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Exposition Writing in Bahasa Indonesia – Definition and Examples – Previously, we have discussed four types of essays, namely: narrative essay,description essay, argumentative essay, and persuasion essay, so in this article we will add the next type of essay, namely expository essay. Like the previous types of essays, we will also describe expository essays in full. Happy listening!

Definition of Expository Essay

An expository essay is one type of essay that contains information about a thing and is conveyed clearly to the reader. The purpose of writing an expository essay is to convey new information or insights to the reader. Another name for expository essay is factual essay. This is reasonable because this essay discusses something concrete based on research. The facts presented in the expository essay can be justified.

Characteristics of Expository Essay

Expository essays can be distinguished from other types of essays based on the following characteristics:

  • The information provided is factual
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  • Information in the essay is supported by facts that can be justified
  • There is no element of influencing the reader
  • Submission of information is carried out as clearly as possible or is descriptive
  • An expository essay states an event or a work process about something
  • The explanation given can answer the questions of what, why, when, and how

Types of Expositional Essays

There are several types of expository essays, namely:

  1. News exposition, contains news about an event and is usually found in newspaper or letter news.
  2. Process Exposition, contains an explanation of a process, instructions for use, or how to manufacture certain items.
  3. Illustration exposition, contains an explanation of an idea and usually uses conjunctions such as the following illustration, which can be illustrated as follows.
  4. Definition exposition, contains an understanding of an object or topic.
  5. Comparison Exposition, contains about an idea compared to other objects.
  6. Contradictory Exposition, contains about the conflict between some objects.
  7. Classification Exposition, contains about grouping an object into several categories.

Steps for Writing an Exposition

In writing an expository essay, you should pay attention to the following steps:

  • Determining Themes and Topics

Not different from other types of essays, in an expository essay the position of the theme and topic is also important. Determining the theme and topic is the first thing to do in writing an expository essay. The key to the discussion in an expository essay also lies in the theme of the essay. The topic of the essay will help the author not to deviate from other discussions.

  • Gathering Information

The key word in the expository essay is the delivery of information. Therefore, the validity of the information is very important and considered in this type of essay. The collection of information must pay attention to the source of reference. We recommend that you use a clear, reliable reference source, and not just an opinion. Data and facts also need to be added in the writing of expository essays.

  • Composing an Outline

The outline of an essay is an important part of writing an essay, and expository essays are no exception. The outline of this essay is intended so that the flow of writing and the flow of discussion in the essay is systematic and logical. The existence of this framework also makes it easier for writers to write an essay.

  • Developing an Outline

The next step in writing an expository essay is to develop the outline of the essay into a complete essay. The development of the framework of the essay is carried out by taking into account the systematic flow of the discussion. Information in the form of data and facts that have been obtained in the previous stage is also not forgotten to be presented at this stage.

  • Editing an essay

The final part of the essay writing process is editing. This process is not only for expository essay types, but for other types of essays. This editing process is done by re-reading the essay that has been made. The editing process includes spell checking, word used, the flow of discussion, systematic and logical delivery of information.

Example of Expository Essay

1. Watch for Fever in Children

Fever is a body condition that is often experienced by most people, including children. The condition of fever in children indicates that the child's body is fighting against infecting germs in the body. This health problem is often ignored because they think that it will go down by itself. This often causes children to have seizures due to the absence of proper treatment.

Fever in children can occur for various reasons. The first factor is the presence of infection germs in the body. Food allergies or the use of certain drugs can also trigger a fever condition in children. The cause of fever in children should be considered by parents. This is very important because by knowing the cause of fever, you can minimize the risk of fever to the child's body.

In addition to the causes, also identify the symptoms that occur when your child has a fever. A child is said to have a fever if the body temperature is above 37.8°C. The symptom that is often seen when a child has a fever is fussiness. Fever conditions will cause the child to be more fussy than usual and become unwilling to eat. By knowing these symptoms early, you can provide early treatment as well.

Handling fever in children does not have to immediately take him to the doctor. Some of the first steps you can take when you know the symptoms of fever in children include:

  • Wear your child comfortable clothes, choose clothes that are not too thick and not too thin.
  • Compress your child's forehead with warm water, never use cold compresses.
  • Make sure your child is given adequate fluid intake, this is to avoid the risk of dehydration in children.
  • Always watch temperature child's body.
  • If it is necessary to give him fever-reducing medication, then consult a doctor first.

The child's immune system is still developing, this causes fever in children to occur more often. The most important thing in handling fever in children is to make sure you stay calm and don't panic. This condition will help you to be able to think clearly in providing treatment for fever. Another important thing is to get used to living clean in children.

2. Types of Pregnancy You Need to Know

Pregnancy is an extraordinary thing that a woman looks forward to the most. When the news of pregnancy comes, the feeling of happiness and the desire to maintain a perfect pregnancy will definitely be felt. However, it is good for women to recognize the types of pregnancy that may occur. Of course not to cause fear, but this is a form of self-awareness. Knowledge of these types of pregnancy can make you pay more attention to the condition of pregnancy carefully.

A normal pregnancy is a desired pregnancy. The condition of the fetus and the healthy condition of the mother is very desirable. However, based on several events regarding pregnancy, there are several types of pregnancy that need to be wary of. The types of pregnancy include:

  • An ectopic pregnancy is a pregnancy outside the womb. This condition occurs because the egg is fertilized and implants outside the uterus. This condition has a high chance of having a miscarriage.
  • Intra-abdominal pregnancy, occurs because the previous caesarean scar connection has not been strong. This pregnancy allows the wound to reopen and the fetus to come out from womb.
  • Molar pregnancy or molar pregnancy, abnormally formed placenta due to genetic imperfections at the time of conception. This pregnancy usually keeps the embryo from developing.
  • Cyst pregnancy, appears in the ovary with a size that is almost the same as the fetus. This pregnancy occurs at the same time as a normal pregnancy.

Knowing some types of pregnancy is not normal is not to scare yourself. By knowing this information, it is hoped that pregnant women can pay more attention to the condition of their pregnancy.

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This is a discussion about expository essays in Indonesian – meaning and examples. Hopefully the discussion about this expository essay is easy to understand and can also add to your insight. Look forward to the article language Indonesia with other discussion material. Thank you.

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