7 New Types of Prose
New Types of Prose – Definition and Examples – Prose is one of the literary forms of the '30 generation. Prose is a type of literary work written using sentence which are arranged in sequence. The sentences arranged will form a unified mind, namely paragraphs, paragraph then form chapters or sections, and so on. Referring to the definition in the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), the term 'prose' is defined as a free essay that is not bound by the rules as in poetry. Etymologically, word 'prose' is taken from the term in Language The same Latin 'prose' which means 'to be frank'. A prose is usually used to describe a fact or idea or express the author's imagination or opinion in written form.
According to its form, prose is divided into two types, namely old prose and new prose. Old prose is a type of prose that has not been influenced by foreign literature or culture. The old prose was originally delivered oral because at the beginning of its appearance there was no known form of writing. While the new prose is a type of prose that has been influenced by literature from western culture. For more details, below will be explained about the meaning, types of new prose and examples.
New Prose Definition
As previously explained, new prose is prose that style his writing has been influenced by culture culture foreign, especially western literature. The beginning of the emergence of new prose was due to the assumption in society that the old prose was outdated and less attractive. The rules that exist in the new prose are also not as numerous and binding as in the old prose. The new prose opens up more opportunities for the author to express his imagination and ideas more broadly and freely.
Types of Prose New
In general, new prose is divided into seven types. The new types of prose include romance, novels, short stories (short stories), history, criticism, reviews, and essays.
Referring to the definition in the Big Indonesian Dictionary, the term 'roman' is defined as a prose essay which describe the actions of the perpetrators according to the character and content of each soul, carrying more of the nature of the era than drama or poetry. Matzkowski (1998) suggests that if the term 'romance' is taken from French, 'romanz' whose usage refers to all literary works of ordinary people. The term 'romance' is also synonymous with taste; from the Latin expression 'lingua roman' which means literary works of the ordinary class.
Romance is a literary work that tells the life of one or several characters, starting from his birth, adulthood, to the circumstances of his death. In addition, romance is also defined as a literary work that displays a continuous sequence of events each other that describes the experiences of the characters in a life situation certain. The description of the experience can be in the form of a picture of an external or internal experience. Rome also describes the complete journey of the character along with the experience and social life of the character.
Goethe revealed that romance is a literary work that fiction. Furthermore, Goethe argues that romance is a work of art literature which describes events that may occur with conditions that are impossible or almost impossible to become a reality. Goethe also argues that romance is subjective because the author will try to describe the world according to his own opinion in the literary work. (Read: types of romance)
In the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), the term 'novel' is defined as a long and tells a series of stories of a person's life with those around him by highlighting his character and nature every perpetrator. The term 'novel', etymologically comes from the Italian language, namely 'novella' which means 'a story or a piece of story'. The contents of the novel are longer and more complex than short stories (short stories). In general, novels tell about actors in everyday life with all the characteristics, characters, traits, and events that surround them.
Several experts in the field of literature have expressed their opinion about the meaning of the novel. One of them is Jakob Sumardjo, he expressed his opinion that the novel is a form of literature that is very important popular in the world, the most widely circulated and printed literary form because of its very broad community power in Public. Another expert, Paulus Tukam, expressed his opinion that the novel is a literary work in the form of prose and has intrinsic elements in it. Intrinsic elements in the novel include themes, characters or characterizations, storyline, setting, point of view, language style, and mandate. This intrinsic element will later build a work or novel composition from within which will embody the structure of the literary work.
In its development, novels are often equated with romances because they are considered to have various similarities at first glance. Even so, romance and novel are two different literary works. According to understanding in German literature, here are some things that distinguish romance from novels, namely:
- Romance is a story that is described at length, telling fictional characters or events. While the novel is a story that presents events with a story length that exceeds a short story but is shorter than a romance.
- Novels are written with a lot of use of repertoire or external reality in historical events
We find many examples of literary works in the form of novels, for example the popular novels in Indonesia, namely the 'Laskar' series Pelangi' by Andrea Hirata, works by writer Tere Liye such as, 'The Land of Bedebah', 'The Moon', 'A Red Ampao', and others other. Examples of novels that have gained international popularity include the 'Harry Potter' series by J.K. Rowling, Stephanie Mayer's 'Twilight' series, and more.
Short story
Short story or commonly shortened to short story is an imaginary essay that retells an event and usually centers on a single actor. Jusuf Sjarif Badudu or better known as J. S. Badudu, an Indonesian language expert, defines short stories as a story that only leads and focuses on one event. In addition, Jakobus Sumarjo or Jakob Sumarjo, a humanist and pioneer of the study of Indonesian philosophy, defines short stories as the art or skill of presenting stories. (skill to present story), in which it is a unified whole, unified (focusing on one part or one) characters only), and there are no unnecessary parts, but there are also parts that are too Lots. The meaning of the 'too much' part expressed by Jakob Sumarjo is the part of the story from the side of the character or the part of the 'I-ness' which is indeed the center story to be explored.
Another definition of short stories according to Edgar Allan Poe, a writer; editor; as well as an American language critic, who defines the short story as a story that is read in one sitting, about 30 minutes to two hours, or something if reading time is not possible to complete a novel. Meanwhile, according to Hans Bague Jassin or H. B. Jassin, a writer; editor; as well as Indonesian literary critics, define short stories as short stories that must have the most important parts, namely introduction, conflict, and completion. Some examples of short stories include 'Memengang Spoon and Straw' by Dewi "Dee" Sustainable, 'My Last Love' by Agnes Davonar, 'Old Man and the Sea' by Ernest Hemingwang, 'On a Ship' by N.H. Dini, seta various examples of other short stories. (Read: all kinds of short stories)
The term 'riwayat' is defined as 'a story that is passed down from generation to generation' or 'history' or 'tambo' in the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI). History can be defined as a story that contains the experiences of a person's life which is lifted from the true story of the person from birth to death. In general, the characters who become the main focus in the history are famous figures or figures who are influential in society and inspire. History in everyday life is more often known as a biography or autobiography. A biography is a history written by another person who tells a certain character. While an autobiography is a story of a character written by the character himself. An example of a well-known history is 'Soeharto Anak' Village ' which tells the life journey of the second President of the Republic of Indonesia, Soeharto; Ian Kershaw's 'Hitler' tells the story of the Nazi leader during the world wars, Adolf Hitler; 'Chairul Tanjung Si Cassava' by Tjahya Gunawan Diredja which tells the story of one of Indonesia's successful entrepreneurs who owns Trans Corp, Chairil Tanjung; and so forth.
In general, criticism is writing that judges good or bad, useful or not, the advantages or disadvantages of something, whether in the form of works of art or literary works. Critics will discuss and evaluate the various elements that make up the work and are packaged in an article. Referring to the definition in the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), the term criticism is defined as criticism or criticism responses, sometimes accompanied by descriptions and good and bad considerations of a work, opinion, and etc.
In delivering criticism, of course, it should not be arbitrary. There are several benchmarks or basics that we must understand before submitting criticism, among others,
- Sufficient experience in critical material.
- Knowledge and knowledge that is relevant to the work or thing that will be criticized.
- Mastery of the application of appropriate criticism methods.
- Mastery of media critics.
Etymologically, the term reviewer comes from the Latin, namely 'reviewer; or 'recensie' which means to weigh, look back, know to judge. Refer to the meaning in the Big Language Dictionary Indonesia (KBBI), the term 'review' is defined as a review of a book. However, in its development, reviews are not only limited to books, but also spread to other works, such as the contents of magazines, novels, drama, movies, and so on. Based on the above definition, a review is not much different from criticism, which is an action in the form of giving an assessment, discussion, criticism of a work.
What distinguishes a reviewer from a critique is that apart from judging whether a work is good or bad, the reviewer also retells what is or is the essence of the work. The review has several purposes, including to provide a information widely and completely to the reader or the public about the contents of the reviewed works (books, films, and so on). In addition, review writing also aims to invite readers or the public to discuss and think further about the issues raised in the reviewed works. Reviews are written with the aim of giving consideration to readers about whether or not a work is appropriate to read, publish, or watch. Finally, reviews have the aim of providing answers to questions from the public when a book or film is first published or screened. For this reason, reviews will usually be broadcast or widely disseminated through existing news media and through social media. Someone who gives a review is called a censor.
Referring to the definition of the Big Indonesian Dictionary, the term 'essay' is defined as an essay or written work which includes prose that discusses a problem (study) at a glance from the author's personal point of view. The expert, Soetomo, also stated the same thing, who defined an essay as a short essay based on one's perspective in addressing a problem.
Based on the two definitions described earlier, we can conclude that the essay is strongly influenced by the author's point of view in assessing a problem, so that the writing on the essay must contain opinions that are subjective and argumentative. Although it is subjective, the arguments presented in the essay must still be logical, well understood, and based on theories or theories. data data and facts in the field. That way, the essay will not only be a fictitious or imaginary writing from the author only.
In general, essays have similarities with editorials found in newspapers, which have the aim of convincing the public of the author's point of view. about an issue, or in other words lead to public opinion. The difference is, editorials are only written by a chief editor, while essays can be written by anyone. course. An example of one of the essays can be found in the title at letter news. In addition, a research article is also an example of an essay. (Read: types of essays)
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This is an article about new types of prose – definitions and examples. May be useful.