Nouns or nouns are words that indicate an object, whether it is abstract or concrete. In Indonesian, the noun itself consists of several types if it is based on the process of forming a noun, namely the basic noun which are words that show the identity of an object concretely, thus making the words unable to be deciphered into a different form different. While word Derivative nouns are types of nouns that are formed due to the affixation of a word with other words.

Definition of Noun

Nouns have different meanings proposed by some linguists Indonesia, including:

  • According to Ibn Hajar S.Pd: Nouns are words that refer to humans, objects or concepts and understanding. In the sentence which has a verb predicate, a noun has a function as a subject, complement or complement. Nouns also cannot be changed as a form of no, but with the word not.
  • According to Prof. Dr. Ida Bagus M, Pd: A noun is the name of a person, thing or place, which if based on category syntactically, nouns do not have the potential to be combined with the particle no, but can be prefixed with particle. This noun includes pronouns as well as numerals.
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  • According to Gorys Keraf: Nouns are all words that can be explained or expanded with adjectives such as a good father. In addition, all words also contain bound morphemes ke-an, pe-an, pe-, -en and ke-. Examples are drinks, humanity, whistleblowers, developments.

Characteristics of Nouns

There are several characteristics that can be seen from a noun, namely:

  • Can be expanded with the word [yang + adjective]. For example, a nice car, beautiful flowers, hot water.
  • Denied by the word no. For example, not the table, not you, not the house and so on.
  • Position in the sentence as subject [S] and object [O]. For example, Cika buys a pencil [Cika as the subject, the pencil becomes the object.

Types of Nouns

1. Types of Nouns from the Forming Process

From the formation process, types of nouns consist from There are 2 different types, namely basic nouns and derived nouns.

1.1. Basic Noun

Basic nouns or basic nouns are words that concretely show identity an object so that the word can no longer be described into other forms. For example television, table, clothes and so on. Example in a sentence:

  • Our family is relaxing watching television.
  • Table learning sister looks outdated.
  • Mother washing clothes.

1.2. Derivative Noun

Derived nouns are the formation of nouns due to the process of affixing one word to another. While the formation process itself also consists of several forms, namely:

  • Verb + (-an): cooking, food, drink. Examples of noun derivatives Verb + (-an) in a sentence:
    1. Cook served in the restaurant was very tasty. (Cooking is a noun that undergoes an affixation process so that it becomes a derived noun of cuisine).
    2. Sita buys drink cold in the shop next door. (Drinking is a noun that undergoes an affixation process so that it becomes a drink-derived noun).
    3. Rudi always brings food from home for school supplies. (Eat is a noun that undergoes an affixation process so that it becomes a food-derived noun).
  • (Pe-) + Verb : sculptor, thief, racer. Examples of derived nouns (Pe-) + Verbs in sentences:
    1. Thief it was finally caught after doing the stunt. (Curi is a noun that undergoes an affixation process by adding the prefix -pe so that it becomes a noun derived from thief).
    2. racer illegal motorbikes are disciplined by officers because they interfere with traffic. (Racing is a noun that undergoes an affixation process and gets the prefix -pe so that it becomes a racer derivative noun).
    3. Sculptor in my village managed to sell his art at a high price. (Chisel is a noun that undergoes an affixation process and gets the prefix -pe so that it becomes a sculptor derivative noun).
  • (Pe-) + Adjective : eater, dancer, grumpy. Examples of derived nouns (Pe-) + Adjectives in sentences:
    1. The tiger is one of the animals eater meat. (The word eater becomes a derived noun because it gets the prefix pe-).
    2. Ani is a dancer Reliable Bali. (Dancer becomes a derived noun because it gets the prefix pe-).
    3. Haris has turned into a person who grumpy after his parents died. (Grumpy becomes a derived noun because it gets the prefix pe-).
  • (Pe-) + noun + (-an): marriage, shopping, hills. Examples of derived nouns Pe-) + noun + (-an) in a sentence:
    1. marriedn the two couples became the most festive party of the year. (Marriage is a noun that undergoes an affixation process and gets a prefix and an suffix -an so that it becomes a derived noun).
    2. Mom went to the center shopping for household needs. (Shopping is a noun that undergoes an affixation process and gets a pe- prefix and an -an suffix so that it becomes a derivative noun).
    3. Behind my house there is hills very beautiful little. (Bukit is a noun that undergoes an affixation process and gets a prefix and a suffix -an so that it becomes a derived noun).

2. Types of Nouns According to Form

The types of nouns according to their form are also divided into 2 types, namely:

2.1. Concrete Noun

A concrete noun is an object whose form is clearly visible and can be captured by the five senses. Examples: cars, bicycles, spoons, blankets, paper and so on. Example in a sentence:

  • Dad goes to the office using car. (Car is a noun with a clear form and can be touched/touched by the five senses).
  • Me and my sister always play bike in the afternoon. (Bicycle is a noun with a clear form and can be grasped by the senses).
  • It's very cold tonight, so I'm sleeping using blanket. (Blanket is a noun with a clear form and can be touched by the senses).

2.2. Abstract Noun

Abstract nouns are objects whose forms are invisible and cannot be perceived by the senses, but whose existence is real. Example: solution, gas, joy, sadness and so on. Example in a sentence:

  • Solution what he gives is always a good decision for the company. (Solution is a noun whose form cannot be grasped or touched by the senses).
  • From the warehouse, there was a smell gas very pungent. (Gas is a noun whose form cannot be touched by the senses.)
  • Excitement includes Ani's family because of the arrival of relatives from their hometown. (Joy is a noun whose form cannot be grasped by the senses.)

3. Nouns

In addition to the 2 types of nouns above, there are other types of nouns, namely nouns. The noun word is a word that is not actually composed of the original noun, but is considered a noun because it is added with an affix. Example: Chastity, power, painter and so on. Example in a sentence:

  • The chastity of a woman must always be maintained until she gets married later. (Chastity is a noun which is not a real noun but is considered a noun because it has an affix).
  • The strength of the boxer managed to make his opponent lose. (Strength is a noun which is not a real noun but is considered a noun because it has an affix).
  • The work of the painter from Central Java has succeeded in making Indonesia proud in foreign countries. (Painter is a noun which is not a real noun but is considered a noun because it gets an affix).

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The discussion above concludes that a noun is a word that refers to the shape of an object and objects These can be concrete or abstract and are also distinguished by their types, namely basic nouns and nouns derivative.

Thus the discussion of examples of nouns in sentences language Indonesia. May be useful.