3 Examples of Argumentative Writing on the Environment

Example of an Argument About the EnvironmentArgument essay An essay that contains opinions about an idea and aims to influence the reader. Through this argumentative essay, the writer hopes that the reader will have the same mindset as the writer. In general, the pattern of argumentative essays is cause and effect or causes. To further increase understanding of argumentative essays, here are some examples of argumentative essays. In particular, the following essay is an argumentative essay about the environment.

1. Recycling Millions of Benefits

Today many activists are starting to promote recycling activities. This recycling activity begins by separating the types of waste. Recycling itself is the process of processing used materials into new materials or materials that can still be used. The recycling process has many benefits for society and the environment. Here are some of the benefits that can be generated from recycling process.

Recycling saves energy. Through the recycling process, the raw materials used for production are recycled products. Though usually the materials used are

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ingredient new standard. If you use new raw materials, the energy used in the production process will be higher. It's different if you use recycled raw materials. The energy required to produce and transport raw materials will be less.

The second benefit of recycling is reducing pollution. This benefit is obtained from the least amount of energy used for industrial production. If the energy used is getting smaller, the greenhouse gas emissions produced will also be smaller. This will greatly affect the prevention of global warming.

Recycling is useful in saving natural resources. Have you ever imagined that the paper used today is mostly recycled waste paper? If more used paper is recycled into new, usable paper, there will be fewer trees to cut down. As we know that every time there is a new paper production, it means that millions of trees are cut down. By means of this recycling, natural resources can be better maintained and conserved.

Recycling has economic benefits. This relates to the costs used in the production process. The production process with new raw materials requires large costs. This cost includes the cost of acquiring materials raw, transportation of raw materials, processing to the manufacturing process. The recycling process will save a lot of money.

Recycling can be applied to a wide variety of materials. Therefore, cultivating the activity of recycling materials that can still be used will provide many benefits for the environment.

2. Global Warming Threat

Global warming is a hot issue in almost all parts of the world. Every country is trying to find alternative solutions to reduce the increase in global warming. Global warming occurs due to several factors of human error.

The greenhouse effect has a major role in global warming. Phenomenon this is the term for the process of the atmosphere warming the planet. The heat collected from the earth is trapped by gases in the atmosphere. This causes the heat to be reflected back to the earth's surface, not transmitted to outer space. Excessive greenhouse effect will disturb the climate.

Another biggest factor is motor vehicle pollution. Motor vehicles are mostly gasoline-fueled. This results in the presence of exhaust gas in the form of excessive carbon dioxide gas. This gas is very instrumental in trapping heat that should be out of space. The more carbon dioxide gas there is on earth, the more threatening global warming will be.

Global warming is also happening because of one mistake style life, which is a waste of electricity. Saving electrical energy is not only intended to save costs, but also to prevent global warming. The link between electricity and global warming is the use of fossil fuels to generate electricity. Coal is the largest source of electricity in the world. However, the dust and pollution caused by coal is very large. This is because only a third of the coal used can produce energy.

Reducing global warming must be the shared responsibility of all the people of the earth. Therefore, it would be better if everyone on earth thought of and applied alternative solutions in reducing global warming.

3. Green open space

Green open space (RTH) is the dream of most people from every region. RTH itself is an area or area whose use is open and contains many plants, either naturally or managed by certain parties. The community will be more helped by the existence of green open space in each area.

The first factor of green open space being the community's dream is as a place for friendship and recreation. With the existence of green open space in each area, the community has a special area to be able to play and breathe fresh air outside the home. Through this area, every community can stay in touch with each other.

Green open space also functions as an ecological area or as the "lungs" of the city. Various plants and green plants will increasingly add oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide levels. That way a cool and shady atmosphere will be felt in this area. The absorption of carbon dioxide gas through various green plants in this area can reduce the impact of global warming.

Not only as a place of entertainment, but green open space also plays a role in the educational function. This area can be used as a space for animals and plants. RTH can also be used to teach social values ​​in society and in preserving the environment.

When viewed from its function on the environment, green open space has a large enough role. Green open space functions as a water catchment area, capturing and storing water. The existence of a green open space area can also maintain the balance of the soil so as to ensure soil fertility.

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This is a discussion of examples of argumentative essays with various environmental topics. Hopefully the examples of essays given on this occasion will further add to your understanding of argumentative essays. To test your understanding, please practice writing an argumentative essay based on your ideas. Look forward to the article languageIndonesia with other topics of discussion. Thank you.