7 Examples of Using Commas as Abbreviations of Degrees

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According to the General Indonesian Spelling Guidelines, commas are not only used to connect sentences but are also used to abbreviate academic degrees that follow people's names. As a title abbreviation, a comma is placed between the person's name and academic title to distinguish the title abbreviation from the abbreviation of the name of the person, family, or clan. Procedures use of commas as an abbreviation title refers to how to write a degree correct according to the General Guidelines for Spelling Language Indonesia.

If on the previous occasion we have known and understood some Examples of using commas as connectors between sentences, then here are some examples of using a comma as an abbreviation of a degree which also indicates example of abbreviation of title and example of how to write a degree according to General Spelling Guidelines Language Indonesia :

1. The following are the names that passed the administrative selection:

  • Unyil, S.T
  • Toni Setiawan, S.Si
  • Hana Mantovani, S. S
  • Rudi Hartono, S. Kom
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  • Amelia Setiawati, S.I. Kom
  • Anggita Pertiwi, S.Pd. I
  • Alan Kwok, S.H
  • Bambang Setiawan, S.Pd
  • Roni Waluya, S.H.Int
  • Rani Surani, S. Farm

2. After graduating from doctoral education, his full name is Dr. Santi Damayanti, S. Sos.

3. The speakers at this seminar were Kirana Larasati, S.I.Kom., M.Si.

4. Prior to continuing her studies at the Masters level, Susi Susanti had studied nursing for 4 years and held a Bachelor of Applied Science or S.ST or Diploma IV degree. Thus, the full name listed in the registration file is Susi Susanti, S.ST.

5. Economic limitations do not prevent a Poniman's persistence and perseverance to earn a Bachelor's degree in Political Science. His full name is now Poniman, S.IP.

6. M.A on Yuni Shara, M.A is not a long name but the name of the title she bears, namely Master of Arts.

7. He is a Bachelor of Hospital Administration. Therefore, her full name is Santi Damayanti, S.A.R.S.

Thus a brief review of examples of using commas as abbreviations for titles. Another readable article closely related to types of punctuation and examples of their use include: example of using punctuation, use of semicolon, use of slashes, examples of abbreviations and their meanings, example of writing abbreviations in sentences, examples of abbreviations and acronyms in sentence form, the difference between acronyms and abbreviations and examples, abbreviation example, and an example of using abbreviation punctuation in a sentence. That is all and thank you.

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