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Types of affixes in languageIndonesia diverse. As example sentences with affixed with kan, examples of affixes in-kan, example of affix is ​​corrected, example of suffix per-i, and many more. To complete the article about affixes, this time we will give some examples of affixes with ber-an in sentences, namely:

  1. Everyone who came to the party in pairs.
  2. We pass by with Mr. RT in the middle of the road while going to the market.
  3. The two fallen lovebirds love that hand in hand hands on the beach.
  4. Children running around out of class when the recess bell rings.
  5. Those two cars collide because the driver was drunk.
  6. The two camps are mutually hostile since a long time ago.
  7. The girl's tears pouring out after hearing the news of her fiancé's death.
  8. birds fly after being kicked out by my father.
  9. We are each other shake hands during Eid al-Fitr.
  10. They are each other cuddle because happy to have graduated this year.
  11. We do class picket take turns one another.
  12. They walked in and out of the audition room take turns.
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  14. Monkeys in the zoo each other replied one another.
  15. Ijal's birthday coincide with Kartini day.
  16. Adi and Nita with each other staring each other at dinner.
  17. Mr. Somat mango fruit falling so many have ripened.
  18. Lots of cookie crumbs scattered on the floor because act sister who eats while playing.
  19. The nature of his sister who likes to leave the house opposite with her homely sister.
  20. Many fortune tellers popping up on television if it's the end of the year.
  21. The punishment that Mr. Adit gave to his son was too exaggerated.
  22. This cake is so delicious covered melted chocolate and imported cheese.

Those are some examples word grow deep sentence Indonesian. Other articles that readers can study include example of the affix to make in a sentence, kinds of affixes, various prefixes, the meaning of affixes and examples in sentences, the meaning of the affix se, the meaning of the absorption suffix ism, ization, logi, or, the meaning of the suffix per, the meaning of the affix in, the meaning of the affix to, the meaning of the affix, the meaning of the affix me, the meaning of the suffix pen-n, the meaning of the affix tar and its examples in sentences, the meaning of the suffix ber and example sentences, and the meaning of the suffix se- and its examples in the sentence. May be useful. Thank you.

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