3 Examples of 3 Verse Poems about Heroes in Indonesian

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Poetry can be written in a certain number of stanzas. Therefore, a poetry can be written in the amount of 3 stanzas only. Several poems written in 3 stanzas have previously been performed with certain themes in them. The articles that contain 3 stanza poems include: sample 3 stanza poem about mother, example of a 3 stanza poem about a friend, example of 3 stanza poem about nature, and sample 3 stanza poem about teacher. This article will also present some examples of 3 stanza poems with a certain theme, namely heroes.

For more details, here are some examples of 3 stanza poems about heroes in language Indonesia.

Example 1:

Ode to Heroes Not Recorded in the History Books

You are not recorded in the history books
As a National Hero of this country
Besides, I'm sure you don't think too much about it, do you?

In the dark night
And the silence of the land at night
you think
Fight for
Independence of this country
Even you are not shy
Working with the poor
Join the war
Caught invaders
And almost died from it
But you never give up
Continue to struggle
For this country

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Your name is not recorded in history
But God has written your name in His record
I hope everything you do for this country
Got His Reply There

Example 2:

Poems for Heroes

There's nothing we can give
Apart from the 'thank you' phrases we say
From oral with sincerity

There's nothing we can do
In addition to commemorating your services
And try with all your might
To maintain independence
And appreciate all forms of struggle
What you offer
With full sincerity
For our beloved country

There's nothing we can do other than that
Thank you we say for you
The heroes who have passed away to God
Who has given everything
For the realization of independence
this country from colonialism
Once again, we thank you
For all of you heroes

Example 3:

Poems for Indonesian Female Heroes

With all power and feeling
You have fought
Women's self-equality
Eligibility of women's education
And of course our country's independence

Now, women in our country
Starting to be seen and treated as equals with men
Now, women in our country
Can work properly
Can get a proper education
Just like Adam

Thank you Kartini
Dewi Sartika Sar
Cut Nyak Dien
And other heroines
For your struggle
Throughout your life
Rest in peace in Nature
Be grateful
all struggles
What you have done
For the Eve
And this country
Thank you, our heroines

Those are some examples of 3 stanza poems about heroes in English Indonesia. If the reader wants to see some other examples of poetry, the reader can open the following articles, namely example of short poetry, example of epigram poetry, examples of romantic poetry, hymn poetry example, example of ballad poetry, example of elegy poetry, examples of old poetry, and examples of contemporary poetry supra kata. The discussion this time is sufficient until here. Hopefully it will be useful and able to add insight to all readers, both in the realm of poetry in particular, and Indonesian in general. That is all and thank you.

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