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Previously, we have known some example of educational slogan. As the name suggests, educational slogans are slogans used for educational purposes. This time, we will know some examples of slogans with other themes. The theme is cleanliness. This theme itself has been used in several articles ago, such as example of a short speech about cleanliness,The following is an example of a compliment sentence about cleanliness:, and articles sample dialogue of 2 people about cleanliness. And as the name implies, the slogan for cleanliness is a slogan used to convey message about the importance of maintaining cleanliness, whether it's personal hygiene or the environment.

The following are examples of hygiene-themed slogans:

  1. Keep it clean as you take care of me!
  2. Cleanliness is part of faith.
  3. Clean is beautiful, clean is a godsend.
  4. A clean environment, will make us not uncomfortable.
  5. Clean environment for a clearer life.
  6. Manage trash, manage waste, the environment is beautiful again.
  7. Disposing of trash in its place is obligatory.
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  9. If you litter, your house will be flooded.
  10. The environment is clean, the mind is clear.
  11. Uncomplicated clean environment.
  12. Diligent base smart, clean base healthy.
  13. Behind a healthy body, there is a clean environment.
  14. Anti-embarrassment when the environment is clean.
  15. Keep clean, save life.
  16. Clean body, clean soul, that's the best human being.
  17. Dirt is a delayed clean.
  18. The best daughter-in-law is the one who likes to clean her own room.
  19. Clean the environment before the environment cleans itself of germs like you.
  20. Cleanse yourself before you are cleansed from this earth.
  21. Smart people keep clean.
  22. One litter that is thrown carelessly, will result in an inevitable disaster.
  23. Save the earth by keeping it clean.
  24. Clean yourself, body, and environment, so that you become the best human being.
  25. Complete half of your faith by keeping clean.
  26. Clean must, dirty don't.
  27. Let's clean up so that our environment becomes clearer and cleaner.
  28. Clean up your world by cleaning your bed first.
  29. You don't get dirty, heavy. You will not be strong. Better to just be clean.
  30. Dare to be dirty is good, dare to clean is much better.
  31. Keep your surroundings clean as you take care of your property.
  32. Complete half of your faith by keeping clean.
  33. Cleanse your heart; clean up your environment.
  34. For the sake of true happiness, we keep this environment clean.
  35. Keep our environment clean from environmental and community waste.
  36. Let's return our trash to its proper place.
  37. One trash that you throw carelessly, will cause a thousand and one kinds of disasters.
  38. One piece of trash that you throw in its place, will save the entire universe.
  39. Take care of your heart, take care of your mind, and keep the environment clean.
  40. Cleanliness for our common good.
  41. Cleanliness for the welfare of mankind.
  42. Because cleanliness is the basis of comfort.

The examples above are just a few of the examples of hygiene slogans in language Indonesia. Readers can create and develop their own examples of slogans on the theme of cleanliness. With the display of some of the examples above, the discussion in this article ends here.

Hopefully it will be useful and able to add insight to all readers, whether it's about the slogan in particular, or the language Indonesia in general. Please forgive if there are errors contained in this article.

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