8 Examples of Exposition Paragraphs on Entrepreneurship in Indonesian

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On the previous occasion it has been explained that what is meant by exposition paragraph paragraf is one of types of paragraphs whose contents give information to the reader so that the reader's knowledge increases. The sources for writing expository paragraphs are the results of observations, research, or experience. There are various types of expository paragraphs based on how to develop expository paragraphs, namely: paragraph classification exposition, definition exposition paragraph, illustration exposition paragraph, comparison exposition paragraph, paragraph opposition exposition, report exposition paragraph, news exposition paragraph, process exposition paragraph, and exposition paragraph analysis.

Some time ago we also knew and understood some examples of expository paragraphs such as example of a comparative exposition paragraph about agriculture, example of an exposition of the definition of education, example of an expository paragraph on the process of making tofu, example of a process exposition paragraph about drinks

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, example of a process exposition paragraph about food, example of a classification exposition paragraph about economics, and example of a classification exposition paragraph on health.

On this occasion, we will review. about some examples of expository paragraphs about entrepreneurship.

1. Example of a news exposition paragraph about entrepreneurship

The United Nations Economic and Social Commission (UN-ESCAP) assessed that the social entrepreneurship sector could be a means to build a creative and inclusive economy. The conclusion was drawn from the results of research initiated by UN-ESCAP with the British Council entitled Building a Creative and Inclusive Economy: Profile of Social Enterprises in Indonesia. In this study, the term social entrepreneurship refers to entrepreneurship that is carried out with a social mission or environmental mission and reinvests the profits of its business in a different proportion. significant for the development of these missions. The results show that there are three entrepreneurial sectors that are most in demand, namely the creative industry sector, agriculture and fisheries, and education. The results also show that social entrepreneurship offers financially self-sustaining inclusive means to support the development process in Indonesia Indonesia. Social entrepreneurship contributes to community empowerment, especially women, indigenous people, and people with disabilities. This is done through job creation and promoting efforts to develop entrepreneurial skills. Social entrepreneurship also opens up opportunities for women to become business leaders and opens up new job opportunities. (Quoted from the cnnindonesia.com page, 18 December 2018, with adjustments)

2. Example of a definition exposition paragraph about entrepreneurship

Not a few notions or definitions of entrepreneurship that have been put forward by experts. Therefore, what is meant by entrepreneurship? Epistemologically, entrepreneurship is the value needed to start a business or process of doing something new and different. Meanwhile, what is meant by entrepreneurship according to Drucker (1994) in Suryana (2006) is the ability to create something new and different. Peter Kilby defines entrepreneurship or entrepreneurship as a form of business creating value through recognition of business opportunities, management of risk taking in accordance with existing opportunities, and through Skills communication and mobilize the human, financial, and resources necessary to bring a project to success. (Quoted from Module 1 Basics of Entrepreneurial Mindset and Entrepreneurship, Open University, no year, with adjustments)

3. Example of a comparative exposition paragraph about entrepreneurship

The United States as a developed country has different characteristics culture entrepreneurship compared to the Indonesian state of which are related to power distance and individualism. Indonesian people tend to have power distance which is 78, while the people of the United States tend to have power distance the lowest is 40. This shows that in Indonesia there is inequality of power (power) between the leader and his followers. Follower obedience is often a priority for leaders. As a result, the gap between the rich and the poor is considered a natural thing. Meanwhile, the level of individualism in Indonesia is very low at 14 points, especially when compared to the United States which reached 91 points. This is an opportunity for development social entrepreneurship in Indonesia, especially through institutions such as cooperatives or self help group (non-governmental organization) that prioritizes the spirit of togetherness among members, namely joint venture capital, working together, and prospering together. (Quoted from the article entitled 6 Differences in the Characteristics of Indonesian Entrepreneurship Compared to the US, warta Ekonomi.co.id page, dated March 29, 2017 with adjustments)

4. Example of a process exposition paragraph about entrepreneurship

If an entrepreneur is faced with a problem that is difficult to deal with, if the problem is important and will not be resolved quickly and if the entrepreneur is the one who has to decide the problem, then it means he is in a solving situation situasi problem. Solutions in management must use the process of problem-solving stages.

The first stage is investigating the case. At this stage, the existing cases need to be investigated carefully based on aspects of determining the problem, aspects of identifying goals, and determining diagnoses. The second stage is to develop some creative and imaginative problem solving alternatives before making a decision. After that, the entrepreneur must conduct an evaluation to see the effectiveness of each alternative. Effectiveness can be measured by two criteria, namely how realistic the alternative is from the point of view of targets and resources organization and how well the alternative will help solve the problem. After the alternatives have been selected, the entrepreneurs create an action plan to address the needs and problems encountered when implementing the alternative. The fifth or final stage is implementing the solution plan and supervising its implementation. (Quoted from Entrepreneurship SMK/MAK Class X/10, 2012, with changes as necessary)

5. Example of a short report exposition paragraph about entrepreneurship

Cunningham's research on 178 entrepreneurs and professional managers in Singapore shows that entrepreneurial success is related to traits personality traits (49%), such as the desire to do a good job, the desire to succeed, self-motivation and positive thinking, commitment, and patient. Similar findings were also noted by other researchers. Plotkin, for example, mentions creativity and curiosity, following developments technology and can apply it productively, energy abundant, and assertive. (Quoted from Entrepreneurship SMK/MAK Class X/10, 2012)

6. Example of a classification exposition paragraph about entrepreneurship

To undergo the entrepreneurial process, it takes some capital which can be divided into four types, namely intellectual capital, social and moral capital, mental capital, and material capital.

Intellectual capital can be realized in the form of ideas as the main capital accompanied by knowledge, abilities, skills, commitment, and responsibilities as additional capital. Ideas are the main capital that will form other capital. The social and moral capital is manifested in the form of honesty and trust so that an image can be formed. In both economic and social contexts, honesty, integrity, and keeping promises are social capital that can lead to trust over time. Next, mental capital is mental readiness based on a religious foundation, manifested in the form of courage to face risks and challenges. And lastly, material capital which is capital in the form of money or goods. This capital is formed when a person has the types of capital previously mentioned. (Quoted from Module 1 Basics of Entrepreneurial Mindset and Entrepreneurship, Open University, no year, with adjustments)

7. Example of an expository paragraph about entrepreneurship

What is the difference between Entrepreneurship and Startup? The difference between the two can be seen, among others, through understanding and actors.

According to the Business Dictionary, entrepreneurship is the capacity or ability and also the willingness to develop, manage and manage a business and all the risks involved in it to create profit. Meanwhile, what is meant by startup is the initial stage of a company where a businessperson seeks funding for an idea he has, determine a business strategy, and begin to realize the ideas he has or have even started selling the products he has have.

A entrepreneur generally oriented to seek financial benefits from the business he does. He will invest his capital to get more profit. On the other hand, a startup founder is a person who starts a business or company and has an idea for the product that the company is promoting. The product promoted by a startup founder may not be available in the market or is something new. They also build business plan that unique and risky because you don't know if business plan it can bring benefits to him or not. (Quoted from ziliun.com page, undated, with adjustments as necessary)

8. Example of an illustration exposition paragraph about entrepreneurship

Various innovations and creativity in seeing opportunities are the main keys for businesses that want to survive in Bali, including the culinary industry which is competing to be a choice style live like smoothie bowls. Smoothie bowls are a high-fiber and nutrient-dense dish, made from blended fruit, sprinkled with nuts, fruit, and other toppings. The contents are dominantly sour and sweet which are served cold for people who want to enjoy a refreshing dish.

An interesting story comes from one of the businesses that pioneered the store smoothie bowls in Bali, Jakarta, and abroad, namely the Nalu Bowls. word Nalu from Nalu Bowls has meaning waves in Hawaiian, founded by I Made Busiarta in mid-2016 in Bali. Nalu Bowls were first made for people who surf in Bali, so they can be consumed before and after surfing because they contain ingredient- Healthy natural ingredients.

But over time, the Nalu Bowls business grew with a wider audience. Regarding the menu, Nalu Bowls only provides six types smoothie bowls which 80% of the ingredients are made locally. Not only that. The granola used in all Nalu Bowls menus is made by the kitchen itself, which has high quality. In Bali, the location of Nalu Boels is spread across Seminyak, Uluwatu, Canggu, and Ubud until it finally opens branch in Jakarta and started pioneering the international arena in 2018 by opening an outlet in Ibiza and Portugal. (Excerpted from the wartaekonomi.co.id page, 28 February 2019 with adjustments)

Thus a brief review of the example paragraph. exposition on entrepreneurship in language Indonesia. May be useful. Thank you.

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