20 Example Sentences Using Foreign Affixes in Indonesian
Foreign affixes are affixes which are absorptions from foreign languages such as language Arabic, Sanskrit and English. Here are some examples sentence using foreign suffixes:
- It works as journalist in the national news agency.
- College student demanded that the increase in fuel prices be reviewed.
- Development history technology information and communication starts from eraprehistoric.
- Para volunteerfrom various regions began to arrive to the disaster area.
- dan arts festival culture this year followed by a hundred artist from within and outside the country.
- savage once those people.
- work week scientific This year it was held in the city of Bandung.
- Material about roles Muslim in the era of globalization will be delivered by Mamah Dedeh.
- The demonstration became violent because of the presence provocateur.
- Looking at history, liberalism born as a form of resistance to authoritarianism.
- Communicology is science communication human.
- The demonstration this time was carried out by elements of the community pro-democracy.
- JCI is moving volatile this morning.
- It's time we don't be too permissive on the behavior of residents who often throw garbage indiscriminately.
- In the information age like now, we have to be more selective in sorting information in media social media so as not to fall prey to hoaxes.
- Not a few apps anti Virus offered for Android.
- One of the online community anti hoax in Indonesia is TurnBackHoax.
- What is the difference normalization and naturalization river?
- According to economists, Venezuela and Zimbabwe are examples of two countries that actually experienced an economic crisis after committing nationalization against foreign companies.
- Digitization has now penetrated into various fields of life such as education and banking.
Thus a brief review of the types of foreign affixes. Other articles that can be read and related to affixes include types of affixes or all kinds of affixes, types of absorption affixes, affixes and examples in sentences,examples of foreign affixes -i, -wi, -iah, examples of affixes –man, -wan, -wati, examples of absorption affixes -ism, ization, -logi, -or, examples of the suffix -is and its meaning, examples of -ization suffixes and their meanings, the meaning of absorption affixes -man, -wan, -wati, and the meaning of affixes –ism, ization, -logi, -or. Hopefully helpful, and thank you.