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Straightforward sentences are sentences that have real meaning, or we often call them denotative meaning and examples. While the figurative sentence is a sentence that has a presupposition or comparison meaning and has an untrue meaning which is commonly called connotation meaning and examples. The following is straightforward meaning and figurative meaning along with examples in a sentence.

1. Examples of Straightforward Meaning :

  • The girl's face is very sweet. (The word "sweet" in the sentence has the real meaning, which is beautiful)
  • This iced tea you make tastes too sweet. (The word “sweet” in the sentence actually means that the tea tastes very sweet because it has been added with too much sugar.)
  • Children who play basketball have posture high and big.
  • The mountains are towering high in the middle of our village.
  • The kite flies high in the sky.

In essence, the word "sweet" in the two examples above has a real meaning in real life.

2. Examples of figurative sentences :

  • your talk sweet on the lips, but in the heart. (
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    word "sweet" in the sentence is not the real meaning, what is said is different in the heart)
  • Rino always spit out words sweet to the woman he likes. (The word "sweet" in this sentence is not the real meaning, which is to seduce or issue words that attract attention)
  • Even though he is the son of a rich man, he is not high heart. (Happy heart means arrogant, arrogant)
  • Pursue your dream as high as sky. (Try and never give up)
  • Hearing that praise, his soul has already flown high. (Dare or fantasize or be lulled)

Those are some examples sentence straightforward and figurative sentences in languageIndonesia. As reference readers, some other interesting articles, examples of denotative and connotative sentences, example sentence definition, example of descriptive sentence. May be useful.

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