40 Examples of Criticism and Praise Sentences in Indonesian

Example Sentences of Criticism and Praise in Bahasa Indonesia – After the previous article discussed about core sentence, response sentence, invitation sentence, prohibition sentence, etc., so this article will describe examples of criticism and praise sentences. Before discussing the example, it will be explained in advance about the meaning of the sentence of criticism and also the sentence of praise. Happy listening!

Understanding Sentences of Criticism and Praise

Criticism and praise are two different and opposite things. This is indicated by the definition of both based on the Big Dictionary Language Indonesia. Self-criticism in the Big Indonesian Dictionary is defined as a response to a work, opinion, etc. Criticism can be in the form of good or bad feedback. A criticism arises after going through the observation of an object. An observer is usually referred to as a critic.

In contrast to criticism, praise in the Big Indonesian Dictionary is defined as a statement or appreciation for the goodness or excellence of a particular object. In contrast to criticism which is identical to ugliness or negative things, praise is always oriented to the good that has been obtained. Praise is given to someone as a form of appreciation for the achievements obtained.

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Example Sentence Criticism and Praise

In order to better understand the material discussed this time, the following are examples of criticism and praise sentences.

  • Example Sentences of Criticism
    1. The Tom & Jerry cartoon is indeed funny, but the scenes in it actually contain things that are not good for children's development if there is no assistance from parents.
    2. Your report is very weak in evidence, complete it datathe data and use a model that can represent the existing problems.
    3. Law enforcement in this country still seems to be submissive to the government, big people who are ensnared by the law it seems that it is very difficult to process, in contrast to the small people who are very easy and fast to process the law.
    4. The responsibility of parents is not only when their children are at home, but when parents send their children to school they must also be monitored.
    5. The increase in fuel prices has triggered a decline in people's welfare, this is because the increase in fuel is directly proportional to the increase ingredient food and public transport fares.
    6. Your performance at night wasn't spectacular, you didn't use your singing technique properly, even the costume you wore didn't match the theme of the song you were singing.
    7. The unemployment is increasing day by day, work skills are sometimes lacking by job seekers because while studying there is no direct practice in the world of work. This should be the main point in improving the education system in this country.
    8. Your work is really messy and you can't see the point, study the SOP for this job so that everything looks neat and makes sense.
    9. There are still many flaws in the clothes you sew, one of which is that the stitches are not neat in some places, such as the stitches on the sleeves.
    10. Children's education is not only the responsibility of teachers in schools, parents are the first parties who must go directly and observe the development of children's education on a regular basis.
    11. The use of mobile phones at school contains more negative things, students will be busier with that cell phone and must be trying to steal the opportunity to use it during learning.
    12. The design of the bag is indeed good and unusual, but the price is very expensive and of course only for the upper class people.
    13. Today's children shouldn't be introduced to songs love adults, it would be better if the old nursery rhymes were popularized again.
    14. Films or soap operas with elements of violence and oppression are not suitable for broadcast on television because they have a major impact on the character generation successor of this nation.
    15. Celebrating birthdays in a fun way is not appropriate, it also does not teach good things to children.
    16. The cover of the book is very vulgar, although the content is quite good for youth learning.
    17. The layout of this house feels complicated and makes the atmosphere of this house uncomfortable.
    18. The flower arrangement will be even more beautiful if you add flowers of different colors.
    19. There are too many lessons given to elementary school children every day, to the point that children's bags feel heavy because of the books they carry.
    20. Your cooking is not good because the spices you put in are not enough.
  • Example Sentences of Praise
    1. Not only is your face beautiful, but your heart is also very kind. Your decision to sacrifice your future for your brothers and sisters is truly extraordinary. I hope all your sacrifices are not in vain.
    2. The police were really shrewd and deft in catching the terrorists at the Mentari hotel.
    3. You are indeed very smart, you have never once been shifted from the first rank in school.
    4. You guys are such a great match and support each other, what an inspiration to other couples.
    5. The government is right in taking steps to release foreign contracts that are very detrimental to the people.
    6. The doctor was cold-handed, every patient who came for a checkup would recover in a few days.
    7. Your painting ability is extraordinary, your imagination in painting cannot be matched. No wonder many people are willing to queue to see the results of your work.
    8. Dwiki is an expert in doing math and chemistry problems.
    9. Your performance today was truly stunning and without any gaps in error, even the jury stood up in appreciating it.
    10. Rani is a diligent child, both at school and at home.
    11. Village it is very beautiful and cool, the rice fields are still wide and there is no air pollution like in big cities.
    12. I am both happy and proud of your worldwide achievements.
    13. Jogja is a place of comfort and respect for hospitality.
    14. You are really smart, I'm glad you've been accepted at a top university.
    15. Reza Rahardian is very visible in playing any role in the film.
    16. The private school proved its quality with the success of the majority of its alumni students.
    17. This religious film is very good and deserves to be watched by all people.
    18. Yuyun's wedding attire was so beautiful and elegant, everyone was blown away by her elegance.
    19. Your house sketch is very simple but elegant and looks effective in every room.
    20. Tulus Mulia High School dancer's performance was so good that it stunned the judges and audience.

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This is a discussion of examples of criticism and praise sentences in Indonesian. Hopefully this article is easy to understand and helps all readers in learning. Thank you.