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According to the page, an essay is defined as an essay that discusses a problem in passing and based on the author's personal point of view. The essay itself is included in new kinds of prose, other than all kinds of short stories, types of novels, types of romance, and types of drama. In addition, essays can also be categorized as one of the types of semi-scientific essays.

Like other types of prose and essays, essays also have a number of writing structures embedded in them. In the article types of essays, good essay structure in language Indonesia consists of 3 types, namely introduction, content or discussion, and conclusion or closing. At first glance, the structure of the essay is similar to the structure of a paper which is one of the types of scientific essays. However, the two have a fundamental difference, where the structure of the paper is much more complicated than the essay, because each structure in the paper is further divided into several structural parts. For example, in the preliminary structure. In the paper, the introductory structure is further divided into several more sections, such as background, problem formulation, and objectives. This is different from the essay in which the preliminary structure is not further divided into several parts.

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In order for the reader to get an idea of ​​the structure in the essay, the following explanation is presented: from 3 good essay structures in Indonesian.

1. preliminary

This structure is the first or initial structure in an essay. This structure usually contains a brief description of the theme to be discussed, as well as the background on which the theme was chosen. With this structure, the essay reader will be more aware of what theme the essay writer wants to convey in his essay, and what the background or reason for choosing the theme is.

2. Content or Discussion

This structure is the core part of the essay which contains an explanation of the themes that have been described in the previous structure. In this section, the theme of an essay is then explained in detail by using the arguments and analysis of the essayist supported by a number of data and accurate facts. In this section, the essayist will convey his opinion or views on the theme he has chosen clearly and convincingly.

3. Conclusion or Closing

This structure is the last structure in an essay. This structure contains the conclusions of the essay writer regarding the themes he has discussed from the introduction to the content section. The conclusion will be the closing or the end of an essay. In addition to containing conclusions on the themes discussed, the structure of this essay can also be filled with suggestions from the essayist to his readers regarding the themes discussed by the author. In the writing process, the conclusions contained in the structure of this essay must be written briefly, concisely, and must be in accordance with the themes discussed in the essay.

From the explanation above, it can be concluded that a good essay structure in Indonesian consists of 3 types, namely introduction, content or discussion, and conclusion or closing. The introduction is the first part of the essay that contains the theme and background for the chosen theme. Meanwhile, the content is the core part of the essay which contains a detailed discussion of the themes contained in the essay. Conclusion or closing is the final structure of an essay that contains a conclusion from the themes discussed in an essay.

This is a discussion about the structure of a good essay in English Indonesia. Hopefully useful for all readers.

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