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Example Paragraph Mix of Environment in Indonesian – Mixed paragraph is a paragraph that has two main sentences. This paragraph belongs to types of paragraphs based on the position of the sentence. There are already several examples of this paragraph with specific themes, such as example of mixed paragraph about sports and example of mixed paragraph about economics. This article will also present examples of mixed paragraphs with a special theme, namely about the environment.

For clarity, here are some examples of mixed paragraphs about the indoor environment language Indonesia.

Example 1:

Plastic waste is one of the waste that pollutes the sea surface. This is proven from some sources say that 90% of the garbage that pollutes the sea surface is plastic waste. This resulted in the death of a number of seabirds and marine mammals.Therefore, the use of plastic must be reduced so as not to increase the amount of plastic waste that will pollute the sea surface.

In the example paragraph above, there are two sentences in bold. Both are main sentences which both have

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word certain keys, namely: plastic waste, and sea ​​level. The function of the main sentence at the beginning of the paragraph is as the main idea which is then developed by the explanatory sentence. Meanwhile, the second main sentence serves as a conclusion and closing for the paragraph.

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Example 2:

Used batteries are one of the trash material Dangerous and Toxic (B3) which should not be thrown in the trash. This is due to the presence of mercury, manganese, lead, lithium, cadmium, and nickel in a used battery. If it gets into the ground or water, it is certain that both will experience pollution. Therefore, used batteries should be handed over to a used battery collector.

SentenceThe sentences printed in the paragraph above are the main sentences that have the same keywords, namely: battery. These two main sentences have their respective functions. The first sentence is the main idea of ​​the paragraph. This idea is then developed by the explanatory sentence. After being explained, this paragraph is then closed with the conclusions contained in the second main sentence.

Example 3:

Expired medicines should not be thrown in the trash. This is because these drugs contain chemicals that can cause environmental pollution. In addition, the drugs that are thrown into the trash can also be misused by irresponsible parties. That is why expired medicines should be handed over to a pharmacy or hospital for destruction.

The two sentences in bold above are the main sentences. Both have the same keywords, namely: drugs and expired. The main sentence at the beginning of the paragraph acts as the main idea followed by an explanatory sentence. While the last main sentence is the conclusion of the paragraph above.

Example 4:

Waste haircuts should not be directly thrown into the trash. Therefore, the waste can be used as material for compost. Hair waste is very suitable for composting because waste it contains substance high nitrogen. It can be concluded, that haircut waste can actually be recycled into more useful goods.

The sentences in bold in example 4 are the main sentences that have the same keywords, namely: haircut waste. The main sentence at the beginning of the paragraph serves as the main idea, while the last main sentence serves as the conclusion of the paragraph.

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Thus, 4 examples of mixed paragraphs about the environment in English have been presented Indonesia. May be useful.

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