
Here is an example sentence by using word front with :

  • With Mother's blessing and prayers, everything will go smoothly.
  • The children received the gifts and gifts with happy.
  • Dad is looking for a rented house with all the furniture.
  • Rino catches fish with big net.
  • We all have to learn with persevere in order to pass the national exam.
  • Icha and her friends are on vacation in Kaliurang withan take a travel bus.
  • Dad goes to the office for work with drive a minibus.
  • Team A successfully completed the challenge with very neat.
  • With With God's help, all impossible things will become possible.
  • The heat in this room can be dissipated with turn on the air conditioner.
  • Police officer beats a child with bare hands until battered.
  • Mother always loves all her children with sincerely.
  • As a result of damaged shoes, sister has to go home with bare feet.
  • We are all waiting for news from father with anxious heart.

Here are some examples of sentences that use the preposition with. May be useful.