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Previously, we have known several examples of verses in a certain number of stanzas, ranging from example of 2 stanza, example of a 3 stanza, until example of a 4 stanza. This time, we will know some examples of poems totaling 5 stanzas. As for some examples of 5 stanza poems in languageIndonesia these are as follows.

  • Example of 5 stanzas about the virtue of knowledge

Who wants to reach the world
So you must have knowledge
Seek knowledge from the experts
So that you know reach the world

Who wants to reach the afterlife
You have to know the science
So you don't get lost easily
So that you can get there

Who wants world success
And also success in Sana alam
So you must have knowledge
So that you can know how

Because if you just want
But don't know how to get it
So we are not possible
Success in the world and in Sana

So seek knowledge
So that you will know
How to achieve world success
And also success in Sana alam

  • Example of 5 stanzas about Advice for People of Wealth

There's nothing wrong with looking for treasure
As much as we can
But don't forget
To worship the Almighty

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Because without permission from-His
We will not exist in the natural world
And if without his permission
We can't find treasure

For that always
Remembering to worship Him
Because of His power we are in the world
Because of His power we are treasured

Besides continuing to worship Him
We also have to set aside property
For the poor and the papa
Those who are far or near us

By setting aside our treasure
Our wealth is more useful
And we will be rewarded
From Him the Almighty

  • Example of 5 stanzas about Sadness

Day by day it's changing
Week after week it changes
I'm still waiting
He who never comes back

He's probably still sailing now
To the land of cruises
To get a wad of dinars
Which will be a dowry

How long will he sail?
How long will he not tell
How long will this longing stretch?
How long will I continue to be patient

On a drizzling day
I also got the sad news
He's the one I always miss
Now meet death

This heart is like being sliced
By a sharpened sharp knife
He died in a tragic way
carried away waves bubbling sea

  • Example of 5 stanzas about Life Advice

Life is like a spinning wheel
Sometimes above sometimes below
So let's be patient
Live life sometimes it's not easy

Sometimes life makes us happy
With wealth and success
Sometimes life makes us sad
With sadness and trouble

Let's go through it all
The joys and sorrows of life
Because behind the joy and sorrow
There is a hidden wisdom

The wisdom that will come in the future
'Is that so? ingredient evaluation
'For ourselves in the future
What we might face

That's all this advice
What I wrote on this sheet
May it be pleasing in your heart
May it be useful for every self

Those are some examples of 5 stanza poems in Indonesian. If the reader wants to see other examples of poetry, the reader can open the article example of poetry about love, examples of poetry about life, examples of educational poems and their meanings, as well as examples of 4 stanzas of advice and their meanings. Thank you and thank you.

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