The first person pronoun is a type of personal pronoun or personal pronoun that is used to replace the person speaking. There are two kinds of first person pronouns, namely the first person singular and. word replace first person plural. The first person singular pronouns include I and me, and servant. Meanwhile, the first person plural pronouns include we and we.

Here are some examples of first person pronouns in sentences:

  1. I forgive you.
  2. I don't understand all this.
  3. For 20 years I live in Bali.
  4. Me go to Jakarta tomorrow morning.
  5. Me afraid to live alone in the house.
  6. Me sure all will be well.
  7. Sorry servant, Your Majesty the King.
  8. Forgive servant-You are my God.
  9. Myremind you once again. Stay away from that place!
  10. That mysee is just a black shadow.
  11. Homemy just repaired.
  12. She is very kind to me.
  13. We will discuss this issue further.
  14. We I request you to be willing to reconsider the proposed proposal.
  15. We friends since childhood.
  16. We not afraid of that person's threat.
  17. We No need to rush into making decisions.
  18. We need to clean up this place soon.
  19. instagram viewer
  20. We must unite against this injustice!
  21. Should we go now from this place.

Thus a brief review of examples of first person pronouns in sentence. Other readable articles related to pronouns in languageIndonesia among others are types of pronouns, types of pronouns, example of pronoun, personal pronoun example, examples of personal pronouns in sentences, examples of intratextual and extratextual pronouns, examples of pronoun phrases in Indonesian, examples of pronouns me, you, you and nya, examples of writing pronouns me, mu and her in a sentence, example of indefinite pronoun, the difference between question words and interrogative pronouns, examples of pronouns in sentences, examples of possessive pronouns in sentences, as well as rules for writing prepositions and pronouns according to EYD. Hopefully helpful, and thank you.