15 Example Sentences of Amelioration, Peyoration and Synesthesia

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In LanguageIndonesia, often found words that have different meanings if the context of the sentence is changed. This change in meaning can be caused by several factors. These factors include grammatical processes, social differences culture, the process of interpretation, the process of association and exchange of sensory responses. The presence of these factors causes types of meaning shift described in the previous article.

Previously it has also been explained about types of word meaning as structural meaning, example of the meaning of reflection, example of collocative meaning, and example of stylistic meaning. This time, we will discuss three types of shifts in meaning, namely amelioration, peyoration, synesthesia along with examples of sentences.

Example Sentences of Amelioration

Meaning of amelioration is a type of shift in meaning that makes the meaning of a new word more polite than before. This shift in meaning is also accompanied by a change in the form of the word. Some examples of amelioration sentences include:

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1. “Blind” becomes “Blind”

The word "blind" in the KBBI is defined as the inability of the five senses of the eye to see. This word is considered impolite when spoken or addressed to someone. Example in a sentence:

  • Even though it has now become blind, Andi still insisted on completing his education at University A.

Using the word "blind" sounds a little harsher or less polite. However, after experiencing amelioration, the word "blind" was changed to "blind". word this gives the impression of being more polite than the previous word. Change the sentence using amelioration to:

  • Even though it has now become blind, Andi still insisted on completing his education at University A.

2. “Bui” becomes “Penitentiary”

The word "bui" in KBBI is defined as prison. This word has a negative impression when spoken. After experiencing amelioration, the word "prison" was changed to "penitentiary". This word has a more subtle impression, namely a place of formation for prisoners. If applied in sentence, for example as follows:

  • After leaving jail, his emotions were no longer as explosive as they used to be.
  • After leaving Correctional Institution, his emotions were no longer as explosive as they used to be.

3. “Homeless” to “Homeless”

The word "homeless" is usually intended for someone who has social welfare problems, especially in terms of having a place to live. After experiencing amelioration, the word “bum” was changed to “homeless”. This word has a more subtle impression compared to tramp. For example in a sentence:

  • Since the eviction, many tramp who sleep on sidewalks and riverbanks.
  • Since the eviction, many homeless who sleep on sidewalks and riverbanks.

4. “Bini” becomes “Wife”

The word "bini" is defined as a married woman. After experiencing amelioration, the word "wife" was changed to "wife" which has the same meaning but seems more polite. For example in a sentence:

  • wife Si Kardun wants to take part in the training in the city of Jakarta.
  • wife Si Kardun wants to take part in the training in the city of Jakarta.

5. “Give birth” to “Give birth”

The word "beranak" has an impolite impression if it is intended for women. After experiencing amelioration, the word "beranak" is changed to "to give birth". Example in a sentence:

  • Astrid just now give birth a beautiful and healthy princess.
  • Astrid just now give birth a beautiful and healthy princess.

Example of a Pejorative Sentence

Different from amelioration, the meaning of peyoration actually makes a word change for the worse or have a lower meaning position than the previous word. Similar to amelioration, the change in meaning in pejorative also changes the form of the word. Some examples of pejorative sentences include:

1. “Flock” becomes “Mob”

The word "horde" is a form of change in the meaning of peyorasi from the word "herd". This word has a more negative impression than the original word. Usually this word is also directed at a person or group of people who do negative actions as well. Example in a sentence:

  • Police managed to catch flock thief who used to act in the elite residential area.
  • Police managed to catch mob thief who used to act in the elite residential area.

2. “saleswoman” becomes “store clerk”

The word "salesperson" has the meaning of employees in the trading industry who are in charge of serving buyers/consumers. After experiencing pejorasi, this word was changed to “shopkeeper”. For example in a sentence:

  • This supermarket now has more than 50 people saleswoman.
  • This supermarket now has more than 50 people shopkeeper.

3. “Married” becomes “Married”

The word "married" has the meaning of making a bond according to religious teachings and laws. After experiencing peyorasi, this word is changed to “kawin”, which means intercourse between the opposite sex. This word has a lower meaning than “married”. Example in a sentence:

  • Asih and Andi are planning married next year.
  • Asih and Andi are planning Marry next year.

4. "Talak" becomes "divorce"

The word "talak" means the release of the marriage bond between husband and wife. After experiencing pejoration, this word was changed to “divorced”, which had a worse impression. Example in a sentence:

  • It's only been a month of being married, Kadir is already chorus his wife.
  • It's only been a month of being married, Kadir is already divorce his wife.

5. “Died” becomes “Dead”

The word "died" has the same meaning as its pejorative meaning, "to die". However, the word "dead" seems more disrespectful than the word "died" when used for humans. Example in a sentence:

  • He just found died after his neighbors suspected a foul smell emanating from his room.
  • He just found die after his neighbors suspected a foul smell emanating from his room.

Example Sentences of Synesthesia

The meaning of synesthesia is different from amelioration and pejorative which changes the word form and the level of meaning for better or for worse. Synesthesia is a form of change in the meaning of a word due to the response of two things related to the five senses. To better understand this definition, consider the following examples of synesthesia sentences.

1. Sharp

Example of sentences:

  • Be careful the knife is very sharp!
  • Of course I knew he was angry. Can't you see how sharp his eyes are when he looks at me.

The two sentences above have different meanings because they are perceived by different senses. The first sentence shows the meaning of "easy to hurt or can cut". This can be felt by the sense of touch. While the second sentence shows the meaning of "looking fierce, or angry". This can be seen by the sense of sight.

2. Sweet

Example of sentences:

  • Unexpectedly, this fruit tastes really sweet.
  • Alina looks cute wearing the dress her father bought.

The two sentences above have different meanings. In the example of the first sentence sweet is defined as sweetness by the sense of taste. While the second sentence shows the meaning of "beautiful, beautiful, beautiful” by the sense of sight.

3. Spicy

Example of sentences:

  • Ali doesn't like spicy food at all.
  • Not infrequently the words he uttered sounded very spicy to the ears.

The word spicy is related to the sense of taste, but in the second sentence it is used by the sense of the listener. The meaning in the second example sentence is "painful".

4. Slippery

Example of sentences:

  • Consequences rain heavy, many cars skidded due to slippery roads.
  • The fugitive was very slippery, twice he had escaped ambush.

The word slippery in the second example sentence shows the meaning of "hard to catch".

5. Cold

Example of sentences:

  • Breathing the cool mountain air is indeed very good for relieving stress.
  • I don't understand why his attitude suddenly turned cold towards me.

cold words are usually associated with the sense of touch. But the word cold in the second example sentence shows the meaning of "ignorant, unfriendly".

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Thus the article about examples of sentences amelioration, pejorasi and synesthesia. May be useful.

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