When we go to school, college, or work, we often encounter various types of letters. The letters in question are generally in the form of official letters such as letters of appointment, official letters, letters of circulars, permits, letters of recommendation, letters of assignment, job application letters, invitation letters, and others etc. In addition to letters that are official in nature, there are also letters that are personal in nature, such as letters to parents who live in their hometown. Actually, what is that letter?

Understanding and Functions of Letters

According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary, what is meant by letter is paper and so on that are written (various contents). Letters are also interpreted as cards or pieces of paper and so on as signs or information. Another meaning of the next letter is something written, written or written. Meanwhile, the Center for Coaching and Development Language The Ministry of Education and Culture (1991) defines letters as a means of

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communication used to convey written information by one party to another. The information submitted can be in the form of notifications, statements, orders, requests, or reports. The relationship that occurs between the parties is called correspondence or correspondence. Meanwhile, according to Irman (2008), what is meant by a letter is one of the means of written communication to convey information information from one party (person, agency, or organization) to another party (person, agency, or organization).

From some of the definitions above, it can be said that letters do not only function as a means of communication. In the sense that the letter also functions as a tool to convey notifications, requests or requests, thoughts or ideas; written evidence, tools for remembering, historical evidence, and work guidelines.

Letter Type

According to Irman et al (2008), based on its use, letters are divided into three types, namely personal letters, official letters, and official letters. Personal letters are letters that are used for personal purposes and are related to personal affairs. Meanwhile, official letters are letters used for official purposes and are written by individuals, agencies, institutions or organizations. The official letter is a letter used for official purposes such as work, assignments from the office, or other official activities. Assignments can be written by individuals or institutions or institutions, both private and public.

From the description above, in general, letters are divided into two types based on the nature of their interests, namely personal letters and ordinary letters. Personal letter is a letter that is intended for personal interests. While ordinary letters are letters intended for official purposes such as official letters or official letters.

What is the difference between a personal letter and a regular letter? Here is a brief review.

Personal letter

In general, what is meant by a personal letter is a letter intended to communicate privately. Meanwhile, according to Irman et al (2008), what is meant by personal letters are letters that are used for personal interests and their contents are related to personal affairs. Meanwhile, according to the Ministry of Education and Culture (2017), personal letters refer to a form of written communication or correspondence that carried out by one person to another as a person and not as a representative or affairs related to institutions, official or official. An example of a personal letter is a letter from a child to his parents who live in his hometown.

Personal letters have the following characteristics.

  • Do not use letterhead or letterhead.
  • Do not use a letter number.
  • Variation of greetings and closings.
  • Using free language that is more communicative, relaxed, easy to understand, and personal in accordance with the wishes of the letter writer.
  • Free letter format.
  • Unofficial.
  • Contains personal problems.
  • A letter is written by a person and addressed to a person or agency.

The elements contained in a personal letter are as follows.

  • Place and date of writing the letter.
  • The purpose of the letter.
  • Greetings.
  • Content of letter.
  • Closing.
  • Identity mail sender.


On the previous occasion, we have reviewed several examples of letters that include personal letters such as sample sick leave letter, example of resign letter, and sample job application letter. Here is an example of a personal letter addressed to a friend.

Sample Personal Letter

Malang, April 17, 2019

Hi Cika,

How are you? You are okay, right? How was your study in Jakarta? I hope you are in good health and well and your studies in Jakarta are going smoothly. Oh yes, I have plans to go to Jakarta next week because I have an interview invitation. So I plan to stay at your house for about a week. Can you? Don't worry, I'll definitely bring your favorite souvenir, tempeh chips, right?

Oh yes, I also want to convey the news that your mother is sick. If the situation allows, you should go home to see your mother's condition even if it's only for a day. Who knows, your return could make mom's condition a little better.

Okay yes. See you in Jakarta.

Kind regards


Ordinary Letter

In contrast to personal letters which are personal in nature and are intended for personal purposes, ordinary letters are letters intended for official purposes such as: letter official and other official letters. Letters are usually written by individuals or institutions intended for things that are official in nature such as work or work.

The characteristics of ordinary letters are as follows.

  • Use letterhead or letterhead if the issuer is an institution or organization. The name of the institution or organization must be written in full.
  • As with the name of the institution or organization, the date of the letter must also be written in full, namely the date is written in numbers, the month is written in letters, and the year is written in numbers.
  • Using letter numbers, attachments, and subject. word letter number, attachment, and about written by starting with a capital letter followed by a colon which is written aesthetically downwards according to the short length of the three words. Another provision is that the word Number and Attachment can be shortened to No. and Lamp. must obey the principle.
  • The contents of the letter consist of from opening, body and closing sections. The opening section is an introduction to the contents of the letter. The content of the letter is what you want to convey to the recipient that is written briefly, straightforwardly, and clearly. And the closing part is the conclusion and key content of the letter.
  • Use the usual or formal opening and closing greetings.
  • Using language with official variety or raw.
  • The sender's name must be clearly written along with the title, signed and stamped.
  • Use a stamp or stamp if it comes from an official organization or institution.
  • Letter writing follows a certain letter format or is not free.
  • word The 'copy' is written with the initial capital letter and is placed on the left at the foot of the letter, straight with the number and page, and parallel to the name of the sender of the letter. The word 'copy' is followed by a colon without being underlined.

From the characteristics of ordinary letters above, the elements of ordinary letters are as follows.

  • Headmaster
  • Reference number
  • Attachment letter
  • About
  • Mail date
  • Address
  • Greetings
  • Content of letter
  • closing
  • Signature and stamp organization or agency
  • Full name and position
  • Copy


The following is an example of an ordinary letter in the type of circular letter of the Minister of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia Number 1 Year 2019 concerning Holidays for Workers/Labourers in the Implementation of Voting for the General Election in the Year 2019.

Common Letter Example

Head of the Minister of Manpower
Republic of Indonesia

9 April 2019

Dear. Governors
Throughout Indonesia




In connection with the enactment of Presidential Decree No. 10 of 2019 concerning Voting Day The 2019 General Election as a National Holiday, it is necessary to provide an explanation as follows: following.

  1. Presidential Decree Number 10 of 2019 stipulates that Wednesday, April 17, 2019 is a national holiday in the context of the 2019 general election. The day and date referred to are the day and date of voting for the 2019 general election.
  2. Employers must provide opportunities for workers/laborers to exercise their right to vote. If on the voting day and date, the worker/ laborer must work, then the entrepreneur shall arrange the working time so that the worker/ laborer can still exercise his/her right to vote.
  3. Workers/laborers who work on the voting day and date are entitled to overtime pay and other rights usually accepted by workers/laborers who are employed on official holidays in accordance with the provisions of the regulations legislation.

In connection with the above matters, we request your assistance in submitting this circular letter to the regent/mayor and relevant stakeholders in your area.

Thus this circular letter to be guided.

Minister of Manpower
Republic Indonesia

Stamped and signed

M. Hanif Dhakiri


  1. President of the Republic of Indonesia
  2. Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia
  3. Working Cabinet Minister
  4. Chairman of the APINDO DPN
  5. Leader of the Confederation of Trade Unions

Thus a brief review of the difference between a personal letter and a regular letter. Other articles that can be read include sample statement, examples of writing footnotes and bibliography; how to write a degree; how to write a bibliography; how to write footnotes; and procedures for writing derivative words. May be useful. Thank you.