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Here are some examples of non-standard sentences being converted into standard sentences:

  • Invited guests are welcome to go up to the 3rd floor (non-standard sentences).
    • Invited guests are welcome to go up to the 3rd floor (standard sentence).

The sentence above is a non-standard sentence because the use of the word going up who does not effective, because the word "up" already states up.

  • Frog is an example of an amphibian animal (non-standard sentence).
    • Frogs are an example of amphibians (standard sentence).

word amphibian used is not a standard word.

  • My sister bought white shoes (non-standard sentence).
    • My sister bought white shoes (standard sentence).

wordcolored white in the sentence above the usage is not standard because white already states the color in the sentence.

  • My friend ridwan is originally from Palembang (non-standard sentence).
    • My friend ridwan, originally from Palembang (standard sentence).

This sentence is said to be non-standard because the use of punctuation marks that are not appropriate or inappropriate in the sentence.

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  • Next Sunday we will go to Bandung (non-standard sentence).
    • Next Sunday we will go to Bandung (standard sentence).

In this sentence, the word bandung which states the place in the first sentence should be written in capital letters. Therefore, the sentence is declared not a standard sentence.

  • They look at each other with serious eyes (non-standard sentences).
    • They stare at each other seriously (standard sentence).

Sentences that say look eye to eye, is said to be non-standard because it is seen, of course, that it is face-to-face so that the use of the word does not match the structure or rules in standard sentences.

  • Kevin Rudi and Irwan have come since this afternoon (the sentence no raw).
    • Kevin, Rudi, and Irwan have come since this afternoon (standard sentence).

Just like the previous sentence, this sentence also states the use of punctuation marks that do not match or do not match the rules in the writing rules sentence raw.

Similarly, some examples of non-standard sentences are converted into standard sentences in language Indonesia. May be useful.

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