Pantun is a wealth of language that has its own meaning in a system language. Linked rhymes are part of rhyme old that have a relationship between one stanza with another stanza. In the previous article, we have discussed several things about rhymes, including types of poetry, examples of rhymes talibun, examples of karmina rhymes and the characteristics of the poem. Our discussion this time is about related rhymes and examples in Indonesian to add insight to readers about rhymes. Happy listening.

The hooked rhyme is a type of rhyme that is arranged based on the rules of the rhyme and is interrelated between the first stanza and the next stanza until the closing stanza. To make or compose a related rhyme, it takes an ability to determine the concept of the story and the plot story. Hooked rhymes have several characteristics that distinguish them from other types of rhymes, including:

  1. the second and fourth lines in the first stanza are lowered or repeated in the first and third lines from the second stanza, this repetition continues in the next stanzas
  2. instagram viewer
  3. not bound by elements of rhyme
  4. the content of the related rhyme is a piece of advice or advice

Hooked rhymes are often also called seloka, because hooked rhymes consist of more than one stanza and there is a link between several of these stanzas. The following are examples of several types of related rhymes, including:

  • Poems related to religion

on the tree nesting birds

birds fly in the sky

inside us there is forbidden

never make a sin

birds fly in space

fell into the sea and drowned

never make a sin

O Muslim people

fell into the sea and drowned

broken wings split body

O Muslim people

put faith in Allah

  • Poems related to education

chicks down ten

one die, nine live

earnestly seek knowledge

so you don't miss

chicks down nine

die one live eight

knowledge may be a bit behind

but don't give up hope

chicks down eight

one die, only seven

life must be full of hope

make it the way to go

  • Poems related to life

straight way to payakumbuh

leaded teak wood

where the heart doesn't break

mom is dead dad is walking

leaded teak wood

the wind breaks the branches

mom is dead dad is walking

where is the profit handed over?

  • Poems related to love

young people like to play with eyes

playing eyes while standing

you like to play love

but you don't want to introspect

playing eyes while standing

play love without feelings

but you don't want to introspect

because you have no feelings

played love without feeling

played fire have to be careful

because you have no feelings

that's why you play a lot of hearts

  • witty/funny related rhymes

oh moon where are the stars

on top of fig wood

oh lord where did it go

in the girl's room

on top of fig wood

thick leaves, basically shady

lost in the room for the girl

just asking for a cigarette

The hooked rhyme consists of four lines, where the first 2 lines of each stanza are word sweetener. While the last 2 lines are then the content or essence of the related rhyme in the form of advice/advice.

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That's our discussion this time about related rhymes and examples in English Indonesia. May be useful.