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As we have seen, there are various types of affixes or types of affixes in language Indonesia. One of them is the affix ter-. There are many the meaning of the suffix ter- and its examples in the sentence what we have learned and this time we will discuss examples of ter- affix sentences which mean perpetrators. The following are some examples of claims with the suffix ter- which means perpetrator:

  1. Mr. Sadikin is suspect the main role in the corruption case in the procurement of computer inventory in the company that my father leads.
  2. Some suspect Those who fled were terrorists who were being sought by the police.
  3. The man with the thick mustache and the fierce look is defendant who will undergo a trial for a divorce case due to domestic violence today.
  4. That old granny is defendant in the case of a dispute over the house he lives in.
  5. The middle-aged man who had curly hair became convict in the murder case of a rich family in the next village.
  6. Even though the act was done unintentionally, it is still a convict who must serve the sentence.
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  8. Ahsan's mother's current status is still defendant in cases of fraud and embezzlement of public money village Bojonegoro.
  9. Unexpected defendant in the case of a fraudulent investment it turns out to be a state official.

Those are some examples of sentences with the affix ter which means actor in Indonesian. To increase your knowledge about sentence which uses affixes in the language Indonesia, you can also read the article example sentence affix ter- which means unintentional action, example sentence affix ter- which means level, example sentence affix ter- which means can, example sentence affix ter- which means a condition, the meaning of the affix ber- and its examples in sentences, the meaning of the suffix se- and its examples in the sentence, meaning of suffix, absorption affixes and examples in sentences, examples of affixed words in sentences, examples of the affix mem-i in a sentence, example of the suffix ter- which expresses the superlative, example of affixed sentence se- which states most, example of the affix se- which means one, and examples of affixed words in sentences. May be useful. Thank you.

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