27 Examples of Short Persuasive Sentences and Paragraphs

Example Sentence and a Short Persuasion Paragraph - Paragraphs based on the purpose of writing, divided into argumentative paragraphs, paragraph description, narrative paragraph, exposition paragraph and persuasion paragraph. A persuasive paragraph is a sentence or paragraph whose contents are in the form of an invitation, persuasion, appeal or seduction with the aim of influencing the reader so that the reader follows the will of the author. To meet these objectives, the authors need to provide evidence and datadata strong supporters and in accordance with the existing facts so that readers are more confident in the written content presented and are willing to agree with or follow what is conveyed by the author.

Writing a persuasive sentence or paragraph can be said to be both difficult and easy. This is due to the lack of preparation effective (too long or use terms that are not easily understood by the persuasion target) or lack of concentration in writing so that the goal is deviated. Because sentences and paragraphs of persuasion are based on data to support the author's opinion.

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A persuasive paragraph has the following characteristics:

  • An invitation to follow or do something.
  • There are data based on facts, examples, arguments, calculations and so on to strengthen the reasons and convince the reader to follow or do the things conveyed by the author.
  • Language used generally avoid conflict so that the reader's interest is not lost and gives the reader the opportunity to agree with the author's thoughts and follow them, especially if there are other arguments that differ from those presented by author.

Types of Persuasion Paragraphs and Examples

Persuasion sentences and paragraphs are divided into 4 types, namely propaganda persuasion, educational persuasion, advertising persuasion and political persuasion. The explanations and examples are as follows:

1. Propaganda Persuasion

This type of paragraph has the strongest/strongest appeal to the reader to follow the message conveyed, by provide information that makes the reader believe and want to follow or carry out the persuasion contained in sentences and paragraphs that. Propaganda persuasion is commonly found in print media such as: letter newspapers, magazines, pamphlets and so on.

Example of sentences :

  • Stop for a moment if you are sleepy, keep yourself and other road users safe.
  • Pay taxes on time.
  • Throw garbage in its place.
  • Lock your vehicle with a double lock.
  • Keep it clean.
  • Wear a seat belt when driving.
  • Use a helmet with the SNI logo.
  • Let's make National Immunization Week a success, visit the posyandu, let's make our country's children healthy.

Example paragraph :

Cultivate Safety on the Highway

Traffic accidents on the highway are the second leading cause of death after heart disease in Indonesia today. This was caused by hit-and-run incidents, delays in handling after a single accident or accident multiple, non-compliance with driving safety equipment such as helmets or seat belts and others etc. The police recorded that there were at least 453 cases of road accidents in XXXX. Therefore, let us be vigilant when using the highway. Even if we feel confident that we have been careful, we should still be aware of the carelessness of other road users. Not a few accidents occur due to the carelessness of others, such as the parents' neglect of underage children to take control of the vehicle, driving in poor condition. drowsy or affected by drugs and alcohol, other motorists disobeying traffic signs and lights, reckless drivers to pedestrians who do not know the rules. So, obey all the signs on the road, use safety equipment and always remember that our behavior on the highway also affects the lives of others, including their beloved family who are waiting at home.

2. Educational Persuasion

Is the type of paragraph used by agencies / agencies or people involved in the world of education to convey information message related to education. The form can be in the form of an appeal, motivation, suggestion or guide.

Example of sentences :

  • Let's make reading a habit!
  • Learn even though you're tired, be honest even though it's hard.
  • Come on… make the 9-year study program a success!
  • Come join the Aku Learning community, be a part of the nation's education light.
  • Come to school on time, respect your teacher and love your friends.

Example Paragraph :

The era of globalization has penetrated almost all regions of the country. The earth remains round, but the world becomes flat very quickly. It is supported by the existence technology increasingly accessible to almost all geographic ranges. These conditions make it easy for a person to access existing sources of information in a faraway place, either by means of sound, images or writing with a positive impact and the negative. Reading is a useful activity to stimulate the brain to continue to be active. Insights and knowledge gained from reading have the potential to stick in memory for a longer time rather than gain by any other means because when reading one is encouraged to visualize it alone. By reading, we can catch up or benefit from the exploration of others and can develop and share it with others. Reading is also one of the recommended ways to relax the brain and calm the mood, of course, by choosing reading material first. Because of the many benefits of reading, let's create and improve it culture reading children by succeeding in school literacy programs and making books as one of the entertainment materials for children at home.

3. Advertising Persuasion

Advertising persuasion is also known as advertising persuasion. This is because this type of persuasion is indeed used in the field of advertising with commercial purposes, namely: introduce, market or influence potential consumers to choose products or services offered by the author.

Example of sentences :

  • It's been a long time doing business online but the merchandise is still not selling well? Use the Akulaku application, get it immediately on the Playstore!
  • Do you often feel sore in the back area? Your sleep becomes restless and often wakes up because of the discomfort? Magic Pillow is the best choice for you! Use it regularly every night as well as while relaxing in front of your television for 4 to 5 hours per day for best results!
  • Fat doesn't fade even though you have spent hundreds of thousands to millions on various products and you feel hopeless? Want to try slimming pills but worry about their safety for your health? Exercising but feeling in vain? Every time you go to a party feeling itchy and uncomfortable with the corset you usually use? Have you heard of this amazing product? Munafie Pants with fine and soft yarn fibers so you are comfortable to wear even though you are on the move all day! Don't be fooled by fake products! Order only through our address below and get special offers until January 31, 2017.

Example paragraph :

Zernii Alkaline Water is water with an alkaline pH which is very good for the health of the body's organs. Its small particles can be easily absorbed down to the cellular level so that the body easily feels satisfied from thirst without feeling bloated even if taken in large quantities. Zernii Alkaline Water is different from other alkaline water products obtained by manipulating water using a machine or adding certain materials to reduce the acidity of the water. Zernii Alkaline Water is obtained by distilling natural streams of water from the Always Alir mountains in West Java in a professional, hygienic and syar'i way since from water sources to packing through reading the holy verses of the Koran so as to provide a more beautiful composition of water crystals when enlarged. Without ingredient chemical additives and natural mineral content, of course Zernii Alkaline Water is very good for your health without harmful side effects. Therefore, switch to Zernii Alkaline Water. Consume regularly to obtain complete health, support local Indonesian products and together achieve a better standard of living.

4. Political Persuasion

The purpose of political persuasion in general is to invite or influence the participation of readers/listeners/viewers to members of a party, determine the choice of party representatives or independent candidates and involvement in something activity certain matters relating to the political agenda of the party or the interests of the State. However, in the print media often the types of sentences and paragraphs of political persuasion are included in the. column ‘advertorials’ or considered similar to advertisements in general even though the existing content has specifications in the field political.

Example of sentences :

  • The general election is coming soon. Use your voting rights well and be a responsible citizen for the progress of the nation.
  • Don't bet your time with you for the next 5 years with just a few rupiahs. Choose a leader according to your conscience!
  • Be Careful! Don't be easily trapped by hoaxes, dig information about your potential regional leader pair on trusted sites and sources. Be a wise chooser!
  • Golput is irresponsible, use your right to vote.
  • Come on, report it if you find a suspicious foreign national around you!
  • Choose based on your conscience, avoid the temptation to bribe votes!
  • Let's make the elections peaceful and dignified.

Example paragraph :

Soon every area in Indonesia going to have a party democracy simultaneously to elect their respective regional heads. Our participation is an integral part of the success of the government for the next five years. Still warm in hangat media about the protest against the 45th president-elect of the United States, Donald Trump. Despite the ideological agreement promoted by this Republican representative and his Democratic political opponent represented by Hillary Clinton, the fact is that half of the population of this superpower did not exercise their right to vote and felt disadvantaged because the results of the general election did not match expectations they. Therefore, use our right to vote and invite the people closest to us to go to the polling station and choose a candidate for regional leader who is in line with the expectations of your destiny for the next five years front.

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Here are some examples of short persuasive sentences and paragraphs. May be useful.