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Compound antonyms or also known as compound oppositions are one of the fromtypes of antonyms where the word in question has the opposition of more than one word. In a sense, one word does not always have to be in opposition to one word only. For example, sad is the opposite of happy, cheerful, happy, or joyful.

The following is an example of compound antonyms in a paragraphlanguageIndonesia.

Eid is only a matter of days. Many people in the community have decided to return to their hometowns. This year's joint leave, which was only a few days, made the community members decide to go home at almost the same time. Train stations, bus terminals, travel agents, ports and airports are almost all full of potential passengers. The booming number of passengers is not proportional to the capacity of the passenger waiting room in each public transportation place. As a result, many prospective passengers who stand up. However, there are also some potential passengers who can sit in the seats provided. In fact, even though all the seats were filled, there were also prospective passengers who sat down and

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sleep on the floor waiting for the means of transportation to arrive. Situations like that are common to us before Eid al-Fitr. Homecoming together, jammed on the road, and crammed waiting for tools transportation Comes are some “spices” that make going home more colorful.

From the paragraph above it can be concluded that the word stand up can be paired with several words such as sit or sleep. Such word pairs, according to Suladi (2014), are called compound antonyms or compound oppositions.

Thus a brief review of compound antonyms or compound oppositions. Other readable articles related to word and the meaning of the words in between are antonyms and example sentences; examples of antonyms, synonyms, and hyponyms; example sentences of synonyms and antonyms; example of hypernym in a sentence; examples of hypernym and homonym sentences; various meaning relationships in Indonesian; meaning of words, meanings of terms, and expressions; types of word meaning; example of word meaning; and types of meaning shift. May be useful. Thank you.

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