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The singular article is one of types of articles based on their function. The function of this article is to glorify or pay homage to something that is singular and has a high degree in the eyes of society. In the article types of articles, it has been mentioned that there are several types of singular articles, where the types of singular articles are as follows!

1. The

The first types of singular articles are the. This word is an article that serves to glorify a person, animal, or an object that is considered to have a high degree. For more details, consider some examples below!

  • The The king has arrived at his palace.
  • The The mouse deer managed to deceive a tiger who wanted to eat him.
  • The The Red and White Saka has also been flown, and all participants ceremony paid tribute to him.

word king, deer, and, Red and White Saka is a person, animal, and thing that is considered to have a high degree in society, whether that's because of his power, ability in him, or because of the special sacred value contained in in it. Because of these things, the 3 words above are also given articles 

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the in front of him.

2. Sri

The next type of singular article is the word sri. word This clothing is often worn in front of the name of someone who is a descendant of the king or someone who has a high title. For example:

  • Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X welcomed the arrival of President Joko Widodo at the Yogyakarta Palace.

As we all know, Sultan Hamengku Buwono X is a descendant of the kings who once ruled Yogyakarta. Therefore, the provision of the article sri in front of his name is a common thing.

3. Hang

This article is an article that comes from from Classical Malay literature era and now it is never used again in everyday life. The function of this article is as a form of respect for a man who is respected or respected by the community. Example:

  • Hang Tuah was a famous figure in Malay land at that time.

4. Dang

Like the word hangs, word dang is also an article originating from the era of Classical Malay literature and is no longer used in Indonesia era this. The difference is, this article is used for women who are respected or respected by society at that time. For example:

  • Dang Siti is learning to knit with her mother.

5. Hyang

This article is an article that functions as a form of glorification to the Gods in the teachings of Hinduism. For example:

  • Hindus believe that Sang Hyang Widhi will give salvation to his people who follow the path of Dharma.

6. That

The last types of singular articles are That. This article functions as a form of adoration and respect for the nickname of God and someone who has a very high degree in society. For example:

  • Only Him That All-knowing of all human hearts.
  • That His Majesty the king has arrived at the palace.

Thus the discussion of the types of singular articles in languageIndonesia. If the reader wants to know some other types of words, then the reader can open the article types of nouns, types of verbs, types of adjectives, types of adverbs, and types of prepositions. That is all and thank you.

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