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Example from new kinds of poetry based on their content already featured in previous articles. There are several articles that contain examples of new types of poetry these include example of epigram poetry, example of ballad poetry, examples of romantic poetry, example of elegy poetry, and hymn poetry example. For this article, we will look at some examples of ode poetry. Ode poetry itself is defined as types of poetry that contain praise to a person or group who is meritorious or has a heroic spirit.

For more details, here are some examples: poetry ode in languageIndonesia.

Example 1:

Ode I¹
by: Toto Sudarto Bachtiar

I ask, if I go now
I give my girlfriend a big final hug
I could die tomorrow. Then quietly
I'm hiding behind the waves of independence and the night

This night is frozen, where is the most beautiful place
Make my outstretched heart to you swell and majestic
Oh, land
My newly awakened land

This night is lonely, where is the best place
Make a gun bullet behind a torn shirt
O, the land where affection is buried longing
Freedom that wanders anywhere

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Want me to sing a little, know how lean it is
You are on the pillar of suffering, gasping for my breath in the old alley
Towards the enemy's stronghold in that city
I didn't have time to count my steps for the distance

Maybe my boyfriend will turn away
From my face glued to the wall
But the old clock, how slow the seconds I hear too
In the middle of a freezing cold night

Remember how thick the statement was
Red scribbles on the old wall
How weak are the fingers to pick a gun
Encouraging your newly awakened heart

If I have to go now, I just know
My friends will keep going
Don't turn away from memories on the wall
O land, where is the best place for my heart and soul jiwa

Shaloholistik, “Poems of Toto Sudarto Bachtiar,”, (accessed December 24, 2017 at 14.19)

Example 2:

Ode II²
By: Toto Sudarto Bachtiar

listen, today is the day the heart is calling
and heavy footsteps advancing to one place
listen, today is the day the heart is calling
and the excitement of life that must be close
stop crying, tears this time are only for the old man
or cry a little
make vows etched on the walls
who have turned yellow and souls that have died

or do whatever you love and fail
or do anything
that reaches you when you don't think
and see that there is still a long way

listen, today is the day my heart is calling
heavy eyes contain atmosphere
ask questions about past people by the way
remember all the promises that we unite with

listen, o, the land where everything love recording himself
best place for him
it's your heart that's getting red
when he lies in the silent grave of your lap

²Muhammad Jammal Baligh, “Examples of Ode Poetry”,, (accessed December 24, 2017 at 15:15)

Those are some examples of ode poetry in Indonesian. If the reader wants to know some other examples of poetry, the reader can open the article example of 3 stanza poem about nature, sample essay 3 stanzas about mother, example of a 3 stanza poem about a friend, sample 3 stanza poem about teacher, and example of 3 stanza poem about hero. For this discussion, it will suffice here. Hopefully useful for all readers. Thank you.

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