17 Correct Capitalization According to EYD

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An Indonesian writing must comply with the rules or writing rules that have been set so that the writing is worthy of publication or reading by the general public. EYD (Enhanced Spelling) is a standard that regulates all writing rules in Indonesian. A word, sentence or writing is said to be feasible if it meets the standards or is in accordance with the EYD. In the previous article we have discussed about use italics, and for this article we will discuss the correct use of capital letters.

Understanding Capital Letters

According to the Big Dictionary Language In Indonesia (KBBI), capital letters or also known as capital letters are letters that are specially sized and shaped (bigger than ordinary letters).

Capital letters are usually always placed at the beginning of the first word in a sentence. When in fact capital letters can not only be used at the beginning of the first word but also in words thereafter, but the use and writing must be in accordance with certain conditions and rules that have been set.

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Capitalization According to EYD (Improved Spelling)

The use of capital letters is not as simple as putting capital letters at the beginning of words, but the use and writing must be in accordance with Enhanced Spelling (EYD). In the book General Guidelines for Indonesian Spelling Enhanced (2001), it is explained that there are 15 rules for using and writing capital letters.

The 15 rules for using capital letters are as follows:

1. As the first letter of the first word in a sentence.


  • The sun is the brightest light on this earth.
  • Smiling is the simplest way to enjoy life.

2. As the first letter in a direct quotation sentence.


  • He scolded me saying, "Why do you have the heart to betray the trust we have given you?".
  • Suddenly the person approached me and asked, "What's your name?".

3. As the first letter for expressions/designations related to God, scriptures and pronouns to refer to God.


  • In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
  • Protect us from torment fire your hell.

4. As the first letter to name the title of honor, lineage and religion (only if followed by the name of the person intended).


  • One of the proud heroes of the Indonesian nation is Prince Diponegoro.
  • The joint prayer event was led by Ustad Jefri Al-Bukhori.

5. As the first letter of a person's designation/title, position and rank (only if followed by the person's name intended or if the person's name is replaced with the name of the institution or the name of the place where he/she domiciled).


  • The corruption case also dragged the name of the Governor of Central Java.
  • The Chancellor of the University of Indonesia was forced to be temporarily replaced by his deputy because his health condition suddenly deteriorated.

6. As the first letter of a person's name.


  • My newborn niece was named Adnan Khair Ardhani.
  • Our homeroom teacher is Siti Fahmi Septiani.

7. As an abbreviation of people's names.


  • The 6th President of Indonesia is Mr. SBY.
  • AH. Nasution is one of Indonesia's national heroes

8. As the first letter of the name of language, ethnicity, nation and religion.


  • Country Indonesia recognizes 6 religions, namely: Islam, Christianity, Catholicism, Hinduism, Buddhism and Confucianism.
  • English is an international language that can be used in all countries in the world.

9. as the first letter of the name of the day, month, year, historical event and the name of a religious holiday.


  • Every November 10th is celebrated as Heroes' Day.
  • Sisil was born on Christmas Day, December 25, so her full name includes the word Natalia.

10. As the first letter of a place name, geographical location.


  • ASEAN consists of 11 countries, all of which are located in Southeast Asia.
  • My grandmother's house is at the foot of the Brawijaya Mountains.

11. As the first letter of the name of the state, government institution, state administration and the name of official documents.


  • Guidance on writing in good and correct Indonesian can be found in the book General Guidelines for Indonesian Spelling Enhanced.
  • The new regulation is contained in the Decree of the President of the Republic of Indonesia, No. 21 of 2008.

12. As the first letter of the word repetition of an agency / agency, government agency, state administration and official document.


  • Reading the Preamble to the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia is something that must be done in activities ceremony flag.
  • Tomorrow there will be an election for the chairman of the Foundation for Economics.

13. As the first letter of the name of a book, magazine, letter news, essay title.


  • My father really likes to read Tempo magazine.
  • Almost all residents of this complex subscribe to newspapers Media Indonesia.

14. As the first letter stands for titles, ranks and greetings.


  • Bachelors in economics get an S.E degree, namely Bachelor of Economics.
  • All theses collected are checked for feasibility by the Head of Study Program (Study Program) of each department.

15. As the first letter of the word indicating kinship (whether followed by or without the name of the person intended).


  • When will you come back from his business trip?
  • Today I have to go to Pak RT's house to take care of the family card.

16. As the first letter word replace you (meaning politely).


  • Do you mind if I sit here?
  • Your presence is eagerly awaited by him.

17. As the first letter of an adverb such as, note and for example, it is preceded by a statement and followed by an explanation related to the statement.


  • Toddlers need food nutrition sufficient for growth. No shortage nor too much. Therefore, parents must be able to adjust the portion of the child's menu. For example:
    • bread: -1 medium-sized slice, rice: 2-5 tablespoons
    • carrots: 1-3 tablespoons, apples: -½ fruit
    • cheese: 2-4 tablespoons for topping/filling bread, milk: 100-120 ml
    • eggs: -1 eggs, fish: 1-1½ tablespoons
    • biscuits: 1-2 pieces, fruit juice: 100-120 ml

Note: the menu is subject to change and is adjusted to the child's needs

In some cases, capital letters are actually prohibited or not allowed to be used, including:

  1. Capital letters are not allowed to be used in names of titles, honors, ancestry or religion, not followed by the name of the person intended.
    Example: We were taught the Koran by one of the best religious teachers in this village.
  2. Capital letters are not allowed to be used in names of positions and ranks that are not followed by the name of the person in question, the agency, location or place of domicile of the person.
    Example: He became governor when he was 40 years old.
  3. Capital letters are not allowed to be used in the name of a person who functions as a type or unit of measure.
    Example: The diesel engine at the end of the hall was almost stolen by a thief.
  4. Capital letters are not allowed to be used in the names of languages, nations and tribe which is used as a derivative.
    Example: He has the task of Indonesianizing foreign terms contained in the article.
  5. Capital letters are not allowed to be used in historical events if they are not used as a name.
    Example: Continued misunderstandings can lead to world wars.

Other Language Articles

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  • use of question marks and exclamation points
  • how to write footnotes
  • question word function
  • is it a function or not?
  • characteristics of standard and non-standard words
  • the characteristics of fact and opinion sentences
  • passive voice features
  • types of active sentences 
  • types of words
  • example of pronoun
  • irony figure of speech
  • example sentences of synonyms and antonyms
  • example of metonymic figure of speech
  • example of interrogative sentence

Thus the discussion about the correct use of capital letters according to EYD (Improved Spelling). Hopefully this article is useful.

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