5 Types of Poetry and Examples in Indonesian

Types of poetry and examples in Indonesian – Poetry is known as media to express the heart about an event, occurrence, person, or feeling. So what exactly is poetry? What makes it different from other works? To better understand the poem, the following is an explanation of the poem. Starting from the meaning of the poem, the characteristics of the poem, the types of poetry, and examples of each type of poetry. Well.. Happy learning!

Definition of Poetry

Poetry is one of the types of old poetry. The word poetry comes from Arabic "shu'ur” which means feeling, then develops into “shi'ru" which mean poetry. Syair is an old poem that is still bound by the rules of rhyme and stanza.

Characteristics of Poetry

Some of the characteristics of poetry that distinguish it from other types of poetry are:

  • Each stanza in the verse consists of 4 lines
  • Each row contains 4 word
  • Each row contains a minimum of 8 tribe word
  • Rhyme in verse is a-a-a-a
  • The language in the poem is still in the form of a figure of speech
  • Poetry usually contains a story that contains advice
  • instagram viewer
  • All lines in the poem are content, there is no sampiran like in a rhyme

Types of Poetry

Poetry is divided into several types, namely religious poetry, figurative poetry, banner poetry, romantic poetry, and historical poetry. Here is the explanation:

1. Religious poetry

Religious poetry began to be known in Indonesia at the same time as the entry of Islam. There are several types of religious poetry, namely Sufi poetry, Islamic teaching poetry, prophetic poetry, and advice poetry. Example:

Listen, my true friend,

Simple poetry from bottom of heart,

About the life of the world mortal this,

About the pebbles to deal with,

Temporary life is only for worship,

Not cursing, not immoral,

Do not be swayed by the temptation of lust,

Until worship is missed,

Do not neglect to pray,

Don't be stingy about zakat.

Know that we multiply sholawat,

Use provisions later in the hereafter,

God never forgets,

God never turns us away,

For God is always with us,

But we always forget Him,

Where are we in happy times,

Choose others to express likes,

Where are we in times of pain,

Remember that God complains of sorrow,

Try to always remember Allah,

Pray and surrender,

Both joy and sorrow within,

O Allah, our Lord,

Often we ask forgiveness,

So that the soul is like dew,

Don't be surprised,

When life leaves the crown,

2. Figurative Poetry

The main key in this verse is the use of figures of speech. The figure of speech in this poem is used as an allusion to certain events or occurrences. The figure of speech used usually uses the presupposition of certain objects such as animals, flowers, or fruit. Example:

I'm just an ordinary flower

not as beautiful as roses

the red one

and always be praised

I'm just a fringe flower

not as pure as jasmine

pure white

and always proud

I'm just an ordinary flower

Beetles don't even want to look at me

even birds are reluctant to me

Even the bees don't seem to know I exist

I really don't have a diamond

I never held gold

diamonds never adorn me

just this feeling in my heart

My love I can't stop

I feel I can't refuse

this gift will always be there

even if it's just one side

You're the perfect person

no defects no wounds

everything is so perfect

never escape my sight for you

Love this is not 'to say'

no power of courage

even the effort doesn't feel worth it

because I only miss the moon

3. Banner

This type of poetry tells about the circumstances, events and people in the palace. The following is an example of a banner poem, namely Ken Tambuhan's poem. This poem tells the life of a beautiful princess named Ken Tambunan.

If you become water
Kakang is a fish in the sand
Nin said there was no brother mungkir
Love the inner and outer brother

If you become the moon
Brother becomes a beautiful back
Aria ningsun gold friend
Don't divorce whatever sir

Sir like flowers
Brother becomes a beetle
Master gives you worried
No pity sir for brother

If the lord becomes a log
Brother becomes a peacock
Don't want your brother to be far away
Instantly can't move

4. Romantic Poetry

This poem contains stories of love and affection, it can also be a story story people or saga. Example:

oh you angel

angel in a dream

the angel of the heart's desire

you've been waiting for a long time

not just love

not because of wealth

and not for blind lust

but you go to heaven

my favorite angel

you are my rib

your charm is like a bullet

plunged into the heart

you are like a light

present in the middle of war

thanks always never go away

on you dear sister

thank you sister

thank me for what

no treasure no throne

there is only love

my promise to God

to get rid of the hard in the body

get rid of sorrow

in your life the dream angel

5. Historical Poetry

As the name implies, historical poetry is made based on an event, character, or historical place. The following is an example of a historical poem about the legend found in Negaradipa:

We started when we wrote
All thoughts poured out
To compose historical poems
Sequence of events

As for the name of the poem written
Negaradipa Kingdom in South Kalimantan
As ingredient knowledge
For brothers and sisters

Although the historical evidence of South Kalimantan Kalimantan
Not in the form of something that says
But the former kingdom can be proven
According to the research of historians

The former kingdom that can be mentioned
Like the Great Temple, proof of heritage
Its location in Amuntai has been confirmed
The restoration has been done

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Enough of the explanation of the types of poetry and examples in languageIndonesia. To better understand the rhyme, you can try to compose a verse based on the type of verse you are interested in. Hopefully this explanation can be easily understood and can be used as a source reference study. Thank you.