Types of Old Poetry and Examples - Poetry is one of media which is often used to convey messages. Message this can be in the form of advice or personal expression of one person to another. Poetry often contains word-beautiful words that are arranged in such a way based on a particular theme. In Indonesia, types of poetry divided into old poetry, new poetry, and contemporary poetry. This article will discuss about old poetry, especially the types of old poetry.

Definition of Old Poetry

An old poem has appeared since era first and often used in ceremony traditional ceremonies. Poetry Lama is poetry that has rules and has meaning. The rule in the old poetry relates to its attachment to:

  • Number of words in 1 line
  • The number of lines in 1 stanza, can be 2, 4, or more
  • Amount tribe word
  • Rhythm and rhythm

Characteristics of Old Poetry

In addition to being bound by a number of rules, old poetry can also be seen from its characteristics. The characteristics of old poetry include:

  • Looks stiff, because the old poetry is very tied to the rules in it
  • instagram viewer
  • It is a hereditary work and it is not known who the author is
  • is literatureoral because it is passed by word of mouth

Types of Old Poetry

Old poetry can be said as an ancestral heritage. There are several types of old poetry, namely:

1. Poetry

Poetry comes from Arabic. The characteristic of poetry is that it consists of four lines in one stanza with rhyme a-a-a-a. Poems usually contain about a story with advice in it.


  • Advice

Listen, my true friend,

A simple poem from the bottom of the heart,

About the life of the world mortal this,

About the pebbles to deal with,

Temporary life is only for worship,

Not cursing, not immoral,

Do not be swayed by the temptation of lust,

Until worship is missed,

 Do not neglect to pray,

Don't be stingy about zakat.

Know that we multiply sholawat,

Use provisions later in the hereafter,

God never forgets,

God never turns us away,

For God is always with us,

But we always forget Him,

 Where are we in happy times,

Choose others to express likes,

Where are we in times of pain,

Remember that God complains of sorrow,

Try to always remember Allah,

Pray and surrender,

Both joy and sorrow within,

O Allah, our Lord,

Often we ask forgiveness,

So that the soul is like dew,

Don't be surprised later,

When life leaves the crown,

  • Educational Poem

O you youth,

You are the heir of the nation,

Be eager to learn all the time,

To build a nation,

Knowledge is not for wealth alone,

Knowledge is timeless,

For knowledge will keep you awake,

And knowledge will make you mature,

Learn without being lazy,

Respect all the class,

The future needs hard work,

If necessary energy drained,

Respect teachers,

Look as your parents,

Knowledge will always enter the heart,

With blessings for your soul.

2. Pantun

Pantun is widely known by the public. Until now, the rhyme is still often used, both in traditional ceremonies or for rituals communication. Wedding ceremonies in Betawi customs are still preserving culture chant in it. The characteristics of the poem are:

  • rhyme a-b-a-b,
  • 1 stanza consists of 4 lines,
  • each 1 line can consist from 8 – 12 syllables,
  • The first 2 lines are sampiran and the next 2 lines are contents.

Based on its contents, the rhymes consist of children's rhymes, young rhymes, advice rhymes, riddles, and witty rhymes. (Also read: types of poetry, the characteristics of the poem)


  • Poem advice

To Jakarta, stop by Tegal

Together with love have fun

Don't let us regret

Remember life doesn't pray

See the bubbles popping

If it breaks, it sticks

Increase knowledge while you are alive

For your provision in the afterlife

  • Limerick

When I was little I drank milo

Until big, still addicted

This is the fate of being single

To the invitation there is no partner

This is the name love

The heart is always blooming

If you remember Ms

Smiling like a crazy person

  • Poem riddles

Papaya lemon fruit

But buy durian fruit

Try to guess, brother

The more you fill it, the lighter it gets (answer: balloon)

Go into the forest looking for lontar

But choose to take rattan

If only you were smart

What animal is the width of the head from the body? (answer: stingray)

3. Seloka

Seloka is a type of Malay poetry. Another name for seloka is a related rhyme, this is because it consists of more than one related stanza. Seloka contains satire, ridicule, or jokes expressed in a parable. The hallmark of the verse is that the second and fourth stanzas in the first stanza are used in the first and third lines of the next stanza. This characteristic is present in each stanza.


Travel to the city of batik
Ride Aan's motorbike
If you drive well
So that you reach your destination safely
Ride Aan's motorbike
Hot afternoons
So that you can reach your destination
Obey the traffic
Hot afternoons
Use a headgear umbrella
Obey the traffic
Blessings to all

4. Gurindam

The old gurindam type of poetry contains advice, with the rule that each stanza consists of 2 lines and rhymes a-a. This poem is from Tamil (India).


When young lazy to pray
Old age can be shaken
Who doesn't respect parents?
Will be far from the smell of heaven
If you sleep a lot
A lot of sustenance is buried
If the husband is kufr
Dream family must be buried

5. Karmina

Karmina has another name for the lightning rhyme because it is similar to the rhyme but is short in content. This type of poetry is identical to the straight rhyme pattern (a-a). This lightning rhyme is usually used to insinuate someone.


Used to be rice, now ketupat
The stingy person is tormented in the afterlife
Durian sharp thorny fruit
Read the Koran calm the heart
Buy salmon at the market
Chubby cheeks make me angry
Go to the salty sea
Guts shrink because he says hello

6. Spell

The type of old poetry that is interesting is the mantra, because mantras are often associated with things that contain supernatural powers. Mantras have rhyme and rhythm and are known for their mysterious nature. The language used in the mantra usually uses a metaphorical figure of speech and is esoteric. Espheric is language specifically used between the speaker and the interlocutor.


  • Spells used to ask for power

Hey iron, wake up you king of iron
The one called the double can
You sit at the head of my heart
Leaning on the pillar of the throne
I ask you to leave my human
I ask you to be humble, all of you
Thanks to me wearing Sayyidina Ali's natural form
Longitude then transverse broken
Then also God's will
Blessings la ilaha illallah

  • Mantra to ward off spirits

The magic of lontar areca lontar
located at the end of the earth
Blind demon blind gnome
Who am I not beeping

7. Talibun

Almost similar to pantun, talibun is an old type of poetry that also has sampiran and content. The thing that distinguishes the pantun is that talibun contains more lines, which is about 6 to 20 lines. The number of rows on the rope must be an even number. In talibun, half of the contents are sampiran and the other half are contents. For example, if talibun contains 6 lines, the first 3 lines are sampiran and the next 3 lines are content, with rhyme a-b-c-a-b-c.


  • Talibun 6 rows 

I'm tired of climbing>
The peak is no longer visible
The moon is no longer there
I'm tired of climbing
The heart is no longer strong
Seeing you is no longer real

  • Talibun 8 lines 

Sitting on my knees looking at the full moon
Child laughing while running
I've lost power too
Catching the implied message
Children and grandchildren respect mama
To get rid of all the thorns
Don't sin
And good luck in the afterlife

Other language articles

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  • type of affix
  • conjunction
  • meaning of indirect sentence
  • noun sentences and verbal sentences
  • active and passive sentences
  • deductive, inductive and mixed paragraphs
  • tautology

Enough articles about Types of Old Poetry and Examples. Hopefully everything described in this article is easy to understand and useful for learning. Thank you.