If previously we have discussed parallelism figure of speech, this time we will discuss about euphemism figure of speech and examples in sentence. From kinds of figure of speech, this euphemism figure of speech is included in one of the categories of comparative figure of speech. For clarity, the following is a description of the figure of speech euphemism and its examples and meanings.

Definition of Euphemism

According to his review, euphemism comes from fromlanguage The Greek is 'euphemizein' which means 'good words'. Euphemistic figure of speech is a figure of speech that expresses subtle expressions by replacing expressions that are felt harsh with word better words as a form of more polite attitude. Euphemistic figure of speech is usually used in interaction with an older or more respected person to give the impression of being polite.

Examples of Euphemisms Maj

Below are examples of sentences containing euphemisms:

  1. After graduating from high school, Nani became a waitress at the grilled chicken restaurant. (Waitress = restaurant waiter).
  2. instagram viewer
  3. Blind people have the same rights as other people. (blind = blind).
  4. If you are lazy to try and work, you can become homeless. (Homeless = tramp).
  5. The father of the Guru has passed away to the Divine. (died = died).
  6. Excuse me, I'm allowed to go to the restroom ma'am. (washroom = WC).
  7. The doctor was relieved of duty because he had performed malpractice surgery on his patient. (discharge = fired).
  8. Didi has been deaf since childhood. (speech mute = mute).
  9. Pregnant women must take care of the food they eat so that their baby does not become physically disabled. ( physically disabled = physically handicapped ) .
  10. Tuan Raja is looking for a maid to keep his big house clean. (housekeeper = housemaid).
  11. The old grandmother often went to the restroom. (washroom = WC).
  12. Leli became a volunteer at a non-governmental organization that protects children with mental retardation. (tuna grahita = mental retardation).
  13. My sister becomes a waitress on a magnificent cruise ship and sails to various countries. (Waiter = cook).
  14. The official involved in corruption wore an orange vest when he was accompanied by the police. (orange vest = prisoner's clothes).
  15. The psychic under the guise of religion was finally punished and put in jail. (paranormal = shaman).
  16. Rani works as a saleswoman at Indomarket in her village. (salesperson = shopkeeper).
  17. Lots of unhealthy people are found wandering the streets. (unhealthy people = crazy people).
  18. Maybe this relationship should not continue because we are no longer in line. (break).
  19. Grandpa was in a hurry to urinate until he ran away. (pee = pee).
  20. People who do not take education will become illiterate. (illiterate = illiterate).
  21. Ade is not smart so he does not go to class. (less smart = stupid).
  22. All the tobacco factory workers were laid off suddenly without any prior notification. (laid off = laid off).
  23. The Sultan belongs to a lower economic family. (lower economy = poor).
  24. The cruel life in the capital, makes Rara have to become a prostitute. (prostitutes = commercial sex workers).
  25. Unexpectedly Ria's 5-year-old sister has preceded the people around her. (precedes = died).
  26. The police officer was dishonorably dismissed for defaming the profession by committing a crime. (fired = fired).
  27. In the world of health, consumers of healthy souls are treated very well to maintain their emotional stability. (healthy soul consumers = crazy people).
  28. The specialist nurse treats many patients at her home. (patient = sick person).
  29. Please ask permission to go back in the middle of the lecture. (to the back = to the bathroom).
  30. Padli is a tundra so he can't sing well. (tuna laras = voice defects / tone).
  31. Behind bars are people who have made mistakes or violations of hu (iron bars = prison).
  1. Desi was sentenced to double blind since the age of 10 where she could neither walk nor hear. (double tuna = combination defect).
  2. Your son is a bit behind compared to his friends. (lost = less smart).
  3. Lian has a slightly different personality from her peers. (different = weird).
  4. Many residents are short of food in this harvest crisis season. (lack of food = hunger).
  5. The officer was temporarily rested from his duties. (temporarily rested = suspension).
  6. The corrupt people's tax money was finally apprehended by the authorities at his residence. (corruptor = thief of people's money).
  7. The upper class community is having a great time on a cruise ship to welcome the new year. (upper class = rich).
  8. The woman was already well-known as a maid in her neighborhood. (Pramuria = PSK).
  9. Lots of jobless people scattered all over Indonesia even if you have a college degree. (jobless = unemployment).
  10. Grandpa He has returned to the lap of the Almighty. (back to lap = died).
  11. Rian becomes a waitress at the Padang restaurant in front of the school. (Waiter = cook).
  12. The beggars on the streets are homeless. (homeless = tramp).
  13. Lazy people who don't want to work eventually become beggars. (beggar asking = beggar).
  14. The saleswoman at Seven Nine Market was very pretty. (salesperson = shopkeeper).
  15. Predictions from psychics can not be trusted entirely. (paranormal = shaman).
  16. Sita's sister is a law graduate from the best university in Indonesia but is still unemployed. (jobless = unemployment).
  17. His hopes were dashed to work in the famous architectural office, because his skills were inadequate (inadequate = not smart)
  18. Residents around this housing are used to slanted news about him. (slanted news = bad things)
  19. Several times he was reprimanded by his superiors for not being careful in calculating the company's cash. (less careful = careless)
  20. Wanting to continue his studies in college is like a dream for him, because he is not yet established to achieve it. (not yet established = financially incapable)

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Changes in words or expressions in the sentence above in interacting create a more polite and appropriate impression. Thus the explanation of the figure of speech euphemism and examples in sentences.