Writing in Language Indonesia cannot be separated from the terms of words, clauses, phrases and sentences. Of the four terms, the word is the smallest form. Words have various types. There are 28 types of words of them types of repeat words, types of verbs, and types of adjectives has been discussed in the previous article. This discussion will describe the meaning and function of the particle kah lah tah even and examples in sentences.


In KBBI, a particle is defined as a very small element of an object. in science language, particles are also called task words, which are defined as generally non-derivable words. Particles are also defined as words that contain grammatical meanings and do not contain lexical meanings. It is said to have a grammatical meaning because of the use of the word particle in sentence can have different meanings, according to the context of the sentence. However, it does not have a fixed meaning (lexical meaning). A more complete explanation can be seen in examples of grammatical and lexical sentences.

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Particles or task words are grouped into 5, including:

  1. prepositions or prepositions, for example from, at, to. Explanation types of prepositions can be read in the previous article.
  2. conjunction or conjunctions, for example and, or, and.
  3. interjection or exclamation, for example oh, ouch, wow. (Read:exclamatory sentence example).
  4. articles or articles, for example si, sang, people.
  5. affirmation, for example ah, lah, tah, even.

Of the five categories of particles above, this article will discuss the function of the particle kah lah tah even and the use of examples in sentences.

-Kah Particle Function and Examples

Affirmative word -kah usually found in interrogative sentences. Its functions are:

1. Converting Declarative Sentences To Interrogative Sentences

Declarative sentences are sentences that aim to convey information without needing an answer. Declarative sentences can be active voice and passive voice depending on the predicate. Examples of declarative sentences can be read in the previous article. Declarative sentences can be changed into interrogative sentences as in the article example of interrogative sentence. The trick is to add the affirmative -kah in the declarative sentence.


  • The woman that Budi was looking for all this time (declarative sentence) – this sentence can be changed to: Was that the woman that Budi was looking for all this time? (interrogative sentence)
  • Ardi owns most of the land in Subur Village (declarative sentence) – this sentence can be changed to: Ardi is the owner of most of the land in Village Fertile? (interrogative sentence)
  • He's the only person who survived the accident in a row (declarative sentence) – this sentence can be changed to: Is he the only person who survived the accident? (interrogative sentence)

2. Making Interrogative Sentences More Standard

Interrogative sentences usually begin with question words such as what, how, why, when, where and who. When the word is followed by a particle -kah, then this interrogative sentence is felt to be more standard or more refined. Standard sentences are formed from standard word order as well. To distinguish which words raw and not standard, can be seen in the article characteristics of standard and non-standard words. Example:

  • who the owner of this house?
  • is Is it true that he was the one Budi was looking for?
  • where what is the address now?

3. Emphasizing Interrogative Sentences

Interrogative sentences also do not need to start with a question word. Sentences like this can be emphasized by adding the particle -kah. Example:

  • Are you still Budi remembers us?
  • Is it true what did he say?
  • Can you help me?

-Lah Particle Function and Examples

Particle or task word -lah usually found in type of sentence declarative / statement and types of command sentences.

1. Refining Command Tone in Imperative Sentences

By adding the word task -lah, the command sentence becomes more subtle and polite. Example:

  • try turn the lever to the right, there might be a change
  • Hold on tight to your faith
  • Get started do your job, don't delay

2. Giving Assertiveness in Declarative Sentences

Particle feeding -lah in a declarative sentence will make the statement seem more certain or firm. Example:

  • Don't waste your youth, regret it who will be waiting for you
  • Calm down your mind is here
  • don't be a crybaby

3. Giving Firmness in Pronouns

The word task - is to put emphasis on the sentence that begins with a pronoun. Examples of pronouns which is often used like him, you, yourself, him and so on. For example in a sentence:

  • It is you the only one who can understand me
  • he is who should be responsible for all this mess
  • I am guilty

-Tah Particle Function and Examples

Task word -tah now rarely used. Usually found in literature old literature and exist in interrogative sentences. Use of the word task -tah make interrogative sentences rhetorical. In fact, it's as if you're just asking yourself and don't need an answer. Examples of its use in sentences:

  1. whatever what is me without you beside me?
  2. whatever the importance of me in this world?
  3. Manatah the pleasures of life that you promised first?
  4. Who's that me without you?
  5. whatever What's the point of your life if you don't pray?
  6. whatever what do you need to cry about?
  7. Manatah the domestic happiness you used to herald?

-Particle Particle Functions and Examples

Particle -even usually in declarative sentences or statements. In a declarative sentence, the particle -even has the following functions:

1. Affirming the meaning of the word that accompanies it

Particle even used to emphasize the word that accompanies it, usually a word change or thing. Unlike other particles, in this function the writing is also separated from the word that goes with it. Example:

  • We immediately followed Budi to the park
  • He also works day and night to fulfill his wife's demands
  • I ran as fast as I could, like being chased by the devil
  • Cats need food too, so do I.

2. Give the meaning of resistance to something.

Particle even used in sentences that have the meaning of resistance. For example in a sentence:

  • He asked for the moon I will give
  • Mountain climbing fire I will do it too
  • Until death I don't want to see it again

3. Providing Incoative Aspects

The incoative aspect according to linguistics shows the act of starting something. The incoative aspect is obtained by adding particles even then accompanied by a word accompanied by a particle -lah. Example:

  • Not long, raincome down too with a rush
  • Budi even lay down on that green grass field
  • After Adi left his house, Arni even start cry

Other language articles

  • kinds of suffixes
  • types of adverbs
  • kinds of prefixes
  • the characteristics of fact and opinion sentences
  • examples of denotative and connotative sentences

Thus the description of the function of the particle kah lah tah even and an example in a sentence. May be useful. Also read other articles in lecturerlanguage.com