The Difference Between Dense and Mixed Compound Sentences in Indonesian

Discussion of the differences between types of compound sentences already featured in several articles ago. These articles include: the difference between equivalent and multilevel compound sentences, as well as the difference between compound and compound sentences. This article will also discuss the differences between compound sentences where the two compound sentences discussed the difference are dense compound sentences and mixed compound sentences. The discussion about the difference between the two itself is as follows!

1. The Forming Elements

The location of the difference between the first compound and mixed sentences is in the constituent elements. In terms of uni, a compound sentence is a sentence that is formed from two sentences that are combined because they have the same elements in the sentence languageIndonesia, such as subject, predicate, and object.

On the other hand, a mixed compound sentence is a compound sentence consisting of three sentences, one of which is the parent

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sentence and the other two are clauses. Even so, the elements of a mixed compound sentence can consist of two main clauses and one subordinate clause.

To find out more about the shape of the elements that make up the two compound sentences, here are some examples of compound and mixed sentences which are shown below!

Example of Compound Sentences

  • Yudha love the egg crust dish. (single sentence1)
    Yudha don't like petai. (single sentence 2)
    Yudha likes the egg crust dish and doesn't like the petai. (compound sentence)
    • In this sentence, there is wordYudha which is the subject of two single sentences which are formed into dense compound sentences. The subject is the forming element of the compound sentence above.

Examples of Mixed Compound Sentences

  • I do schoolwork. (main clause)
    My sister reads comics. (clause)
    My father watches television broadcasts. (clause)
    I do schoolwork, while my sister reads comics and my father watches television. (mixed compound sentence)
    • The mixed compound sentence above is a mixed compound sentence consisting of one main clause and two subordinate clauses.
  • Rain down swiftly. (clause)
    I'm reading a novel. (main clause)
    My sister was fast asleep in her room. (main clause)
    When it rained heavily, I was reading a novel and my sister was fast asleep in her room. (mixed compound sentence)
    • The compound sentence above is a mixed compound sentence whose constituent elements consist of two main sentences and one subordinate clause.

2. Types

The location of the difference that exists between dense and mixed compound sentences is in the types. From In this respect, dense compound sentences are superior to mixed compound sentences because they have a greater number of types. As for types of compound sentences itself consists of: compound sentences with subject, predicate, and object density. On the other hand, mixed compound sentences are of only two types, where types of compound sentences It consists of a compound sentence with one main and two clauses, and a compound sentence with two main clauses and one clause.

From the explanation above, it can be concluded that the difference between dense and mixed compound sentences consists of two things, namely the constituent elements, as well as the types. The difference is caused because the two compound sentences have their own characteristics.

That's the discussion of this article. Hopefully useful and able to add insight for all readers. Thank you.