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Phrases or idiom is word-a word in a sentence that has a different meaning from what it actually is. there are many expressions that we often use in conversation, such as golden child, light hand, big head, nerd, fighting sheep and so on. In example sentence this time, we specifically give examples of right-handed expressions. At a glance, the right hand is our hand whose position is on the right, but inside sentence t expressionright dream have different meanings, namely confidant or trustworthy person.

The following is an example of a right hand expression in language Indonesia :

  1. Eli is a disciplined and firm employee, so from That's why the company leadership chose Eli to be right handhis.
  2. Pak Karim has devoted his life for decades as a right hand his employer.
  3. Although he is not a permanent employee and does not have a position, he is a right hand Mr Governor.
  4. Mrs. Ani was chosen by the mayor to be right handin the field of urban planning.
  5. Many staff are competing for trust as tright dream director.
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  7. He passed the selection, because of the dowry given to right hand Headmaster.
  8. Long time no hear the news, it turns out that now he has become right hand Mr Minister.
  9. Some people who are right hand The drug boss was arrested by the police.
  10. In taking care of family finances, Mother is right hand Father.
  11. All problems in his business, solved by right handhis.

Those are some examples of right-handed sentences in English: Indonesia. Other articles related to the above discussion are example of a light-hearted expression, examples of proverbs and expressions and their meanings, meaning of words, meanings of terms and expressions, example sentence, examples of expressions and their meanings, examples of idioms and their explanations, straightforward phrases and idiomatic phrases, examples of idiomatic sentences and their meanings, examples of full idioms in sentences, examples of idioms, proverbs and proverbs, idiomatic meaning and examples, types of idioms in Indonesian, idiomatic phrases and examples. May be useful. Thank you.

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