is right-hand man leader organization, so that his ability can not be doubted.)
  • High School 3 Jayakarsa clean sweep all gold medals in this year's National Science Olympiad (OSN) (Meaning: SMA 3 Jayakarsa win all gold medals at this year's National Science Olympiad (OSN).)
  • Ari cold sweat waiting for his job interview turn this afternoon. (Meaning: Ari is nervously waiting for his turn for his job interview this afternoon.)
  • That fox caught when it will eat chicken eggs belonging to residents. (That fox caught right away when it will eat the eggs of the residents' chickens.)
  1. Conceptual Meaning

Conceptual meaning is the meaning possessed by a word regardless of context or any association. In other words, conceptual meaning is the meaning contained in a stand-alone word. For example, the word 'rice field' means a field or a place to grow rice.

  1. Associative Meaning

Associative meaning is the meaning of a word that arises because of the relationship of the word to other things outside language. For example, the word 'black' is associated with something evil or negative. Likewise with the word 'white' which is associated with things that are sacred, truth, or goodness.

  1. Word Meaning

The meaning of the word is a general meaning, rough description, and unclear. This meaning describes some words as words that have the same or common meaning. For example, in the sentences 'sprained his hand because he fell' and 'splashed his arm because he fell', in the sentence In the sentence the words 'heel' and 'foot' have the same meaning or in other terms these words kata synonymous.

  1. Meaning of Terms

The meaning of the term is the opposite of the meaning of the word. The meaning of the term is clear, does not doubt, and is only used in a certain scientific field or activity. For example, the words 'arm' and 'hand' in medical science are two different parts of the anatomy of the body. The term 'arm' refers to the body part from the elbow to the base of the shoulder, while the term 'hand' refers to the body part from the fingers to the elbow.

  1. Idiom Meaning

Idiomatic meaning or idiomatic meaning is the meaning of words contained in certain word groups, where the meaning formed is different from the original meaning of the word. The origin of the appearance of the meaning of the word or phrase is unknown. Understanding the meaning of idioms is almost similar to the meaning of connotations. For example, the phrase 'light-handed' does not mean that the hand must have a light weight, but the use of the phrase refers to the nature of 'helping'.

  1. Meaning of Proverb

The meaning of proverbs has a similar meaning to the meaning of idioms, namely the meanings that arise due to the formation of certain phrases or groups of words. The difference with the meaning of idioms, the meaning of proverbs has origins that can still be traced. An example of the meaning of the proverb is found in the sentence 'two people are like a dog and a cat', 'the phrase dog and cat' has meaning 'never get along', this meaning is still associated that cats and dogs in fact always fight when meet. Another example of the phrase 'as wide as a Moringa leaf', the phrase means narrow or small, this meaning is associated with the fact that Moringa leaves are small leaves.

Types of Word Meanings according to Goeffrey Leech

Geoffrey Leech classifies the meaning of words into seven types, which include: connotative meaning, stylistic meaning, affective meaning, reflection meaning, collocative meaning, conceptual meaning, and thematic meaning.

  1. Connotative Meaning

As previously explained, connotative meaning is another meaning added to a word that relates to the value of a person or group that uses the word that. For example, in the words 'women' and 'women', in society the use of the word 'women' has a positive connotation, while the word 'women' has a negative connotation.

  1. Stylistic Meaning

The stylistic meaning is the meaning that arises because of the style of word choice in relation to social differences (strata) and fields of activity in society. For example, the use of the words 'house', 'cottage', 'vila', 'palace', 'hut', 'residence', and 'residency'. These words generally have the meaning of human habitation, but the word 'palace' its use is for the residence of kings and queens, the word 'vila' is used for residence tempat during the holidays. 'hut' is used for 'simple residence', and so on. The different uses of these words give rise to different meanings.

  1. Affective Meaning

Affective meaning is the meaning that relates to the speaker's feelings towards the interlocutor or the object being discussed. Affective meaning will be more visible the difference with other meanings when used interchangeably oral. For example, the sentences 'please calm down' and 'shut your mouth' have message the same thing, namely asking someone to be quiet. However, the sentence 'please calm down' has a meaning that sounds subtle, while the sentence 'shut your mouth' has a meaning in a harsher context.

  1. Meaning of Reflection

The meaning of reflection is the meaning that appears when the speaker responds to what he sees. The meaning of reflection will be more expressive when used orally, examples of the meaning of reflection such as: ouch, wah, oh, gosh, ah, yah.

  1. Collocative Meaning

Collocative meaning is the meaning that arises in synonymous words, but the use of each of these synonymous words has certain characteristics. For example, the words 'handsome' and 'beautiful' have the same meaning, namely having a beautiful appearance or being admired. However, the word 'handsome' is synonymous with men, while the word 'beautiful' is synonymous with women.

  1. Conceptual Meaning

As mentioned earlier, conceptual meaning is the meaning possessed by a word regardless of context or any association. In other words, conceptual meaning is the meaning contained in a stand-alone word. For example, the word 'horse' means a four-legged mammal that is used as a mode of transportation transportation.

  1. Thematic Meaning

Thematic meaning is the meaning conveyed according to the way it is told or the way the message is arranged, which includes sequence, focus, and emphasis. The communicative value is also influenced by the use of active and passive sentences. For example, the sentence 'What subject is Mr. Anang taught?' is an interrogative sentence that emphasizes the object. While the sentence 'Who teaches Indonesian language courses?' is a sentence questions that emphasize the subject.

Types of Word Meanings according to Dr. Muhammad Mukhtar Umar

Dr. Muhammad Mukhtar Umar classified the meaning of words into five types, which include: basic meaning or basic meaning, additional meaning, meaning of language style (style), the meaning of nafsi or objective meaning, and the meaning of ihaa'i.

  1. Basic Meaning or Basic Meaning

The basic meaning or basic meaning is often referred to as the initial meaning or main meaning. The basic meaning is the main meaning of a word. For example, the word 'woman' has the basic meaning of 'human, not male, and mature'.

  1. Additional Meaning

Additional meaning is a meaning that arises outside the basic meaning. For example on word 'woman' has the additional meaning of 'a creature who is soft in feelings, unstable in spirit, and emotional' or it can also be interpreted as 'a creature who is good at cooking and likes to dress up'

  1. Meaning of Language Style (Style)

Mean style language is the meaning that arises from using the language. The use of language includes the use of language to literature, the use of official language, social language and so on. For example in English, the use of the word 'Dad' is used for an affectionate call from a child to his father, while 'father' used as a respectful and polite call to his father, so that even though it is synonymous the word 'dad' seems more intimate than the word 'father', if in Indonesian the use of the words 'dad' and 'father' has the same context as the use of the words 'father' and 'father'.

  1. Nafsi Meaning or Objective Meaning

The meaning of nafs or objective meaning is the meaning that arises because of differences in lafadz. This meaning refers to words in languages ​​that have different pronunciations, such as Arabic and Chinese, where differences in the pronunciation of a word affect the meaning that arises.

  1. Meaning of Ihaa'i

The meaning of Ihaa'I is a meaning related to the point of view of its use. In summary, the meanings included in the meaning of ihaa'I include: contextual meaning, figurative meaning or proverb meaning, and so on.

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So many articles that review the types of word meanings and examples in English Indonesia. I hope this article is useful