According to the Big Dictionary LanguageIndonesia, what is meant by criticism is criticism or feedback, sometimes a dissertation description and consideration of good and bad of a work, opinion and so on. According to Marsudi et al (2009), to criticize a literary work, the things that must be considered are:

  • Understand about ingredient which will be criticized such as the theme, the problem to be expressed, the poet's feelings at that time, and so on.
  • Make views/opinions as accurate as possible, so that nothing is missed.
  • Determine the strengths and weaknesses contained in the work.
  • When criticizing prose, we must pay attention to the elements contained in it.

The following is an example of a brief critique that evaluates the poems by Sutardji Calzum Bachri (“POT”) by using a measure of beauty. poetry like Chairil Anwar's poetry which was previously considered a great poem.


what pot is that pot are you my pot

pots pots

the one who answers is pot pot pot pot are you the pot

the one who answers pot pot pot pot are you my pot

instagram viewer

pots pots

potapa potitu pot you pot my pot?


Based on the beauty standards of Chairil Anwar's poems, the selection of word and the expressions used have aesthetic power and create a vivid image for the reader. With this assessment measure, it could be that POT's poetry becomes worthless because of its diction and expressions ambiguous, does not cause a clear and definite image to the reader.

Thus a brief review of examples of brief criticism. Other articles that can be read and related to the sample work literature among others are types of old poetry, types of novels, example of short novel, example of a translated novel, example of a novel. example of short romance, examples of rhymes talibun,example of critical sentence, example of educational poetry, example of a short poem, give an example of a traditional rhyme, related rhymes and examples in Indonesian, examples of karmina rhymes, give an example of a rhyme, give an example of a witty rhyme, and give examples of rhymes children rejoice. May be useful. Thank you.

*Quoted from Module 1 Literary Criticism – Open University, 2015