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Some time ago, we have known and understood some examples of text discussion in language Indonesian, like example of discussion text about health, example of discussion text about drugs, example of discussion text about education, and example of discussion text about environment. On this occasion, we will briefly review an example of a discussion text with the theme technology.

Pros and Cons of Gadgets for Children*

The development of information technology and communication which is so fast that by itself has given birth to various technological equipment information and communication that is now used by almost everyone in various fields. No exception for children. Yes, whether or not children need to have gadgets is still a matter of debate to this day.

Those who think that gadgets it is necessary for children to reason that children need to be introduced to the latest technology. They view that introducing children to the latest technology is important given the rapid development of technology. In addition, they also think that

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gadgets make children smarter because a variety of applications that support children's learning are contained in gadgets.

Meanwhile, those who think that children don't need to have gadgets reasoned that gadgets can have a negative impact on the mental development of children. Presence gadgets makes children seem immersed in their world and fail to socialize with their friends at school or in the vicinity. They also think that gadgets is the cause of children's speech delay.

Remember gadgets has now become a part fromstyle life and the impact it causes are not always positive, so parents really need to limit their children's use gadgets. As for how to limit use gadgets by children according to experts, among them is to keep away the television, gadgets, and internet from the children's room; monitor the applications or pages accessed by the child; as far as possible not to give gadgets to children in an effort to calm children when they cry or have a tantrum; and use logical reasons when restricting children from using gadgets.

Thus a brief review of examples of discussion texts about technology. Other readable and text-related articles in Indonesia among others are example of news text about school, sad news example, example of art and culture news text, example of economic news text, example of educational news text, example of news text in newspaper, football news text example, example of analytical exposition text and its structure, example of analytical exposition text about health, sample procedure text for making cake, and example of procedure text how to do something. Hopefully helpful, and thank you.

*Excerpted from page with changes as necessary.

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