
Sentence Mixed compound is one type of compound sentence that contains equivalent and multilevel compound sentences at the same time in one sentence. The following is an example of a mixed compound sentence along with the SPOK pattern of the sentence:

  • Headmastercancelofficial travelandteacherdismissstudentsbecauseschoolon fire.

S P O konj S P O konj S P

  • motherfarmingin the gardenandbrotherreadnovelin the roomwhenfatherbringgrandmotherto the house.

S P K konj S P O K konj S P O K

  • Fishermenexperiencelossbecausegovernmentraisefuel priceandweather badin progress.

S P O konj S P O konj S P

  • Meexperiencedropoutbecausefatheralready deadandmothersickat home.

S P O konj S P konj S P K

  • Whenthat earthquakein progress, Itaking a bathandfatherhaving breakfast.

konj S P S P konj S P

  • Ialready finishedall homeworkwhenfatherreturnfrom officeandmotherwake up.

S P O konj S P K konj S P

  • IwaitDita is coming, whileRanikeep persuadingDitaalthoughDitadecidingfriendship .

S P O konj S P O konj S P O

  • iffatherready to forgivebrother, motherdefinitely won't hurtandsisterwon't gofrom home.
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konj S P O S P konj S P K

Those are some examples of mixed compound sentences along with SPOK. May be useful.