Narrative Writing in Indonesian – Definition and Examples – After discussing types of essays, so on this occasion we will focus on one type of essay, namely narrative essay. The discussion of narrative essays will be described in detail starting from the definition of narrative essays, characteristics, types, steps of writing, and examples of narrative essays. Happy listening!

Definition of Narrative Writing

Narrative is a way of development paragraph arranged in chronological order in the order of beginning, middle, and end. So that narrative essays are writings or essays that are packaged according to the chronology of time from the beginning, middle, and end. Narrative writing is more inclined to the purpose of broadening horizons and entertaining readers. The story told in the narrative essay goes through several stages. The stages are orientation, climax, reorientation, conflict, and problem solving. Narrative essay types are found in novels, prose, short stories, and romances.

Characteristics of Narrative Writing

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A writing that is included in the narrative essay contains the following characteristics:

  1. Narrative essays contain certain stories or events
  2. The contents of the essay are presented based on the chronology of events
  3. There is a conflict in the story presented
  4. There are elements of an essay, namely background, setting, character, theme, etc.
  5. Narrative essays usually contain entertainment for the reader
  6. Loading aesthetic value in the story

Types of Narrative Writing

Narrative essays are divided into several types, namely informative/expository narrative essays, artistic narratives, and suggestive narratives. To better understand each type of narrative essay, the following is a review.

  • Informative/Expository Narrative

Informative narrative essay aims to convey information about an event. This type of essay also aims to broaden the reader's knowledge about someone's story. In the preparation of informative narrative essays, the author must use: data based on facts and using logical language. Examples of expository essays are biographies and stories of experiences.

  • Artistic Narrative

The main point in this type of artistic writing is the existence of an aesthetic experience for the reader. Stories told in artistic narratives can be fiction or non-fiction fiction. Language used can also be inserted figuratively. Figures used in story This is what can provide an aesthetic experience to the reader.

  • Suggestive Narrative

Suggestion relates to the influence that can be exerted on others. Suggestive narrative essays are usually used to make the reader influenced and headed in a better direction. Examples of suggestive essays are found in short stories (short stories), novels, or serials.

Steps for Writing Narrative Essay

The definition, characteristics and types of narrative essays have been described. To be clear, information The next thing to know is about the steps to compiling or writing a narrative essay. Here are the steps in writing a narrative essay:

1. Determination of Theme and Mandate

Before writing an essay, be it a narrative essay or another type of essay, the theme and message are very important. The themes and messages that will be conveyed through the essay will help the author to prevent the discussion from becoming too wide. For example, for an expository essay, the theme that can be chosen is the biography of a famous figure or certain character. Then the discussion will only be about this character.

2. Targeting Readers

Who is the target reader? Whether children or adults. Different target audiences will determine the language used. If the target audience is children, the language used should not be too rigid. This is so that readers (children) do not feel bored. On the other hand, if the target audience is adults, the language used can be more flexible.

3. Determination of Flow Schema

The flow scheme in the essay must be clearly planned. Narrative essay pattern has an arrangement with the order of the beginning - middle - end. The first part usually contains an introduction. This introduction contains the situation and the characters in the essay. The initial section should be made as interesting as possible so that the reader feels interested in reading the next section.

The middle part deals with the conflict in the story. More conflicts can arise from one in an essay. Conflict will lead to a climax and then subside. The final part contains the ending of the story. There are endings that are short, long, or sometimes hanging.

4. Arrange Characters and Characters

After the three steps above, don't forget to determine the characters that will be used in the essay. The main character or the companion character with their own character.

5. Complete with 5W1H

The final procedure to make writing an essay easier is to write it in 5W1H. 5W1H contains the main points that are used as a benchmark in writing essays. Here is an explanation of the 5W1H:

  • What, about what is told in the essay
  • when, about the time of the story
  • Where, about where the location of the story in the essay
  • Who, about who the perpetrators of the story in the essay
  • Why, about the reason the story in the essay happened
  • How, about how the description of the story

Example of Narrative Essay

1. Example of an Informative/Expository Narrative Essay

True to its name, the March 1 general offensive took place on March 1, 1949. This attack took place in the capital Indonesia at that time was Yogyakarta. The March 1 general attack began at exactly 6 am on 5 sectors in the Yogyakarta area.

The March 1 general offensive was carried out by high-ranking Military Division III/GM III. This attack aims to retake the city of Yogyakarta. Another meaning of this attack is to show the world that Indonesia is still strong and has great power to fight back.

In this March 1 general attack, Lieutenant Colonel Suharto led troops from the western sector to Malioboro. Ventje Sumual leads the eastern sector. Major Sardjono led the southern sector, Major Kusno led the northern sector. While the city sector is led by Lieutenants Amir Murtono and Lieutenants Masduki. During this attack, Yogyakarta was successfully occupied for 6 hours, and at exactly 12.00 all TNI troops withdrew.

2. Example of an Artistic Narrative Essay

At that time the sun was on its highest throne. The scorching sun seemed to dry the throats of every forest dweller. Mouse Deer pedaled his little legs while looking for a thirst quencher. Didn't think it looked rambutan ripe on the river bank.

When the deer was about to step across the river, he saw a group of crocodiles swimming calmly. With great fear and anxiety, the mouse deer hid while looking for reason. "How can I cross the river without being eaten by crocodiles?" thought the mouse deer.

Suddenly an idea appeared in the deer's mind. "Crocodile... crocodile... I brought orders from King Solomon for all of you" shouted the deer on the riverbank. One by one the crocodiles began to reveal themselves. One of the crocodiles replied, "What is King Solomon's order for us?". Mouse Deer immediately replied, "You are ordered to face King Solomon, he wants to give each of you a gift of a buffalo. But first I have to count the number of all the crocodiles in this river.”

Hearing the news, all the crocodiles were very happy. Mouse Deer then replied, "Well, now you have to line up neatly because I have to count all of you". Without thinking, all the crocodiles immediately lined up. The mouse deer easily passed each crocodile while pretending to count. Until the mouse deer arrived on the other side of the river and managed to get a ripe rambutan fruit.

3. Example of a Suggestive Narrative Essay

It was the last day of school holidays. Pak Anwar continued to walk along the roadside selling his homemade bamboo chairs. He kept hoping that someone would be interested in buying the bamboo chair he brought with him. That day, Mr. Anwar was in dire need of money.

It's been almost a week since Pak Anwar has been traveling from one area to another selling bamboo chairs. Since morning he has been gathering enthusiasm so that he can earn money from the sale of the bamboo chair. Pak Anwar wants to buy new school equipment for his only son.

But on the seventh day, no one was interested in buying the bamboo chair. Mr. Anwar almost gave up. He thought about how disappointed his son would be when he didn't get new school equipment. Pak Anwar decided to stop for a moment at a mosque. He prayed the prayer, hoping that there would be a miracle on that day.

His belief in divine help kept him strong. And suddenly a voice called out to him. "Excuse me sir, how much does the bamboo chair cost?" asked a middle-aged man dressed in koko. Mr. Anwar was very surprised. The man continued his question, "Can I buy these two chairs for Rp. 1,500,000?". Mr. Anwar is still silent. And with a stammer he replied, "'s okay, sir. Thank you very much". Pak Anwar was very happy and never stopped giving thanks. He was very happy to finally be able to buy school supplies for his son.

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This is a discussion about narrative essays in Indonesian – meaning and examples. We hope that the discussion of this narrative essay is easy to understand and useful for all readers. Look forward to articles with other discussions. Thank you.