11 Types of Articles and Examples in Indonesian

Articles are one type of word diversity in Indonesian that we hear quite often but do not have a special meaning. In terms of understanding there is no concrete definition of the meaning of the article. In the KBBI dictionary (2016) the meaning of article is only described as "article". The word article referred to here is a word that functions as an accompaniment that follows certain words, so that the meaning of the article is in harmony with the noun it follows. It can be said that the article is a word that determines and limits a noun.

In Indonesian, there are several kinds of articles that are often found in the process of writing communication. Artikula or better known as article (another name for article) is a word that basically has no meaning but is able to explain a noun. The specialty of article is that it can be used as a companion to basic nouns, nouns formed from verbs, pronouns, or passive verbs.

Article Function Sand

Articles whose meaning follows the words that are accompanied have several functions in Indonesian, including the following,

instagram viewer
  • Giving a difference or limit of a word or phrase
  • Forming a noun or it can be a personal pronoun
  • Sometimes changing adjectives to nouns (in neutral articles)

Types of Articles

Articles are classified according to their function if they are placed next to other nouns or pronouns. Several types of articles in Indonesian are still used by the Indonesian people in the language process. A few articles can only be used to refer to specific things and some are now rarely used in the language process. The following types of articles are distinguished according to their function, including:

A. Article for Single Number

The singular article is used to give meaning to someone or something singular to the following word. Some types of articles of this type include Sang; Sri; hangs; Dang; Hyang. The five words are to replace a single meaning. The words Hang and Dang are rarely found in Indonesian communication. Second word This is found in the vocabulary of the kingdom before Indonesian was set to become language unity.

1. The

The article Sang is used to accompany the call of humans, other living beings, or inanimate objects that have the aim of exalting dignity. Sometimes the article Sang is also used in an allusion to something higher. Example:

  • The Queen was forced to support her son's decision to go abroad
  • So wise when all the participants ceremony pay respects to the red and white Saka
  • The King doesn't seem to want to forgive his treacherous servant
  • All the children already know, but the mother still hides her illness
  • The Frog jumped out of nowhere because he was caught stealing at the King of the Jungle's house
  • The President gave a new price ultimatum ingredient tree starting tonight
  • The boss doesn't seem to approve the request from his subordinates to go on vacation to Hong Kong
  • It would be nice to tell the princess about this match, Kanda, said the empress
  • The heart of the owner of the house is sorry to see Ibn and his family have not been able to pay the rent
  • The Queen has given leniency for the betrayal of her servant

2. Sri

The article Sri is usually used for people with human names who have high titles or descendants of kings. Sri's nickname for royal descendants who already hold power or have become heirs to the throne is still used in Indonesia. This article is intended to address someone of a higher position. Example:

  • Sri Sultan Ahmed is scheduled to visit Jakarta this afternoon after departing from Brunei
  • Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X attended the Suro raid in the palace square area
  • Sri His Majesty the King ordered all young men to take part in an archery competition in the palace
  • Sri Your Majesty is giving advice to his son who is growing up
  • Sri Shri Ravi Shankar is again scheduled to argue with Zakir Naik this year

3. Hang

Currently, the article Hang is almost never found in the Indonesian vocabulary. This article is only used in old literary works to refer to someone who is glorified/respected. Example:

  • Hang Jebat is truly a meritorious figure, his courage in defending the Malays will be remembered until later
  • Some soldiers said Hang Bae was negotiating with Hang Tuah when rain last night
  • Hang Hulun was at his mother's house when the fire hit the residential area

4. Dang

Dang articles are also included in the inherited vocabulary literature long. The use of the article Dang is only reserved for women who have honor. Example:

  • Dang Kiran made sure to accept Hang Rama's proposal
  • Dang Nur's beautiful face, it's natural for all young men to fight over her
  • Almost everyone in this village admires Dang Siti's determination
  • Dang Aisyah ordered her servant to help victims of flash floods in her village desa
  • If Dang Sumbi wanted to be married to Prince Kartapati
  • Dang Arum gave conditions to be able to marry several kings in Java

5. Hyang

The article Hyang has a privilege because it is only used to mention or accompany calls to Gods and Goddess. This type of article is found in the designation of Hindus in Indonesia. The word Hyang is an absorption from ancient Javanese language. Example:

  • Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa will definitely answer all our prayers, said Mpu Pandita at the end of the prayer with Pura Jagatnatha
  • Hindus in Bali simultaneously celebrate Nyepi by asking Hyang Widhi for safety and peace
  • All Hindus believe that Hyang Widhi always takes care of them as long as they do dharma

6. That

The article Yang, is used to replace the name of God or someone who is glorified. Example:

  • Ask forgiveness from the Most Forgiving and Merciful Son, message Mother before death
  • This event was planned by the Almighty
  • Leave all the solutions to our problems to the Most Just
  • Your Majesty, give leniency to my husband's sentence, moaned the wife when the verdict was handed down
  • As humans we are only able to accept the destiny of the Almighty
  • The Most Gracious God will certainly give a lot of sustenance as long as we want to try
  • The all-knowing must see whatever you do even if it is hidden from human eyes mata
  • In life we ​​must forgive each other, as He is the Most Merciful.

B. Articles for Plural Numbers

The second type of article is the article which is used to indicate the number of plurals or groups. Articles to refer to this plural include Para; people; People. These three types of words are still commonly found in Indonesia. Here are some examples of the use of the article used to refer to the plural number.

1. Para

The article para is used to replace or refer to a group of people who have similarities in certain aspects (occupation, gender). Often the article para is used in a welcoming speech which serves to refer to the audience who fulfills the invitation. Example:

  • Students are demonstrating in front of the presidential palace demanding a reduction in fuel prices
  • Mothers are worried about the soaring price of chili in the market which is worth hundreds of thousands of rupiah
  • The refugees have been successfully recorded temporarily to get food assistance
  • The solidarity of journalists is very high when there is persecution of fellow professionals
  • The audience scatters when they know the stage is about to collapse due to the strong wind
  • Ladies and gentlemen, please sit back
  • Doctors are operating on kidney failure patients in the operating room
  • Riders celebrate the end of the season at the Catalunya circuit
  • The beggars who were caught by the PP Satpol were returned to their respective addresses
  • The invitees simultaneously attended wearing batik-patterned uniforms

2. people

The next article that shows the plural is the word people. The word clan is used to refer to a group of people who have similarities in the views of a group. Example:

  • Development technology in this era would not exist without the role of intellectuals
  • Socialites are increasingly crowding the Denpasar Festival to satisfy their shopping appetite nafsu
  • The view that is often seen is the bustling of the capital every time there is a backflow due to the attacks of the urbanites
  • The deviant behavior of the Soddomites who get the punishment of Allah SWT is not to be imitated
  • In the pre-independence period in Indonesia, women are seen as not having any intelligence
  • The upper middle class is currently worried about the motor vehicle tax policy imposed on luxury cars
  • NU Muslim women are holding a grand takbir around Jabotabek
  • Some of the transgender people took part in the election for the queen of transgender women throughout the district
  • Last week the schoolchildren visited one of the papah groups
  • Now the weak have begun to speak out to channel their aspirations

3. people

The article ummah is used to indicate a group of people who have the same belief, belief. Usually the article ummah is used to refer to a group of people who come from one religion. Example:

  • Muslims will celebrate Eid al-Fitr in the middle of the year, to be precise in June
  • Last year's December Christmas celebration was celebrated simultaneously by Christians all over the world
  • Muslims in several areas are together celebrating the big day of the Prophet Muhammad SAW Isra 'Miraj
  • The Nyepi celebration for Hindus in Bali is going well this year
  • Some Catholics are having mass commemorating the resurrection of Jesus Christ
  • Buddhists praying together at Borobudur temple
  • The birthday of the Prophet Muhammad SAW is celebrated with great fanfare by Muslims in Padang, West Sumatra
  • This year's Easter is celebrated by Christians with a little sadness because of the flood disaster in the Jogja area
  • Muslims in the Aceh region commemorate the tsunami tragedy on December 26 last
  • Some Catholics always come to the foundation Love Love to donate some of their earnings
  • Muslims are the largest adherents in the territory of Indonesia

C. Article for Neutral

The last type of article is an article that is specifically used to refer to or replace something with the intention of balancing. That is, this article is used to indicate a neutral amount. Two articles belonging to this type include Si; That.

1. Si

We often find the article Si in the mention of characters in fairy tales or story- Folklore that is still familiar to the ears of the Indonesian people. The use of the article Si shows balance or equality for the noun or something it follows. Sometimes the article Si is also used to form nouns from adjectives. Example:

  • A few months ago the village thug was arrested by the police
  • Almost a week I didn't see Si Amir seminggu
  • Si Kebo Ireng is very good at helping Mr. Min in the fields
  • It is certain that Fat will lose in the running competition this time
  • No one will care about the poor cat, because it often defecates
  • The Mancung invites his sister to go to the city park taman
  • The mouse deer is a very clever animal
  • The Lame is very good at getting along and has many friends
  • Si Atik has been selling rujak cingur for a long time at the Buleleng market
  • As citizens, we deeply regret the accident that happened to Si Budi

2. That

Type of article Which is almost the same as the article used in single pointers. However, in the neutral designation category, the article Yang is only used to replace a single person, without any position or high rank to be replaced. Example:

  • The poor woman who was hit by the motorcycle is my sister
  • The one who helped me carry the merchandise was a teacher in our village
  • Eka finally met a fan she had been waiting for for two hours
  • I didn't see the person who saved me from that fatal accident
  • Like someone pushed me off those stairs last night
  • The one sitting right next to the National Police Chief is my father
  • Looks like someone knocked on the door
  • The one wearing those sunglasses, his movements look suspicious

The article has no special meaning when it stands alone. Articles only have meaning when accompanied by other nouns or adjectives. Thus the use of articles is definitely a form of phrase and not autonomous.

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Thus a discussion of the types of articles and examples in Indonesian, may be useful.!