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Two of jtypes of sentences there are greeting sentences and exclamation sentences. Greeting sentence is a sentence used to greet someone. This sentence is usually indicated by the presence of wordhi, hello, and its kind.

Meanwhile, exclamatory sentences are sentences used to express feelings in humans, such as happy, sad, or difficult.

In this article, we will find out what an example looks like from the two sentences. As for some examples of the two themselves are as follows!

A. Greeting Sentence Example

  1. Hello, introduce, my name is Antara Putra, I am a transfer student from Pekalongan city.
  2. Hi, my name is Dennis, I am a videographer with 10 years of experience.
  3. Hi all, have you heard the latest news from me?
  4. Hello, all. I want to ask, are any of you interested in taking insurance?
  5. Hey guys, why do you look so lethargic?
  6. Hello all how are you? Have you smiled this morning?
  7. Hi everyone, have you had your breakfast this morning?
  8. Hey guys, did you see Dennis just now?
  9. Hey, man, why do you look so lethargic?
  10. instagram viewer
  11. Good morning all. Introducing, my name is Dani. I am a transfer student from Solo city.
  12. Good afternoon all. This time we will hold a special meeting to determine who the new manager of our company will be.
  13. Good morning all. This morning, let us give thanks to God Almighty, for all the blessings He has given us all.
  14. Good night all. I would like to thank all the attendees who were willing to donate their time to join this dinner.
  15. Hi viewers. Meet us again at the Gerebek Sahur Show.
  16. Hi, listeners. Meet again with Saya Atmari Majid, and my colleague WUlan Gusnita at the Night Broadcast.

B. Example of Exclamation Sentence

  1. Wow, what a beautiful view of this beach!
  2. Amboi, how delicious your cooking is!
  3. Aih-aih, how beautiful you are dressed up like this!
  4. Wow, your story is really impressive, huh!
  5. Oops, I forgot that today is a holiday!
  6. Alas, at this rate, my plan might fail miserably!
  7. Idiot, how can I be tricked like this!
  8. Alhamdulillah, finally I can go home to Solo this year!
  9. Oh, my bad luck!
  10. Ah, damn it, I've been completely duped by him!
  11. God damn it! Who has dared to destroy the plants in my yard, huh?
  12. Indifferent! I don't care about that fate anymore!
  13. Amboi, what a beautiful voice that singer!
  14. Damn it! Because of you, all my plans have failed miserably!
  15. Ah, at times like this, you actually disappear altogether. Damn it!

Here are some examples sentence greetings and exclamations in languageIndonesia.

Hopefully it is useful and able to add insight to all readers, both regarding greeting sentences and exclamations in particular, as well as Indonesian language learning materials in general. Mophon is also forgiven if there are errors contained in this article.

If the reader wants to add insight into the sentence, then the reader can open the following articles, namely: examples of negative sentences in Indonesian, Example of a statement sentence in Indonesian, Examples of positive and interrogative negative sentences, as well as articles examples of negative interrogative and imperative sentences. Thank you and thank you.

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