22 Examples of Words Ending in -kan in Indonesian Sentences
The suffix attached to a word will change the function of the word, as well as the suffix or various suffixes. One of the suffixes is the -kan affix. Here are some examples word ending in -kan in sentence:
- give the red cup to him.
- This time we offer very low price to all of you.
- Please clean up this table before other customers come.
- Enough drip just a little so that the resulting color is not too flashy.
- Hurry up slide this table to the corner there before the guests arrive.
- Please turn off your phone before the meeting starts so as not to disturb the others.
- Hurry up lower the banner in front of our house.
- Show to us which house is rented out by the owner.
- Drink this pill to grandma so she can sleep well tonight.
- Clap slightly on the cheeks so that the color of the cheeks looks natural red.
- Do not hang your clothes in the bathroom because it will become a mosquito breeding ground.
- keep it yourself and family from the dangers of drugs.
- It is late, put it your toys and go to bed.
- Please readletter This is because my eyes are getting myopic.
- Better soon buy it half new for him because his shoes were so ugly.
- Do not forget leave a little money from your income to give alms to orphans.
- Never mind new clothes, they are still struggling to buy food.
- do not be too pamper children because it will adversely affect their mental development in the future.
- Refresh get your mind back on a cruise ship vacation around Europe.
- Please put in this file into a dark green folder.
- I won't understand if you don't exemplify How to do it.
- Keep Mother's jewelry into the wardrobe.
Those are some examples of words ending in -kan in sentences languageIndonesia. There are many other articles about affixes, such as example sentence ending -i, the meaning of the suffix -an and examples in sentences, example of the ending in a sentence, example sentences with affixed with kan, all kinds of affixes, the meaning of the affix, meaning of affix, and various prefixes. May be useful. Thank you.