The Meaning of Suffixes with Ber- and Example Sentences

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In a sentence, of course, we often find words that use affixes. Affixes or affixes are sounds that are added to a word either at the beginning, in the middle, at the end or a combination to produce a new word that has the meaning of being connected with the word beginning. From the process of adding affixes, it will produce affixed words.

As for types of affixes if divided by position it is divided into four parts, namely prefix, insertion, suffix, and confix. In this discussion, we will discuss the types of prefix affixes, more precisely the affix ber-. We often encounter the suffix ber- sentence. Affixes have various meanings. For more details, see the discussion below.

Affix Functions

The affix to the sentence language Indonesia has a function as a form of verbs and also adjectives. The provisions are as follows:

  • If the root word contains the letter r or some basic words contain er, then the change becomes be-. Example: ber- + work = defendererja, ber- + poison = beracun, both words contain r and also er so that the affix changes the form to be.
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  • Especially for basic words, (ber- + teach = belteaching) then the be- will experience a change in form to be-bel.
  • Apart from the basic words mentioned in the first and second points, it is still read without any change in form. For example: to + lie = lie, to + turn = turn around, to + self = to stand, to run + to run = to run, to + sail = to sail and so on.

Based on the type of words that follow, the affixes can be combined into:

  1. +. affix word work. Examples: walking, playing, standing, blinking, talking.
  2. The affix with + noun. Example: cycling, umbrella, tie, glasses, shoes.
  3. Suffix with + adjective. Example: sad, happy, happy, sad.
  4. Suffix with + number word. Example: two, three, five, thousands, millions.
  5. Affix with + adverb. Example: have fun, be careful, crowd.

Based on the form of the word, affixes can be combined into:

  • Suffix with + root word. Example: united, hairy, legged, roped.
  • Affixes with + repeat words. Example: together, whispering, blinking, talking.
  • Affixes with + compound words. Example: struggle, reproduce, unite, disintegrate.
  • Affix with + phrase (group of words). Example: blue clothes, thick woods, thick eyebrows, big body, walking fast.

Meaning of Affixes

Sentences that use affixes have several meanings, including the following:

  1. Meaning to have or have. Example:
    • Almost all the girls in my village hairy curls and blondes. (has hair)
    • All Indonesian citizens chance to become President. (have a chance)
    • Alvaro doesn't stop learning every day because since he was little he aspire become a doctor so that he continues to study to achieve his goals. (has aspirations)
    • I always dream, if one day I can travel around this world. (had a dream)
  2. Meaning to use or wear. Example:
    • Our school requires all students to to wear shoes plain black. (wearing shoes)
    • In the seminar all male invitations are required dress formal. (wearing clothes)
    • Some young people who umbrella the black suit and coat looked suspicious. (using umbrella)
  3. Meaning to produce or issue. Example:
    • Chickens and ducks are examples of birds that reproduce by lay eggs. (produces eggs)
    • This year the mango tree flowering thick as well as the guava tree bear fruit heavy. (produces flowers and fruit)
    • Chicken crowing, the sun starts to rise and humans start to wake up from sleep to start his activities in the morning. (make a crowing sound)
  4. Meaning states the amount. Example:
    • In this forest there are millions types of plant and animal species. (in millions)
    • At the party Nichole, Tania and Andre sat three on the sofa enjoying the food served. (total of three)
    • Tonight thousands The stars dotted the silent sky. (in the thousands)
  5. Meaning to be or to call or to call. Example:
    • The four of them have already make friends since elementary school until now. (mentioning friends)
    • All humans on this earth should be brothers between one another. (mentioning brother)
    • From childhood to adulthood, he always asked his grandfather for advice, that's why people said it study to his grandfather. (calls teacher)
    • good Be careful with the old man, after all he is an older person than you. (be kind)
    • The long dry season this year has made the PAM water supply start reduced. (become less)
  6. Meaning to act or act as. Example:
    • The warriors have high enthusiasm for fight against the invaders, so that finally Indonesia achieve independence. (acts as a fighter)
    • After quitting his job, now he gardeni in the vacant lot behind his house. (applies as farmer)
    • Trade fruits are now their daily livelihood. (acts as a trader)
  7. It means to be in a state. Example:
    • The graduation announcement finally arrived, those 12th graders in Junior High School passed 100% and all of them happy on his graduation.
    • Diamond and Ara sad saw their mother lying weak in the hospital.
    • Spending our long vacation this time having fun enjoy the beautiful beaches on the island of Bali.
    • The family is mourning for the misfortune that befell his family members.
    • Be careful to people you don't know, don't give carelessly information.
  8. It means taking action. Example:
    • My dad started do business oyster mushroom since 1998 until now.
    • Even though he was born with flaws, he still work through her golden voice.
    • Sister and her friends are played ball on the field.
    • Do not talk too long, but straight to the topic of the problem.
  9. It means doing something for yourself. Example:
    • To straighten her hair, once a month, sister must go to the salon shave.
    • decorated or not, true beauty is not in your face, but what is in your heart.
    • He dress up like his idol artist.
    • When the earthquake happened, everyone running around out of the building to save themselves each.
  10. Declare an action that is reciprocal (reciprocal). Example:
    • On the day of Eid we stay in touch with family and relatives, shake hands and apologize.
    • In the wedding blessing, the bride and groom swearr before God.
    • At the reunion, as the opening for the two groups to sing replied.

That's a review of the meaning of the suffix ber and example sentences. May be useful.

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