Essay is one of types of semi-scientific essays in the Indonesian language. In addition, the essay also belongs to one of the jtypes of non-fiction prose and also new kinds of prose. The discussion about the essay itself has been carried out in several articles ago, starting from types of essays, good essay structure, until how to make a correct essay.

Especially for this article, we will find out what an example of an essay itself looks like. An example of an essay featured in this article is one of the following: from essay form, namely: literary essay. As the name suggests, a literary essay is an essay that contains a theme about literature. Usually, these essays are written by literary activists, whether they are literary academics, literary critics, or writers themselves. An example of a literary essay is as follows!

Students and Literature*
By: Bandung Mawardi

Gus Dur once wrote a short essay entitled "Pesantren in Indonesian Literature", published in Compass 26 November 1973 issue. Gus Dur had difficulty submitting literary texts

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modern in Indonesia which tells about life in pesantren. The character of the kiyai and santri is still rarely worked out as a slick story by the authors. Gus Dur can only confirm that the author of the "Islamic school" of the pesantren is Djamil Suherman. Gus Dur had proposed a name, but did not give an explanation or appreciation of the texts and works by Djamil Suherman. In the first paragraph, Gus Dur writes: "As an object of literature, it can be said that pesantren has not received attention." from the writers think, even though there are so many of them who have experienced the life of a boarding school. Only Djamil Suherman has ever worked in this field, in a series of story short in the fifties and sixties.

Gus Dur had no intention of displaying the writing after decades had passed. the essay seemed to be left without a sequel. Sentence-sentence it was written by Gus Dur long before the appearance of the novel Woman with a Turban (2001), and Geni Jora (2004) by Abidah el Khaleqy. Gus Dur doesn't need to talk about novels either Land of 5 Towers (2009) directed by Ahmad Fuadi. Because, on the first page of the novel, Ahmad Fuadi has given an impression of Islamic boarding school: “This novel is inspired by the author's experience of enjoying an enlightening education at the Fontor Islamic Boarding School. All the main characters are inspired by real characters, some are a mix of real characters.” The novel was a bestseller in the market. The students are tempted to read and do the seeding process proses identity with the flow of pesantren literature. Era already changed. Old sentences from Gus Dur can be "refuted" by adding information or submitting further ideas.


This is an example of a literary essay in English Indonesia. Hopefully useful and able to add insight for all readers, both about essays in particular, and language Indonesia in general. Please also forgive if there are errors in this article.

If the reader wants to add reference about semi-scientific essays and prose, the reader can open the following articles, namely: example of short editorial, example of a textbook review, example of short story book review, examples of short stories and their structures, example of a translated novel, movie synopsis example, as well as sample synopsis of a collection of poetry.

Thank you and thank you.

*Quoted from the December 2015 issue of the literary magazine Horison (with slight changes). This example is only half or a small part of the original text.