55 Types of Absorbed Words and Examples in Indonesian

The types of loanwords and their examples are the topic of discussion on this occasion. After study types of pronouns, types of adjectives, types of repeat words, types of prepositions, and types of verbs, this topic will be additional reference learn all of you.

Indonesian does not only include native words but also includes borrowed words from foreign languages. This makes the Indonesian language dynamic and growing in his vocabulary. Without further ado, here is a description of the types of loanwords and examples.

Definition of the word absorption

Absorption words are words that are the result of integration from other languages ​​(usually foreign languages) into Indonesian. Words that are included in loanwords are usually already used by the general public. Therefore, the spelling, writing, and speech are adapted to the pronunciation of the Indonesian people. Indirectly, this loan word provides knowledge to the public about foreign languages.

Why do you have to absorb from a foreign language? Does Indonesian lack words? The answer is of course “No”. Precisely with this loan word, nation

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Indonesia richer in language. Indonesian vocabulary is increasingly diverse and also growing. The existence of loanwords can occur because of the following:

  • more suitable to be used in the sense of its connotation
  • The loanword is more international in character
  • because the original word from a foreign word is easier to use than the translation

Types of Absorbed Words

Various loanwords can be grouped according to two categories. The categories are grouping based on the language of origin and grouping based on the integration process.

Absorbed Words Based on Origin

Foreign languages ​​are not the only source of language for loanwords. Absorption words can also be obtained from regional languages. Here's the explanation.

1. Absorbed Words from Regional Languages

Several words from various regions in Indonesia are also the original language for loanwords. The regional languages ​​include: language Javanese, Sundanese, Jakarta dialect, Minangkabau language. The following are examples of loanwords from local languages.

Javanese language Sundanese language Typical Jakarta dialect Minangkabau language
Powerful: Magic Pain: Pain Sloppy: Not careful Ignore: Care
Rare: Rare Mending: Not bad Flirty: Stylish Persistent: Tough
Innocent: Plain Fever: Pain Cute: Enchanting Long-winded: To wander

2. Absorbed Words from Foreign Languages

Many loanwords come from several foreign languages, including English, Arabic, Portuguese, Chinese, Dutch. Here are some examples of loanwords from each foreign language:

English Arabic Portuguese Chinese language Dutch language
Actor Century Fleet clogs Amateur
Business Almanac Executioner Noodle Certificate
Details Baligh Bench Bakwan Bombardment
Export Science Dice Cup Chocolate
Innovation Pronunciation Dance Ginseng Diet

Absorption Words Based on the Process

The second group of loanwords is based on the process of entering the foreign language into Indonesian. There are four ways to absorb foreign languages ​​into Indonesian, namely adoption, adaptation, translation, and creation.

1. Adoption

The adoption process is the process of absorbing a foreign language into Indonesian by taking all the words. The foreign language taken is a word that has the same meaning. The loan word with the adoption process does not change the pronunciation and spelling from a foreign language to Indonesian. Examples of absorption words with the adoption process include supermarkets (fromword supermarket), formal (also from the word formal), editor (from the same word, namely editor).

2. Adaptation

Absorbed words through an adaptation process are adapted to Indonesian pronunciation and spelling. The meaning of this loanword has the same meaning as the previous word. Examples are maximum (from the word maximal), organization (from the word organization), intellectual (intellectual). There are several rules used in the adaptation process, including:

  • Aa → a, for example octaaf → octave
  • Ae → ae, for example aerodynamics → aerodynamics
  • Ae → e if it varies with e, for example hemoglobin → hemoglobin
  • Ai → ai, for example trailer → trailer
  • Au → au, for example audiogram → audiogram
  • C → k if in front of a, u, o, and a consonant, for example cubic → cubic
  • C → s if in front of e, i, y, for example central → central
  • Cc → k if in front of u, o, and consonants, for example accomodation → accommodation
  • Cc → ks if in front of e and i, for example accent → accent
  • ea → ea, for example idealist → idealist

3. Translate

The translation process is carried out by taking only the meaning, while the pronunciation and spelling are changed. Examples of these loanwords include tribe spare (from the word spare part), trial (from the word try out), torment (from the word doom).

4. Creation

The way of creation is almost the same as the way of translation. The difference lies in the physical form that is not demanded the same. For example, if a foreign word is written in 2 or more words, then the loan word is allowed if it is only written in one word. An example is effective (the loan word becomes effective).

Examples of Absorption Words

As a complement to references about loan words, here are some examples of loan words:

No. Original Word Absorption Words Native Language
1. Century Century Arab
2. Algoz Executioner Portuguese
3. Pickles Pickles Persian
4. Almanac Almanac Arab
5. Ajian Spell Ancient Java
6. Angkara Wrath Ancient Java
7. Amateur Amateur Netherlands
8. athlete Athlete Netherlands
9. Actor Actor English
10. Aquarium Aquarium English
11. Allergy Allergy English
12. Ballpoint Pen English
13. Ballon Balloon English
14. Boetiek boutique Netherlands
15. Baligh Baligh Arab
16. clogs clogs China
17. Banco Bench Portuguese
18. Bolo Sponge Portuguese
19. Try Try Ancient Java
20. Chocolade Chocolate Netherlands
21. Coins Coin English
22. Community Community English
23. Copy Copy English
24. Conducive conducive English
25. Data Data English
26. Discount Discount English
27. Director director English
No. Original Word Absorption Words Native Language
28. Docent Lecturer Netherlands
29. Duraka disobedient Ancient Java
30. mature Adult Ancient Java
31. Tighten Uncle Netherlands
32. egotisch Selfish Netherlands
33. Edition Edition English
34. Embryo Embryo English
35. Essay Essay English
36. Erosion Erosion English
37. Export Export English
38. etiquette Etiquette Netherlands
39. Enzyme Enzyme English
40. Ijs Ice Netherlands
41.. Hotel Hotel Netherlands
42. Garem Salt Ancient Java
43. Science Science Arab
44. Halal Halal Arab
45. Haram Haram Arab
46. Palace Palace Persian
47. Kadai Shop Tamil
48. news News Arab
49. Lafazh Pronunciation Arab
50. Maqalatun Papers Arab
51. Rizqi Sustenance Arab
52. Petti Chest Tamil
53. metal Metal Tamil
54. Zakarotil dying Arab
55. Zhalim despot Arab

Thus an explanation of the types of loanwords and examples in Indonesian. There are still many examples of loan words that have not been written on this occasion. Hopefully this article is useful and you can use it as a learning resource.